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Ambush Demon Stealth Dragon, Homura Raider
Date Reviewed:
July 7, 2015
Stride (Released when both players' vanguards are grade 3 or greater!)-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) & Choose a face down card named "Ambush Demonic Stealth Dragon, Homura Raider" from your G zone, and turn it face up] If the number of face up cards in your G zone is two or more, until end of turn, this unit gets drive-1, and "[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, choose one of your rear-guards. If you do, choose three of your rear-guards with the same name as that unit, and you may return them to your deck. If you return three cards, [Stand] this unit. Shuffle your deck.".
Rating: 3.25
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R |
Ambush Demon Stealth Dragon, Homura Raider
Not a time-traveler. That's a different Homura.
Second card of the week is one that should have solved
Murakumo's problem of sucking totally hard but sort
of...didn't. Skill's not on paper HORRIBLE; it's CB2, G
Persona Blast, then if you have 2 face-up G-Units in the
G-Zone, it loses a Drive Check, and after attacking the
vanguard, shuffle 3 units with the same name back into
your deck and he re-stands.
So since it's a minus from the field as opposed to the
hand, guard quality tends to be better. Unfortunately
that's basically the only thing going for Homura Raider
because there is too much that could go wrong and
prevent him from working. Shall I list them all for you?
1. Requiring 3 rear-guards of the same name means having
to keep a clone-able target on the table and then never
seeing the others all game, and because he's pretty late
in use that's time allowing for chance to screw you by
drawing into your clones or checking them as drive or
damage. I hope you like suddenly losing your clones
because what's left will get dicked over by Kagero or
2. Outside of a dedicated G-Murakumo build, gathering 3
rear-guards without running some weak and expensive
cloners is absurdly difficult. Without Yasuie, only
Stealth Fiend Lake Diver (a promo) can really aid in
this but it's ONE card. None of the other Murakumo cards
could reasonably gather the 3 you need before Stride, or
without having to spend all your CB in one turn,
including Homura Raider himself. Rune Star is now a
thing admittedly but it's REALLY slow, usually two turns
before Homura can even happen.
3. Even if you could clone the right stuff optimally,
most of the time it's going to translate into a fucking
wonky field. Selecting a G2 or G3 to clone with Yasuie
or something means a slot that needs to be filled that
isn't front row just to go off. And cloning a back row
means either putting some up front to attack for weak
columns, or hoping your field sucks so much dick (not
likely) that you can comfortably put the two boosters
Homura Raider's out of place in the clan he's in. In Neo
Nectar which has easy cloning skills and even units that
copy names he'd be amazing, but a man can dream.
2.5/5 |

Nanya |
Ambush Demon Stealth Dragon, Homura Raider
Hey! Since when are Murakumo somewhat good?!
So, for the SSS Murakumo get, they need to return three
units of the same name to the deck, shuffle the deck and
this gets to restand? ...Seems pretty good for the
It's a good thing that Murakumo don't have mid-battle
calling tricks, if they did, this would be impossible to
beat, seeing as they would be able to just call a unit
that auto clones itself to the field, then this could
send them back, restand and attack, recall those units,
and keep doing it, over and over and over again.
Um, yikes, that's just... Oww!
Still, until they get a way to make semi-permanent
clones, the deck just auto-scoops to Phantom Blaster
Rating: 4/5