Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, Rogue Squad?! So for today's Card of the
Day in our Grade 1/7,000 week (or how Saikyo sees it,
"if it ain't shiny or Grade 3, then it's 'boring'"
week...which I'm now going to dub as Saikyo & Morikawa's
Worst Week.), we're going to take a look at a potential
staple for the Aqua Force clan:
Wheel Assault
Power: 7000
Grade 1
Clan: Aqua Force
Race: Aquaroid
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] At the end of the battle
this unit boosted, if you have an «Aqua Force» vanguard,
you may pay the cost. If you do, choose two of your
«Aqua Force» rear-guards, and exchange their positions.
(The state of the cards does not change.)
...to put simply, this is how the Storm Riders
SHOULD'VE been like. What I love about this card is the
fact that there's very little restrictions to using this
effect. Didn't attack the Vanguard? You can still use
the effect. Went after a rear-guard instead? You can
still use the effect. Misplayed on how you wanted to set
up your field? You can still use the effect to fix it
up! This card is just a perfect fit in the multi
striking style that Aqua Force are renowned for as it
gives not just your deck, but more importantly, your
play field the flexibility that was missing for so long
for Aqua Force. Don't get me wrong, Diamantes, Basil and
the other Storm Riders are still decent/good, but Wheel
Assault is just better.
Solid stats with an effect that makes your field
interchangeable definitely gets the WL Seal of Approval!
Rating: 5/5
Art: 4/5
Next Time: You think you can get away?! Get back into
your cell!
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Wheel Assault
Okay, this one's a little better. When he boosts an
attack, at the end of it you CB1 to take 2 rear-guards
and swap their places, without changing their position.
I actually only found out recently that unlike the Storm
Riders, Wheel Assault isn't restricted to an entire
column. So you could put two attackers anywhere and then
swap them for Chain attacks. Obviously this is one way
to spring Tetra Drive, or Maelstrom if you're old school
and/or unoptimal. Keep in mind though Tetra needs open
damage to use his Limit Break so Wheel Assault should be
used sparingly at the start.
At least he's 7k and doesn't suck as a booster. He's
nice as far as filler goes.