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Original Deletor, Egorg -
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 17, 2015
[Stride] (Released when both players' vanguards are grade 3 or greater!)-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT](VC)[1/Turn] Generation Break 2 (This ability is active if you have two or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone):[Counter Blast (1) & Choose one of your rear-guards with "Deletor" in its card name, and retire it] If you have a heart card with "Deletor" in its card name, delete all of your opponent's vanguards, choose up to one rear-guard in your opponent's back row, lock it, your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop zone, and binds it face down (vanish delete). Then, if the number of cards in your opponent's damage zone is four or more, and the number of face down cards in your opponent's bind zone is thirteen or more, you win the game.
Rating: 3.17/5.00
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R |
Original Deletor, Egorg
Welcome everyone to finickypull.pak week. Vanguard and
Deletor has little in the ways of actually meaningful
support, so here's our best of the mediocre. Egorg here
needs a Deletor heart and needs GB2 to be active, but
when that's met, he can CB1 and retire a Deletor
rear-guard to delete the enemy Vanguard, lock a back-row
rear guard, and the opponent must then vanish delete a
card in the drop zone. Then, if the opponent's on 4
damage and you managed to vanish delete 13 cards, you
win the game.
Well, what's good about it? Big heavy hitter on a
Vanguard body that can cheaply pseudo-power up columns.
Well, that's that out the way. Let's talk about what's
wrong with him.
GB2 is a big minus, in Deletors especially. Since you
need to Stride once before and none of your Deletor aces
can delete before the Main Phase, the turn you Stride,
you miss out on a turn of Deleting, and that's bad,
considering Greion and even Okzizz would rather make the
columns. Not to mention as of typing this review
Judgment Messiah is literally the best card to Stride
into first. The only time you'd want to Stride is if
you're forced to ride into Greidoll, since his Deleting
is chance reliant and this would be the best way to
ensure you delete SOMETHING, sometime.
What about the alternate win condition? Well, sounds
nasty, but you can tell it just screams 'tacked on'. 13
cards vanish deleted is no easy feat: it requires
spamming the cards that can vanish delete and probably
riding Greion several times over just to get there. The
minuses will catch up to you eventually, if not the turn
before you use Eigorg, since odds are your guard won't
hold and you'll die. This is basically only good to
compensate for Greidoll if you cannot gather Greion in
the soul by having SOME reliable way to delete.
This basically only exists as a backup card if you find
yourself unable to CB6 over the course of a game. Then
again, Greion should have that licked, so this seems a
bit token.

Nanya |
Original Deletor, Egorg
Welcome to Vanguard and Deletor week.
What? You thought we'd get more Touken Ranbu?
Ha ha ha, no, I'm a jerk, Saikyo can choose that next
week if he wants.
So, Egorg here is a GB2 Stride, so, can't be the first
stride to work. You need a Deletor Rear guard and
a Deletor Heart to use the skill. CB1, retire one
of your rear guards and Delete your opponent's Vanguard,
lock one of the rear guards, probably the back-row
booster, since you have Deletors that lock front-row
attackers, and then Vanish Delete one card in your
opponent's drop zone.
Obviously meant to weaken Legion pretty badly, also
works for cards that need specific units in the drop
zone, such as Burnout or Granblue, to do stuff.
That's cool, it's not like it... Oh, wait...
There's more, isn't there?
If the opponent is at 4 damage and they have 13 Vanish
Deleted cards...
You win the game.
Sheesh. Let's just make Link Joker the clan of all
the Alternate Win Conditions in Vanguard, huh?
Okay, if not obvious, Vanish Delete is just a fancy way
of saying bind a card face-down in your bind zone.
Very few clans can manipulate this zone, so it's pretty
much perma-gone. I think only Narukami can
manipulate their own Bind Zone.
Now, obviously some people might say "oh, it's not going
to happen very often." to which I say "yeah, yeah it
will." Despite how it looks on paper, you need to test
stuff like this, because, well, I'm almost certain that
this is pretty consistent. If you don't think so,
you could just ask the players in my local area.
They all hate my "World End" deck. One of them has
gone so far as to say "nope, it doesn't exist".
I've traumatized the whole area with that deck, I love
Considering the new Deletors are all about Vanish
Deleting, yeah, this'll be interesting.
Guess you don't wanna run Quintent Walls anymore, huh?
But, seriously, more Alternate Win Conditions and only
Link Joker gets them? ...Should be interesting from
here on out.
Rating: 4/5

Trixie |
Original Deletor, Egorg
Banish Delete is changed to Vanish Delete. Darn you
We're starting the week off with a
bang, 2 GRs, from what is considered one of the weakest
sets for a long while, the comic booster. Egorg is a
Deletor support Stride, who are coming with their new
gimmick, vanish delete, which is just binding cards from
the opponent's drop zone face-down. Egorg here has a GB2
skill of CB1 and retire a Deletor, to delete a VG, lock
a backrow, and vanish delete a card. Then, if your
opponent has 13 vanish deleted cards, you insta-win.
I'm going to say the insta-win is
somewhat unfeasible, but is possible if pretty much all
your cards vanish delete. Overall, it's a solid card
which won't really move Deletors out of their current
status in their clan. One problem it has would be the
lack of a good first Stride, meaning the Deletors will
have a HUGE tempo loss trying to make GB2 live, as well
as the fact that the deck doesn't garner enough
defensive advantage to continually keep retiring itself
and get the full power of Delete.
I wouldn't play Deletors unless you
really want to screw GB1 decks or like em, but it's a
decent card, albeit repetitive with a lot of the
Rating: 3/5
Art: 5/5
Card Design: 3/5 It's pretty redundant