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Super Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 17, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What's up, you guys?! So I kinda goofed in thinking
that Mystical Magus came out this month when it's really
next month, so in celebration of the new Dimension
Police trial deck that has come out this past week along
with my idiocy, I've decided that we take a look at some
of the exclusive cards that are in the trial deck, and
what better card than the headlining card itself?
Super Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser
Power: 11000
Grade 3
Clan: Dimension Police
Race: Battleroid
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have
four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1)] When a
«Dimension Police» rides this unit, you may pay the
cost. If you do, choose your vanguard, and until end of
turn, that unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1, and
"[AUTO](VC):When this unit's drive check reveals a grade
3 «Dimension Police», choose one of your opponent's
guardians, retire it, and that unit's effects with
"cannot be hit" is nullified.".
[AUTO](VC):When this unit is boosted by a «Dimension
Police», this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same
clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
...Daikaiser is definitely one of the more
intimidating Break Rides that have been announced
recently and for good reason. A solid 11,000 Power with
the ability to become 13,000 when booster. However,
unless you're basing your ace around something
non...robotic...you're more than likely going to be
using Dimensional Robos as boosters for Daikaiser, and
while hitting 20,000 is nice, that extra 1,000 Power can
really mean victory or defeat, so that's rather
unfortunate. The real threat is where the Break Ride
comes into effect. At the cost of a Counterblast, your
new Vanguard gains 10,000 Power (Average effect), an
extra Critical (A nice touch), and the ability to
destroy Guardians...WHAT?! Now, there is a catch to
doing this: you need to Drive Check a Grade 3 unit, but
the potential to only destroy a Guardian but to also
completely negate any effect from a Perfect Guard
Sentinel is insane especially seeing how Daikaiser is,
literally, the only unit in the game that can destroy a
Guardian! Now personally, I believe that this effect is
only hype as while it's nice to destroy Guardians, a
more seasoned player would be expecting Daikaiser's
Break Ride and would be hoarding their Sentinels for the
Break Ride, so they can just play them by the pairs, so
that way, the only way that it would hit is to Drive
Check 2 consecutive Grade 3's, which is improbable in
its own mark.
Daikaiser is still an intimidating figure on the
field, but if prepared for the Break Ride, you should be
Rating: 3.5/5
Art: 4/5 (It definitely screams out.
Next Time: This robo is probably going to kick your
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

R |
Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser
Welp, last week turned out
to be rather interesting. And no, I didn't call it that
name because of what you think. I'm from England, after
all. I'll leave it up to you as to why.
We now return to our
regularly scheduled program with this week being Mr
Robotto Week. First up is the Break Ride for Dimensional
Robos, Daikaiser. 10k when you ride a new unit,
standard. Unique features? For CB1, he gains a Critical,
and for that turn, if you Drive Check a Grade 3 on
attack, you can kill an opponent's guardian, and if said
guardian can nullify an attack, that skill is negated.
I wanted to hate this
thing. At first, you may think he's crap because he has
so many flaws at first glance: He's gaining Critical at
the worst possible time, most of his check targets will
be gone from the deck come Late Game, and you have to
wait FOREVER to use him. And he does suck. In a normal
deck with normal Grade ratios. He's just an optional
extra in case you hate 13k and want to milk Great
Daiyusha some other way apart from play the vanilla
That is, until one clever
sod in Japan played this guy in a deck called "Crazy
Diamond". What it did was run a ton of Grade 3s so that
Daikaiser had a better chance to insta-kill on the spot,
riding something that gained ANOTHER Critical such as
Daiyusha, to accomplish the deadliest Revenge Kill in
the game. To make up for bad rides, he secured himself
using the Enigman Ride chain, which searched for the
pieces he needs.
This thing is the nuts in
Crazy Diamond. If you run like 13 Grade 3s in there like
that guy did, half the time it's gg on the spot if you
check a Grade 3. It's like Dragonic Descendant with 12
Critical; you COULD Perfect Guard and hope to God he
doesn't hit it, but it's not really a good choice
despite the fact it's the best you've got. Same with
Descendant; taking the first attack isn't the BEST plan,
but it's all you can do.
If they normal guard it,
obviously you retire whatever has the highest shield. So
if they 2 to pass you with a 10k shield included and you
hit a Grade 3, they die. So they have to guard in 5k
shield increments to minimise the damage. Which in Late
Game is pretty bloody impossible. So they overguard (and
it has to be 40k total to insure against EVERYTHING) and
you win out, or they -2 in vain with a PG and it's game
on the spot.
Crazy Diamond is pretty
much a less-consistent (but still ass-destroyingly
scary) Dragonic Descendant. If you want a budget
destroyer, Crazy Diamond's a good choice. Just don't use
Daikaiser anywhere else or you will scrub out.

Shoujax |
Joshua |