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Saikyo Presents: Cardfight!! Bad-guard
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Juzumaru Tsunetsugu
Reviewed: Feb. 6, 2017
[G guardian] (Usable when both fighters' vanguards are grade 3 or greater, and the number of face up G guardians in your G zone is three or less)-Opponent Turn's Guard Step-[Choose a card with "Heal" from your hand, and discard it] Call this card to your (GC) from face down.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent's attacking units, and it gets [Power]-10000 until end of turn. If a vanguard was chosen with this effect, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.
Rating: 4.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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Winston Fairwinds |
[Juzumaru Tsunetsugu]
This G-Guard is CANCER to restanding Vanguards. (And
Sazanda). Juzumaru's cost isn't that hard, given how
Sword Boys can build up soul, so this G-Guard is
relatively easy to use. You're mostly gonna be using it
on the opposing Vanguard though, but there are some
matchups where you might rarely use it on a rearguard
that you know is gonna restand.
Run at least two, if not three. Juzumaru is simple, but
so impactful.
4/5 |