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Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague
#EB09/001EN (RRR)
Date Reviewed:
June 2, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, Rogue Squad?! So for this week's Cards of
the Day, we're going to take a look at some of the newer
cards from the new Kagero extra booster, and what better
card to start with than the second ever created Grade 4
card in the game?
Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague
Power: 13000
Grade 4
Clan: Kagero
Race: Flame Dragon
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you
have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (3) & Soul
Blast (3) & Choose a card named "Transcendence Dragon,
Dragonic Nouvelle Vague" from your hand, and discard it]
Retire all of your opponent's rear-guards.
[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your opponent's
trigger effects are nullified.
[CONT](VC):During the battle that this unit attacks a
vanguard, your opponent cannot call grade 0 units from
hand to (GC).
[CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]-1000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same
clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
...I don't think I've seen so much text on a card
since Exculpate the Blaster...the thing with that though
is that Exculpate the Blaster doesn't make me want to
rage quit the second I see him hit the field unlike
Nouvelle Vague here! A base 13,000 power makes it so
that you're basically facing off against a permanent
Crossride unit. That's not so bad seeing how most
players are accustomed to that magic 13,000
number...unlike the effect that COMPLETELY NEGATES
DAMAGE CHECKS!!! THIS is the one problem I have with
this card! The fact that this card not only prevents the
power boost from Triggers, but also nullifies the
effects of Draw and Heal Triggers means that you will
not be able to survive off of a Miracle Trigger and will
make you muscle on against a permanent Crossride unit
basically means that you will eventually be out of
shields and out of options, which will basically make
you lose your game in a matter of turns. Add in the fact
that you're forbidden to guard with Grade 0's and a
persona blast that basically nukes the opponent's field,
and you have a card that's bound to apply rage whenever
you see it in action! The drawback with this card? Well,
the only one I can think of is the fact that this is a
Grade 4, which will affect how exactly you build your
deck! Most people usually will take out one of each of
the other grades, others just remodify their Grade 3's
while others just use Nouvelle's support like
Nouvelleroman Dragon to help fix their hand in case
they're at a case of being at Grade Lock, so that
actually lessens the drawback of Nouvelle Vague!
Aside from the Grade 4 issue, Nouvelle Vague is the
definition of a perfect card as in as soon as you have
this as your Vanguard, you're in a near perfect position
to win the match as it freezes the opponent's defensive
luck factor and will slowly drain his/her field away as
more time passes by. If you're on the defending end of
this card, all I can say is good luck...because you'll
need it and then some!
Rating: 5/5
Art: 4/5
Next Time: Not as Cruel of a card as Nouvelle
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague
Iiiiiiiiit's Divine Dragon Progression Week at last! And
the best part is after we're bored with these we have
another Extra Booster to keep us occupied!
But let us put that aside for another time and instead
focus on what you entered the Sneak Peek for: Nouvelle
Vague, the only tournament legal Grade 4 in existence.
This thing has LOT of skills going for it. Firstly, the
Limit Break. Counterblast 3, Soulblast 3 and Persona
Blast to retire all of the opponent's Rear Guards.
That's not so difficult, considering Late Game is when
you've sped through a lot of deck and should have
another copy of it by then. The 3 soul of course comes
from your rides from 1-3.
The rest of its Mid Game skills pack something to. On VG
circle, it's a perma-Tom; the opponent can't guard with
Grade 0s when it attacks. Eh, okay, that's not THAT
relevant in the middle of the game when you don't want
to guard the Vanguard at that point, and Late Game is
when the opponent's stocked up on Perfect Guards. It's
nice to have to kill irrational opponents who don't run
that many, however.
THIRD skill is that it negates opponent's damage
triggers. Now that's pretty neat. If you have a nice
full field you can pass triggers onto your units and
have big meaty attacks the opponent can't tank with
trigger effects, which helps in a big damage gap, which
in turn compliments the previous skill.
And the only drawback apart from Lord? It's a 12k unit
on RG. That's it.
Well, I say that, but Nouvelle Vague does have some
hidden costs. You have to be efficient at hitting Grade
3 despite the liberties taken including this card at
more than 1 copy (because duh, you need at least 2 to
use its Limit Break, AND draw the bloody thing).
Thankfully, Nouvelle Roman Dragon exists to turn a copy
of Vague INTO a Grade 3 (helps that Bushiroad don't plan
on restricting Conroe for English meta), but exactly
WHAT Grade 3 is up in the air. Do you take the slow
route of complimenting Draco-Tom with Dauntless Drive
Dragon, or take advantage of the good Mid Game by riding
quickly with Cruel Dragon? I suppose there's no
reason you can't have both, I suppose, but take it with
a pinch of salt: I haven't built a Vague deck I was
totally happy with.
On the whole, Vague needs the user to take a few
liberties, but may be the key to a walking nuke.