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Date Reviewed:
July 9, 2014
text: [AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (2)] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a «Gold Paladin» with Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
Rating: 1.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What's up, Rogue Squad?! So for today's card, we're
going to look at a puppy:
Power: 6000
Grade 1
Clan: Gold Paladin
Race: High Beast
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (2)] When an attack hits a
vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a
«Gold Paladin» with Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost.
If you do, draw a card.
...basically, this is what you get if you watered
down Maiden of Libra, out her as a Grade 1, and gave her
even worse stats...that's pretty much Papilugal in a
nutshell. It sucks...don't play it!
Rating: 1/5
Art: :/5
Next Time: From puppies to dragons...
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

R |
...Wasn't this the one
everyone thought was called Paper-gal? But anyway, this
unit, when boosting a unit with Limit Break, basically
turns it into Kirara: that is to say, when its attack
hits a Vanguard, Counterblast 2 and draw a card.
I'll just carry over my
statements for Kirara clones here: unless you have a ton
of open damage that the deck does not intend to use,
then there's little point filling your deck with cards
like this. And good luck getting this to hit during the
Late Game, when Vanguards are least likely to hit...not
to mention you need 10k Grade 2s just so that columns
don't suck...