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Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Ana
#BT12/093EN (C)
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 13, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! For today's "Spring Break/Exam
Week", we're actually looking at a Grade 1 common unlike
our sort of usual trend of holos or Grade 3, so sorry to
all of the Morikawa lovers in expecting more Grade 3's,
but let's see what we have today...
Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Ana
Power: 7000
Grade 1
Clan: Pale Moon
Race: Elf
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When an attack hits a
vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a
«Pale Moon», you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up
to one card from your soul with "Silver Thorn" in its
card name, call it to (RC), and at the end of that turn,
put that unit into your soul.
...well, I'm pretty sure that Saikyo is going to say
something around the lines on how this is disappointing
or something given his track record on Pale Moon cards
(love ya, Saikyo! XP), so time for the psycho of Pale
Moon break this down. Ana is a Grade 1 with 7,000 Power,
which is always a nice start, and her effect is probably
one of the more unorthodox of the Pale Moon cards...and
that says a lot giving what Pale Moon does is just odd
to say the least. When her boosted attack hits the
Vanguard, you can Counterblast 1 to call any Silver
Thorn unit from your Soul to the field but only until
the end of the turn as that unit will be going back to
the Soul. This can be both good and bad depending on
what exactly you can put into the Soul before you start
to attempt Ana's effect as, like I would say almost
every Pale Moon review, Pale Moon is all about setup
THEN execution, but if you can put in a few good Silver
Thorns, mainly Irina, Lillian, Rising Dragon or Luquier
R, then you're practically golden as you can use the
latter 3 for another attack or Irina to help add more
stuff to the Soul along with another attack to, more
than likely, an opposing rear-guard. Another thing that
I learned about Ana is that you don't need to be
boosting, or even have, a Silver Thorn Vanguard, so what
I like doing normally is putting it with my Vanguard
Eva, so that way, you get to so a Soul Charge, which
helps the Soul in its own right, to call a Silver Thorn
out for another attack.
Overall, Ana isn't as pressuring as Midnight Bunny,
as that is a huge threat in itself, but it has potential
to really put on a lot of hurt given the right
Rating: 3/5
Art: 4/5
Next Time: Sound the trumpets...again...
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Ana
Now this is probably going to be interesting to
watch. What we have is part of the new Silver Thorn
archetype. This one lets you Counterblast one when it
boosts an attack that hits the Vanguard to call a Silver
Thorn from the soul, at the cost of putting it back
I wouldn't get used to this temporary advantage if I
were you. Because even if this things hits all the time,
you're eating limited resources. You will eventually
HAVE to play the cards in your hand sometime, and even
then, all you accomplish is normal columns. So all it
would truly achieve is relief from playing anything from
the hand until you want to devote yourself to proper
It gets worse. Imagine the average scenario where
your field is rather full looking and there's nowhere
open for the new unit to go. Admittedly, it doesn't
state OPEN rear-guard circle, so you can call a new unit
over one that has just attacked, but all this achieves
is a -1 at the end of the turn because the new unit
doesn't get to stay. And it has to be an attacker
because getting a booster with now standing front row to
boost defeats the point. Sort of undermines the extra
guard forced out the opponent, in my mind. It's just not
viable because a smart opponent will know the best thing
to do is let the column with this in it hit, because
going -1 for CB1 every time is unfeasible when compared
to the cost involved.
It's because of this fundamental flaw and general
incompleteness that I can't vouch for Silver Thorns. At
all. Don't buy into the hype, guys.