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Omniscience Dragon, Afanc -
Sep. 2, 2016
[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT](VC)[1/Turn]:[Counter Blast (1) & Choose a face down card from your G zone, and turn it face up] Choose any number of your rear-guards, and until end of turn, they get "[CONT](RC):This unit cannot be retired by card effects.", and for each rear-guard chosen with this effect, this unit gets [Power]+4000.
Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Omniscience Dragon, Afanc
Closing the week is the worst of the GRs in this set in
my mind, Afanc, but okay sorta. His skill is ACT and
costs Counterblast 1 and flips a G Unit in the G Zone
face-up. Any number of your rear-guards currently on the
board will not be retired by card effects this turn, and
then Afanc gains 4k for every card you chose to gain the
non-retire skills.
Well he isn't BAD, but the main problem is one I didn't
touch on last review: Obtirandus has no real synergy
with anything other than Darkface because of the costs
going into paralyzing and how much of it it can do.
Likewise, the only Great Nature deck that could leverage
Afanc well is Bigbelly. Something like a Tester Fox deck
and Hammsuke deck for hippies build WANTS their shit to
die to increase hand, so for obvious reasons this is not
staple. Leo-pald decks also find this largely redundant
due to how they can revive their shit. Afanc's only here
to allow things like Crayon Tiger to work better, since
dying is not a condition to draw cards in GN usually.
Not cost efficient unless the plan is to murder several
things at once in the same turn. And I severely doubt
you're going to use Afanc just for the massive VG lane,
which is even more depressing.
2.5/5 |

Winston Fairwinds |
[Omniscience Dragon, Afanc]
Sorry Kagero players. Immediately
after getting your stellar G-Guards, Great Nature gets a
first stride that makes them unusable while this Stride
is on board.
I don't like how the Stride only
give power to itself, but the balance fairy in my ear
says it shouldn't, given the utility it provides. Now,
you can draw cards with no minus to your field, which is
great when you're versus Phantom Blaster Diablo or the
looming threat of Lawless Mutant Deity, Obtirandus.
Great Nature did excel at drawing more cards than they
retired, but G-Great Nature doesn't even have to play
that balancing act anymore. You'll still want to clear
your board versus Link Joker, Brawlers, and Vanquisher
though, so Omniscience Dragon, Afanc probably won't be
utilized in those matchups.
Omniscience Dragon, Afanc isn't as
effective with older units and effects that *require*
things to actually hit the Drop Zone, like the Hamsters
and Tester legion. Bigbelly pulls his weight and more
with the new support, so as far as serious Great Nature
playing is concerned, it might be time to move on.