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Star-Vader, Garnet Star Dragon -
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 10, 2014
[ACT](VC): Legion 20000 "Companion Star Star-vader, Photon" (If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit may return four cards from your drop zone into your deck once, search your deck for the specified card, and Legion)
[AUTO](VC):When this unit Legion, choose a rear-guard in your opponent's front row and back row, and lock them. (The locked card is turned face down, and cannot do anything. It turns face up at the end of the owner's turn.)
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
Rating: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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R |
Star-Vader, Garnet Star Dragon
Today we look at another Trail Deck ace, this time, it's
Garnet Star Dragon. He legions with Companion Star
Star-Vader, Photon (how redundant, a Star Star-Vader)
and upon Legioning, you pull an Infinite Zero and lock a
front row and a back row.
...I'm not hugely impressed by Garnet Star. He's another
card that suffers from Sacred Wingal's problem in that
cards will come or are already here that do his job
pretty much better. Legioning and then using something
else to triangle Lock the field can be done with
Infinite Zero and Chaos Breaker, and at least Chaos
Breaker can get rid of the cards permanently instead.
Sure, the capacity to hit for 22k unboosted is nice, but
if the opponent can go into Late Game dealing with the
LB power and Crit gainers, they can stave off Garnet
Star as well.
Garnet Star doesn't play nice with what's currently out.
He MIGHT have some space after BT17 comes out in English
since there's a card in there that also needs Photon to
Legion, but even that ace's use is a little
2/5 |

Nanya |
Star-Vader, Garnet Star Dragon
Oh, hey thar Infinite Zero Dragon, why are you a type-1
Legion now?
Seriously, someone at Bushiroad thought Infinite Zero
Dragon wasn't good enough anymore (despite it being the
best Break Ride in the game) and turned it into a
Legion. This thing even has IZD's +2000 when
attacking a Vanguard skill.
Course, even though this has the Break Ride skill and
power that IZD gave, it's really... Nowhere near
as good as IZD was. See, IZD let whatever rode on
top of get far stronger with its abilities, Nebula Lord,
Chaos Breaker and Glendios all benefited majorly from
break riding. Garnet Star just... Well,
locks and does nothing more. Sure, if it's near
the end game, it's not bad. And there are other
legions for Link Joker coming that'll make this much
better, but right now... Not so much.
Although, combining this with the Break Ride is just
Rating: 2/5 |

Jonathan Mindham
Channel |
Star-Vader, Garnet Star Dragon
Though this is one of my favorite trail deck cards, it
is simply just a Legion version of Star-Vader, Infinite
Zero Dragon. I feel though the reward is a little bit
better simply because it is a Legion unit so not only do
you get to place four cards back and call your mate but
you also get to lock two cards for zero counter blasts
upon Legion. Truly that is really good considering all
the support Link Joker have and make it so you can keep
cards locked.
Overall though I feel the card is a pretty good trial
deck card and depending on some builds will be used. I
know I plan on using this card in my Blaster Joker deck
in the near future. Overall this card will be valued
around $6-$8 dollars. I will say I look forward to the
future support this card will be able to be used with.