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Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei
#BT10/001 EN RRR
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 30, 2014
text: See Below
Rating: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What's up, you guys?! It's Thursday of our
Theoretical Week, and today, we have one the only Break
Rides that we haven't had a chance to review yet...
Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei
Power: 11000
Grade 3
Clan: Royal Paladin
Race: Elf
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have
four or more damage): When a «Royal Paladin» rides this
unit, choose your vanguard, and that unit gets
[Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit
gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same
clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
...Ashlei is probably the most vanilla of all of the
Break Rides in the game, and is considered one of the
worst Break Rides in the game because of it. When you
Break Ride with her, the new Vanguard gets 10,000 Power
and +1 Critical...that is all...no extra effects...no
calling anything else...no retiring...just the generic
10,000 Power along with a Critical...really?! I mean,
Spinodriver gets the same boosts, but also allows you to
draw cards by retiring other Tachikaze cards, which the
deck does really well when it comes to slvaging them
might I add, so it essentially does give card advantage
WITH the extra Power and Critical...Ashlei doesn't do
that...she just gives the Power and Critical...I know I
should try to elaborate more on this, but it's REALLY
hard to make combos with her seeing how she doesn't give
much to combo support...well...aside when you combine it
with Majesty Lord Blaster or dare I say...Exculpate the
I will go on the record saying that I did face a
Break Ridden Exculpate...and I don't want to face it
again because it practically guarantees you losing your
field along with taking at least 2 damage if not more
depending on Triggers. That or with Majesty Lord Blaster
can make him 32,000/3 Critical at the very best before
Drive Check...again, something that I am not a fan of
going against again...*shutters*
I think that sums up Ashlei though: She's not meant
to be a Break Ride you can exploit like Dauntless,
Spinodriver or Vowing Sword, but more of a setup to make
that extra push for game with other power based cards in
a, "Power Beyond Power" kind of theory (by the way, if
you get the reference, then you are an awesome person
and grew up in an awesome generation).
Rating: 3/5
Art: 4/5 (I definitely like how it has a more classical
kind of artstyle to it...Kudos.
Next Time: People might get a little...Reijy...about
this one...
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

R |
Pure Heart Jewel Knight, Ashley
Today's card is dedicated to all the Break Rides who at
least attempt to balance the -1 incurred by minusing the
opponent or washing your ride for +0. Pure Heart Jewel
Knight Ashley give the Break Ridden unit 10k and 1
So yeah, you have a card that's basically "-1 to force a
Perfect Guard". That's really not exactly useful given
that with the generic 10k power, and assuming the
average scenario where both players are on 4 damage when
this happens, means the Perfect Guard would have been
dropped regardless because Critical Triggers are a
thing. She's a staple for Jewel Knights though, for lack
of anything else, so there you go.
I suppose I can pad out this review a bit by addressing
a problem this card has to Gauntlet Buster Dragon; I've
seen this card paired with Majesty Lord Blaster, a card
that doesn't want or need her, so often it's not funny.
I do not understand the logic behind delaying your
perma-crit giving the opponent time to amass a stock of
Perfect Guards and leaving MLB's Critical to a point in
the game where he would be guarded regardless. This is
not only making the deck easier to deal with, it also
destroys its consistency owing to this unit taking up
space for cards that could have gone into cards that
search the pieces to make MLB live.
She's pretty useless on her own, for now, but...hold on
to her. She does get some awesome friends to pair with
in a few Booster's time, I promise...
2/5 |

Shoujax |
After freeing the Royal Paladins from Void’s grip (watch
the anime if you don’t understand) The Jeweled Knights
appeared and formed the bulk of the new Royal Paladins.
To the United Sanctuary we go in today’s
by examining what I would only dub as a Valkyrie, Pure
Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei. She is one of the break ride
units specifically for the Royal Paladins. And I have to
say…. She is kind of a letdown. Not bad by any means
whatsoever, but I was hoping for more OOMPH. It seems
odd that so many break ride cards have more powerful
effects; I was hoping she would do more. She like this
review is kind of bland. Not bad, but bland. She fits
the theme to a T.
2.5/5 Not bad but not good either.