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Supreme Heavenly Battle Deity, Susanoo
Date Reviewed:
April 3, 2015
[CONT](VC) Generation Break 2 (This ability is active if you have two or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone):During your turn, if the number of cards in your hand is four or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] During your turn, when your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at two cards from the top of your deck, search for one card, put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 - Horrible 3 - Average. 5 - Awesome
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R |
Supreme Heavenly Battle Deity, Susanoo
Meet the new leader of Oracle Think Tank, Susanoo take
2. Speaking of 2, his Gen Break 2 skill is to gain 5k
and a critical during your turn, as long as you have 4
or more cards in the hand. So it's similar to Amaterasu
in that if Twin Drive takes you from 2 to 4, bam,
instant skill. And as his on-Stride skill, look at the
top 2 cards of your deck, add one of them to your hand,
and send the other to the bottom of the deck.
...Meh. That's all I can say about it. Sure, combined
with something else it can tank well enough, but I'm not
really fond of a strategy that really only tries to
stave off losing rather than be proactive and try to
win. What's more, compared to yesterday's card like
Blademaster, what sort of advantage you get from Susanoo
is entirely random, which doesn't compare to Blademaster,
which always knows what it's getting.
Susanoo's other skill is like Blademaster's with similar
support and is therefore uninteresting to talk about,
being largely pointless.
I wouldn't say he's horrible since he can tank decently
well, but he is rather boring.
3/5 |

Nanya |
Supreme Heavenly Battle Deity, Susanoo
Last card of the week is the Oracle "Break Stride" unit,
who apparently is CEO Amaterasu's little brother.
Huh, neat.
When you perform Stride with Susanoo, you can CB1 to
look at the top two cards, put one into your hand and
one on the bottom of your deck.
Oh wow, that is a VERY good option. Get a good
rear guard or a Perfect Guard and put triggers to the
bottom of the deck. That doesn't seem very good
you say? Well, when you're cycling through your
deck, eventually you're going to get to the where the
stack started and you're going to start ripping 2-3
triggers a turn off because of this.
Yes, this guy is the OTHER reason why Oracle Think Tank
and Tsukiyomi are back to being really good again.
Sure, some people might say "grind doesn't win games",
but I wonder if they ever tried this guy out.
Oh, there's a Gaining crit and power ability at GB2 if
you have four cards in hand, but that ability sucks,
let's ignore that one, tis a silly ability.
Bottom line, this is the card that Oracles have been
waiting on for a long, long time to help lead them to
Rating: 4/5 |