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Stealth Dragon, Dreadmaster
#BT01/069EN (C)
Date Reviewed:
May 31, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, Rogue Squad?! So for Saikyo's Least
Favorite Week, we're going to actually take a look at a
card from the first ever set. Why? Because it's was
femmes unplayable until when his clan was released in
Set 13:
Stealth Dragon, Dreadmaster
Power: 7000
Grade 1
Clan: Nubatama
Race: Shadow Dragon (one of only two in the game)
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When an attack hits
during the battle that this unit boosted a «Nubatama»,
if the number of cards in your hand is less than your
opponent's, you may pay the cost. If you do, your
opponent chooses a card from his or her hand, and
discards it.
...god this card is so good, it's not even funny.
Now, I'll acknowledge the one main drawback it has: you
need to have less cards in your hand than your opponent;
equal to or higher does nothing, but that's how Nubatama
works; they're made to make like the bass and drop the
opponent's hand, and Dreadmaster does that perfectly.
How? Simple actually: have his boosted attack be before
Drive Checks and have the attack aim for the weakest
target. Why? Because Dreadmaster doesn't have that
stupid restriction where the boosted attack has to hit
the Vanguard! As long as it hits and you have less cards
in your hand than your opponent, then you make your
opponent drop a card. Combine that with the new
binding-no-Jutsu that the ninjas picked up, and the
opponent will have a small hand size relatively early
game and can probably retain that minimal handsize for a
good amount of the game.
If you have these lying around in a tin or shoebox
and need some Grade 1's, then what are you waiting for?!
Put these in your ninja decks; they're the best Grade 1
pressure cards in the game!
Rating: 5/5
Art: 3.5/5 (it's pretty bright for a shadow dragon
Next Time: Gundams...or Dragons?
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Stealth Dragon, Dreadmaster
Oh now I just feel old. Today we have a card that was
released in the very first pack: Stealth Dragon
Dreadmaster. When he boosts an attack that hits and you
have less cards in the hand than the opponent's, you CB1
and the opponent then picks a card in their hand and
discards it.
I like this card a lot because, well, I like pressure.
If it's actually good and not restricted. Thankfully,
this thing's live from the start and thus doesn't suck.
You guard, you lose a card. Don't guard, and you lose a
card. That's how pressure works. Now you may think "so
what, I'll just toss a Grade 3 since it has no shield"
I'm afraid it isn't as simple as that. Grade 3s are the
go-to sacrifices for Perfect Guards, so Late Game,
without them, the opponent will have to throw away units
that have shield instead so really it all balances out
I like this card, particularly since the starter Kuroko
is also a thing. Nubatama are shaping up to play a good
pressure game. Now if only they got more triggers...
3/5 |