Go Rogue,
Go Pro
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What's up, you guys?! So this week is our "Filler til
Set 13 Week", and today, we're looking at the Ride Chain
of Genesis:
Battle Diety of the Night, Artemis
Power: 10000
Grade 3
Clan: Genesis
Race: Noble
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you
have four or more damage):[Soul Blast (3)] When this
unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you
do, draw two cards, choose a card from your hand, put it
into your soul, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until
end of that battle.
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named "Twilight Hunter,
Artemis" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
...is it bad that this card sees more play than most
other Genesis bosses around my locals? Probably. Artemis
starts off at 10,000 Power, which is okay at best for a
Grade 3, but if you have Twilight Hunter, Artemis in the
Soul, which can be done either by riding into it or even
Soul Charging it into the Soul, then she permanently
becomes 11,000, which is a lot better as the bully
columns aren't as effective. As for her Limit Break,
when she attacks the Vangaurd, you can Soul Blast 3 to
draw 2 cards, put any card from your hand into the Soul
and give Artemis an extra 5,000 Power. This is basically
a fancier Power Breaker unit like Cocytus, Thunder Break
Dragon and Silver Wolf Garmore though it adds a more
defensive approach by allowing you to draw more cards by
utilizing your Soul. Also, with cards like Chamomile and
Melissa currently out, this payment can be a solid
benefit as you can Call those units with their effects
after you Soul Blast them away. Also, in Set 14, there's
even more support coming up with Grappa, but that's
another story for another day.
Overall, is it better than Iwanagahime or Fortuna?
Probably not, but it still can hold up nicely in its own
Rating: 3/5
Art: 4/5 (Definitely one of the better arts of the
Genesis clan.)
Next Time: I don't really see this as a master of
Go Rogue...Go Pro!
...and DON'T be a Sackboy!!!

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Battle Deity of the Knight, Artemis
I actually have been kicking around with the idea of
when to actually review her but it's just a good time
never came. Now that we're in the slow period, let's get
it out the way. So we have the apex of Genesis's Ride
Chain, Battle Deity of the Night, Artemis. Late Game,
when she attacks, you Soulblast 3, draw 2 cards, put one
card in your hand into the soul, and Artemis gains 5k.
At my locals she was pretty popular, but to be
honest, I never saw the appeal. She basically embodies
what's wrong with English meta Genesis at the moment: It
doesn't do anything before Late Game except set up for
Late Game. And even then, most of their available
gambits have one purpose: extend Late Game for longer.
Artemis doesn't even do THAT well at it either. Late
Game, you get a +1, but to be honest, her shtick is
basically copying Coco except being very slow at it and
requiring a lot of external setup beforehand. Moreover,
the old school Tsukuyomi build for OTT could get your
+1s sooner than Artemis, and also speed through the deck
to accomplish a deeper strategy.
On the basis that both Coco and Tsukuyomi can do her
jobs better, I'd unload Artemis and just use those 2
instead. Sorry.