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Prehistoric Regalia, Urth -
Oct. 21, 2016
[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1) & Choose a face down card named "Prehistoric Regalia, Urth" from your G zone, and turn it face up] When this unit is placed on (VC), if you have a heart card with "Regalia" in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, put all of the cards with "Regalia" in its card name from your drop zone into your soul, and if the number of face up cards with "Regalia" in its card name in your G zone is two or more, until end of turn, this unit gets "[ACT](VC):[Soul Blast (6)] This unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.".
Rating: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Prehistoric Regalia, Urthr
Oh look, Shura Stealth Dragons aren't the only archetype
with 2 exclusive G Units anymore. When Urthr appears and
you have a Regalia heart, you Counterblast 1 and G
Persona Blast to instantly absorb all the Regalia cards
in your drop zone to the soul. Then if you have 2 or
more face-up Regalia in your G Zone, she gains a skill:
Soulblast 6 to gain +10k and a Critical.
Let's see, I'll just Perfect Guard and break for lunch,
which will often happen considering how late this unit's
skill is. This doesn't even have the excuse of trying to
speed to this thing through a G Guardian to play this:
you HAVE to Stride into Demeter before this. Slow, man.
But I guess that's not the entire point to her. You
combine this with Verthandi to make columns for your
rear-guards, or at least that's the idea, assuming they
don't fuck up your field through retire skills.
Too slow to truly make Regalia viable again.
2.5/5 |

Winston Fairwinds |
[Prehistoric Regalia, Urth]
Your opponent either has the PG for this or they die.
Pretty standard situation for a crit-bearing beatstick
with no guard-restricting effects. But that's much too
blunt of a review, so I'll elaborate a bit more. Urth
will build up soul easy due to her on-stride effect. You
can afford to guard your opponent more because a)
Regalia.dek doesn't need a lot of counterblast, and b)
you want things in the drop zone so they can be moved
into the soul. Of course, you could be a hipster and run
Quintet Walls, but you'll be more reliant on Skuld to
keep you from decking out in extended matches. That, and
the only Regalia Sentinel is a Quintet Wall. Like I said
yesterday, splashing any non-Regalia utility into the
deck could be a pain because Urth only moves Regalia
units into the soul, just to become a meaty beatstick
that'll catch their opponent with their pants down on
some occasions, and be average as hell most times cause
your opponent has the PG.
Grab your 4 Urth if you play Regalia. She's inherently
more threatening than Vanargandr, and you can't use G4
Fenrir since running Revelation units would kill your
new Regalia build.
3/5 |