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Saikyo Presents: Cardfight!! Bad-guard
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Holy Seraph, Suriel
Date Reviewed:
July 7, 2016
[G guardian] (Usable when both fighters' vanguards are grade 3 or greater, and the number of face up G guardians in your G zone if three or less)-Opponent Turn's Guard Step-[Choose a card with "Heal" from your hand, and discard it] Call this card to your (GC) from face down.
Rescue 1-[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, look at the top card of your deck, put it on the top or the bottom of your deck, choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)
Rating: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Holy Seraph, Suriel
Oh, this card. Gavrail's partner in crime. When used to defend,
Counterblast 1. You look at the top card of the deck and
either put it at the top or the bottom, and then perform
one Rescue (Heal a damage, then perform a damage check).
Meant to be used with Gavrail and/or Nurse of Broken Heart to
create the most ludicrous defense columns, because
outside of that, it's basically a chance-based 20k
shield or a bust. Initially, anyway. But Gavrail and
Nociel are still the only Angel Feather deck that seems
to matter, so what can you do.
It's pretty neat, certainly got more going for it than the other G

Winston Fairwinds |
[Holy Seraph, Suriel]
I kind of have mixed feelings about
this G-Guard. On the one hand, she doesn't gain any more
shield value, and hitting a trigger to boost your
vanguard's power is dependent on your top two cards. On
the other hand, Bushiroad may have refrained from
letting this G-Guard gain shield value because Gavrail's
gonna get 2k defense from her Gen Break 2 when you use
Suriel, and if you have Broken Hearts on the field
already, Gavrial (or Nociel) is gonna get power from
those as well. And that's not even counting if you guard
with a Grade 1 Nociel on top of that.
Well, you can Rescue a Ke'el back
to the board for an interceptor, or a Drill Motor Nurse
to nab a booster for your next turn.
This unit is more convinent than
the Fighter's Collection Angel G-Guard at times, cause
you gotta be at Limit Break for that one.