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Ichigo Hitofuri
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 3, 2015
[AUTO](VC/RC) Shinken Hissatsu (This ability is active if you have three or more damage):[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When this card attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, this card unit gets [Power]+4000 for each of your rear-guards with "Toushirou" in its card name until end of that battle.
Rating: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Ichigo Hitofuri
This is one of the possible aces to build the Touken
Ranbu deck around. He has the Shinken Hissatsu ability
(which is only online at 3 or more damage), but when
it's online and Ichigo attacks the Vanguard, you CB1 and
SB1 to give him 4k for every Toushirou RG until end of
the battle.
The keyword is gold because honestly, the rest of it
isn't THAT impressive. Sure early power is nice (if your
timing's down, anyway), but any of your G-Units can do
that job too. Not to mention the only Toushirou RGs you
would actually want to call to RG, Honebami and Namazuo
(since the rest are triggers and only enter play if
you're REALLY desperate) can't be searched and without
both on the board are 6k by themselves, which does
nothing for columns except Ichigo's. I mean, yeah
there's plenty of vanilla beaters here but still.
Only really good for his keyword with certain cards in
the deck. Apart from that you've got to Stride
constantly for the pressure because Ichigo's skill isn't
worth relying on.

Nanya |
Ichigo Hitofuri
Continuing on with Touken Ranbu week, we have Ichigo
Hitofuri, not related to Ichigo from Bleach, I assume.
Anyway, Ichigo here has, effectively, Limit Break 3.
CB1, SB1, on attack, this gets +4000 for each Toushirou
in your rear-guard.
...That sounds so dirty. Momo, stop corrupting me!
Effectively it maxes out at 31K before boosts and drive
Not bad, swinging for lots of power and not a lot of
substance, maybe it is Ichigo from Bleach, just with a
prettier look.
Rating: 3.5/5