Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, Яogue Squad?! It's time we continued our
"Яeverse Week" with our only unit that actually isn't
part of an Invaders' Squad:
Original Saver, Zero
Power: 11000
Grade 3
Clan: Dimension Police
Race: Alien
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have
four or more damage):When a «Dimension Police» rides
this unit, choose your vanguard, and until end of turn,
that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, and
choose one of your opponent's vanguard, and until end of
turn, that unit gets [Power]-5000.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit is boosted by a «Dimension
Police», this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same
clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
...yet another Dimension Police unit that can
subtract Power from the opponent. Aside from sharing the
same name as one of the most broken characters in Marvel
vs Capcom 3, Zero is a Break Ride unit with the effect
of when it's used for the Break Ride, the new Vanguard
gains 10,000 Power while the opponent's Vanguard LOSES
5,000 Power. This makes it so that, minus a Sentinel
unit, the Vanguard is guaranteed to hit seeing how
there's going to be a 15,000 power difference from the
Break Ride alone, and it'll be still be a challenge to
guard the rear-guard attacks as that deduction makes it
all the more difficult to protect themselves from. With
that being said, this card is only good against decks
that are more reliant on offense and players that
normally force out their hands when on offense; using
this against decks that can hold a high hand size, like
Oracle Think Tank, is only a small waste of time as that
-5,000 can be easily paid for with the amount of defense
that clan and others like it can retain.
Aside from that, Zero isn't as broken as other Break
Rides, but is definitely an interesting card in itself
to use if you have the room to use it.
Rating: 2.5/5
Art: 2/5
Next Time: Here kitty kitty ki-OH GOD IT'S COMING RIGHT
Go Яogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Original Savior, Zero
Next up for this week is Dimension Police's oldest
anti-hero, Zero. He's a Break Ride that grants 10k
(standard) and then causes the opponent's Vanguard to
lose 5k until the end of the turn.
I saw this card and was largely underwhelmed when it
was revealed. I still don't think he's as good as people
think he is even now, actually. Putting it in strict
terms it basically means all RGs will swing for 5k more
while the Vanguard swings for 10k more. What we have
here is essentially Solitary Liberator Gancelot with
less choice where to distribute the power. He can at
least make one column hit for 10k more shield (which is
what you want; the Break Ride alone will make the
Vanguard hit Perfect Guard or no-guard territory anyway
so any more power is just gravy).
It gets worse. If you know who Dantarian is, you'll
realize he does Zero's job a whole lot better. 5 Soul in
the deck is easily accomplish-able and so there are
basically next to no scenarios where Dantarian will do
any worse than Zero when it comes to performing the same
gambit. And if you intend to combine it with Reverse
Daiyusha to make every column hit for more shield, keep
in mind MoFE and Dantarian together can accomplish the
same results or better (usually better because MoFE
doesn't require locking your stuff). The only difference
being MoFE has more sustainability because he costs
nothing extra.
I also wish the support which involves the Vanguard
being at a certain power was good enough reason to run
this, but they aren't. Skip out on this one since there
are units who can do his job better.