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Beast Diety, Ethics Buster
#BT10/008EN (RRR)
Date Reviewed:
Mar. 11, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! So it's time that we continued
Saikyo's "Exam Week"...which I still question to say the
very least name wise, but it's whatever. Let's see what
we've got:
Beast Diety, Ethics Buster
Power: 11000
Grade 3
Clan: Nova Grappler
Race: Battleroid
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have
four or more damage):When a «Nova Grappler» rides this
unit, choose your vanguard, and until end of turn, that
unit gets [Power]+10000 and "[AUTO](VC):When this unit
attacks a vanguard, [Stand] all of your «Nova Grappler»
rear-guards in the front row.".
[AUTO](VC):When this unit is boosted by a «Nova
Grappler», this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same
clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
...from a bad card to a good one. Ethics Buster is a
solid Nova Grappler Break Ride with 11,000 Power with a
nasty Break Ride effect with, given the right formation,
can be a game-ending Break Ride. The Break Ride, like
any other Break Ride, gives your Vanguard an extra
10,000 and an effect where when the new Break Ride
attacks the Vanguard, your rear-guards in the frontline
get to Stand back up for more attacks. For most people,
they would be using this with Illuminal Dragon, which is
honestly, probably the best formation to use it in as it
can potentially restand your entire field. Personally,
I've been using this with Death Army Cosmo Lord, and
it's probably the funnest and funniest Break Ride as it
can make Cosmo Lord attack with at least 40,000 Power
when it's all said and done and still have extra attacks
to boot. The main downside of this though is that if
you're facing a deck that is capable of decapitating
your rear-guards, like Kagero, Narukami and Link Joker,
then it'll cripple your Break Ride, but if you can get
over that, then you're golden.
Overall, Ethics Buster is a very good Break Ride and
can surprisingly be good in any Nova Grappler deck
regardless of sub-clan or not.
Rating: 4/5
Art: 4/5 (Probably one of the best looking arts on a
Break Ride)
Next Time: Now you see me...now you die.
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Beast Deity, Ethics Buster
Next up, we have the newest ace of the Beast Deities,
Ethics Buster. A Break Ride unit that allows you to
stand your front row on-attack. So -1, you gain 10k, you
get two 5k shields forced at best.
Now, generally standing front row units usually
doesn't amount to much, even if they have the capacity
to swing for 5k guard each. He really does need to be
combined with something to let the boosters come in as
well, since at best it ends up being just a slightly
different Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion. Best case scenario
is if you combine this with Illuminal Dragon for two
whole columns, but even then, it just means packing all
your attack spam abilities into one turn, as opposed to
older decks where you could go live from Turn 3. So
there's really not a lot of impact to be found compared
to the old Asura Kaiser deck. And I can't recommend THAT
deck either.
Hold onto them until BT13. They're seriously missing
a lot of pieces right now, so just wait.