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Barcgal Liberator
# BT12/012 (RR)
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 25, 2014
text: [AUTO](RC): When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a unit named "Blaster Blade Liberator", look at up to three cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card with "Liberator" in its card name, call it to (RC) as [Rest], and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Rating: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! Sorry about not doing a review
yesterday; I was just coming back from a vacation in
Arkansas and never had the chance to do Friday or
yesterday's cards, so how about we take a look at what
we have today...
Barcgal Liberator
Power: 7000
Grade 1
Clan: Gold Paladin
Race: High Beast
[AUTO](RC): When an attack hits a vanguard during the
battle that this unit boosted a unit named "Blaster
Blade Liberator", look at up to three cards from the top
of your deck, search for up to one card with "Liberator"
in its card name, call it to (RC) as [Rest], and put the
rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.
...I really can't say much about this card. Barcgal
grew up by being a Grade 1 with 7,000 Power, but it'll
only use it's effect when it's with Blaster Blade
Liberator. Granted, their combined power is 16,000 as
it's good against anything that's at 11,000, but once a
player is at Crossride, it makes this card less
sufficient. Even then, if the boosted attack somehow
does hit, then the effect would still be mediocre at
best. You look at the top 3 cards (which is actually not
bad) to call a Liberator from those 3 in Rest...in
Rest...really??? So basically, even if you do pull off
the effect, the new card can't do anything once it
touches the field, so it's kind of pointless.
Overall, there's a reason why Barcgal is one of the
cheapest RR's in the new set.
Rating: 2/5
Artwork: 3/5
Next time: We're reviewing a Stand Trigger???
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Barcgal Liberator
The second card in my
Shameless Week of Self-Promotion is a card that I don't
actually see ANYONE use despite my protests, Barcgal
Liberator. This is the reason Blaster Blade Liberator
should be in the Liberator deck, and not just because
retiring things is good. When he boosts BBL and the
attack hits, one of the top 3 cards of your deck is
called at rest to an open RG circle. Now you see. If I
want to top-deck, I want at least some degree of control
over what I get, like this. Add onto the fact that he's
a 7k booster, which is pretty decent, and there's really
not much of an excuse NOT to use him.
I find that the nicest way
to use Barcgal is in a Liberator deck designed for
pressure. Barcgal and BBL in one column, something
on-hit like Escrad in the other, and your Vanguard.
Immediately, you make the opponent decide whether they
want to let through the more expensive and chance-y
column, or the more reliable, but less pressure-inducing
column. Certainly beats boring vanilla play, in my mind,
so why wouldn't you?
He's a nice pressure unit,
and not a bad booster either. Not much reason not to run
considering in his own deck he should fill every open
booster slot possible.