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Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit -
Date Reviewed:
July 16, 2015
[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 2 (This ability is active if you have two or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone):[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] At the beginning of the guard step of the battle that this unit is attacked, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at four cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card from among them, call it to (GC) at [Rest], and shuffle your deck.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] During your turn, when your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at four cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card from among them, call it to (RC), shuffle your deck, and that unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.
Rating: 3.25
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R |
Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit
People wanted to run this with Liberators initially.
So what we have here is Gold Paladin's on-Stride. Well,
when you do, CB1 to call one of the top 4 cards of your
deck, then grant it 2k until the end of the turn. As a
GB2 ability, at the start of your guard step, you can
Counterblast 1 and Soulblast 1 to use one of the top 4
cards of your deck as a guardian.
...No, this is NOT the answer to Phantom Blaster Diablo.
Do you realize how low the odds are of getting a PG in a
big deck?
So it's entirely defensive with not much of a way to
punch back. For CB1 and SB1, best case scenario is a 10k
shield more added to the pile? Maybe a perfect guard
(normal one mind, Perfect Guard Gs won't work unless
played from the hand) if you're lucky, but for something
good only twice, three times, tops, I wanted something a
bit more offensive. It's not winning. It's just avoiding
losing until it finally gives. So it's used for the
on-Stride skill usually but lacking any way to take
advantage of its own plusses or even doing anything once
the board's set up, it's just cannon fodder.
Not a great deck. Give it a miss until next Season.
2.5/5 |

Nanya |
Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit
So, Saikyo was kind enough to point this out, but
Pellinore needs your opponent to have a grade 2 Vanguard
at least. My bad, wasn't trying to mislead anyone,
I just mis-read Pellinore.
Anyway, here's the Break-Stride of the G-Gold Paladins.
On Stride, using this as the Heart, CB1 to basically do
what Pwyll does and look at the top 3 and superior call
a unit to the rear guard circle and give it +2000 power.
Not bad, though in this case, you wouldn't want to hit
As for his GB2 skill, this one's pretty unique, and I
love it because of all the freaking Glory Clones that
are flying around these days. When being attacked,
CB1 and SB1 to look at the top four cards of your deck
and call one of them to the Guardian Circle at Rest,
then shuffle your deck.
So, basically Bushiroad gave Gold Paladin users zero
reason to run the G-era Perfect Guards and keep those
Liberators/Marks that they already had from before,
since the old Perfect Guards can work when called off
the top of the deck and G-PGs only work from the hand.
Also, any Glory clones? Forget it, you only seal
away guard from the hand, not from the deck.
Sure, you may only get a 5000 shield, no shield, or a
10000 point shield. But, sometimes you're relying
on that miracle heal to survive, G-era Golds can at
least hope for a miracle Perfect Guard to shield them.
I like this one, and that's just because of the guard
ability, nothing more.
Rating: 4/5