Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! So apparently, we're going to
be doing what Pojo calls, "Promo Babe Week", and to
quote Pojo on this:
"Hope these are all gals..."
...you and me both, Pojo...you and me both...anyway,
here's our first babe:
Pretty Celeb, Charlotte
Power: 9000
Grade 2
Clan: Bermuda Triangle
Race: Mermaid
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit's attack
hits a vanguard, if you have a «Bermuda Triangle»
vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, return this
unit to your hand, choose up to one «Bermuda Triangle»
from your hand other than a card named "Pretty Celeb,
Charlotte", and call it to an open (RC).
...so essentially, this is kind of like the Bermuda
Triangles version of Sky Diver...and we all know how
good Sky Diver is *hint sarcasm*...Charlotte is a solid
9,000 power, but her skill is what puts me on the sour
side. Unlike Sky Diver, where it can hit anything to
activate it's effect, Charlotte HAS to hit the Vanguard,
and also unlike Sky Diver. it costs a Counterblast to
use the effect, so that right there can be a bit much.
On the upside, you can bring her back to your hand to
call any unit from your hand to the field, but if they
Damage Checked a Trigger, then the new unit, which can't
be another Charlotte might I add, will either be
attacking the rear-guard or can't do anything at all, so
it makes using the effect all but useless.
That and when you include the fact that there are
better cards out there than her; like Rio, Celtic and
Aqua, it makes Charlotte a bust of a babe.
Rating: 2/5
Art: 3/5 (She's at least pretty...)
Next Time: Time to be dandy for some sweets...
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!