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Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "Яeverse"
#BT14/001EN (RRR)
Date Reviewed:
July 25, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 3.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What's up, Яogue Squad?! So to wrap up our Яeverse
Week, we're looking at debatably the best Яeverse unit
that Bushiroad has ever made:
Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "Яeverse"
Power: 11000
Grade 3
Clan: Royal Paladin
Race: Elf
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you
have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1) & Choose
one of your rear-guards with "Jewel Knight" in its card
name, and lockit] Choose up to one rear-guard in your
opponent's front row, retire it, search your deck for up
to one card with "Jewel Knight" in its card name, call
it to (RC), and shuffle your deck. This ability cannot
be used for the rest of that turn.
(The locked card is turned face down, and cannot do
anything. It turns face up at the end of the owner's
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Pure Heart Jewel
Knight, Ashlei" in your soul, this unit gets
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same
clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
...if there's ever a definition of a near free +2,
this is it. Ashlei's newfound power costs you a
Counterblast and a Lock, but in exchange, you retire an
opponent's rear-guard and Superior Call a Jewel Knight
from your deck. Even with the Lock, you get a free unit
of your choice AND get rid of an opponent's attacker!
This effect is devastating in a Late Game scenario as
most people are in a minimal hand size and normally
can't afford to lose an attacker and Ashlei here just
breaks your heart by breaking your field...all of the
puns intended!
Jewel Knights back then weren't the best subclan out
there, but Ashlei helped give the shining warriors of
Royal Paladins some much needed acknowledgement.
Rating: 4.5/5
Art. 4/5
Next Time: ummmmmmmm...I have nothing.
Go Яogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

R |
Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "Reverse"
Final card of the week is a card I came to like, if only
because she took a big fat dump on the point behind 3
Reverse units I can name. Ashlei Reverse, once per turn,
locks a Jewel Knight and Counterblasts 1. You then
retire an opponent's front row Rear-Guard and summon a
new Jewel Knight from the deck.
See what I mean? You have gone +1 up guaranteed just
from using her skill once. Cocytus needed something like
Sea Strolling Banshee to be +1 up, whereas Ashlei just
laughs in its face. But that's not the worst thing about
Ashlei. The worst part is that she has external support
that could basically make this a +2. Security Jewel
Knight Arwen can send an Ashlei in the Drop Zone to the
bottom of the deck to give Ashlei 5k power, making up
for the fact you locked her booster. Oh look, Iseult and
Prizme are both things, so Ashleis can be dumped
regularly enough!
Ashlei "Reverse" is pretty awesome, even if she is a
reminder of the desperate futility behind Venus, Luquier
and Cocytus.
3/5 |

Nanya |
Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei "Reverse"
Poor, poor Kourin...
Anyway, we're ending the week on a decently high note.
This is the Cross Ride of Ashlei, which is the most
vanilla of all the Break Rides in the game, so, on that
turn, at least, you'd at least get +12000/+1 critical
for the attack.
The Limit Break skill... Well, it's actually pretty
good, lock one of your Jewel Knight units, retire one of
your opponent's front-line rear guards and then superior
call a Jewel Knight. Kind of like Trap Muse Reverse,
but better since there's no chance of you not getting
what you want.
Only downside is, the unit that gets called out doesn't
get a free power up.
But, considering that Royal Paladins are the clan that
excels at superior calling and powering up, I don't
think it's too much of a problem.
Overall, a very solid card with a nice Limit Break that
lets you thin your deck, retire one of your opponent's
resources and fills your field without burning your hand
Rating: 4/5 |