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Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion “THE BLOOD”
#BT09/008 EN RRR
Date Reviewed:
June 29, 2013
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 5 (This ability is active if you have five or more damage):[Counter Blast(3)] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 and "[CONT](VC): This unit battles all of your opponent's units in the front row in one attack.".
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named "Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
Rating: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Heroic |
Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion “THE
To close out
crossride week, we have the ultimate evolution of
Vermillion. A Lord crossride, Blood is the third unit to
include the limit break five skill, and its a big one.
As with the other crossrides, he sports an 11k body that
goes up to 13k if Vermillion not-The-Blood is in soul.
For the same
cost as Vermillion, a counterblast of three, Blood gains
5k and a critical, and battles the opponent’s entire
front. This is where Blood is so much more lethal than
Vermillion. Adding that critical all but eliminates the
opponent’s thoughts of just taking the hit. The reason
Vermillion was so successful is that, no matter what, he
was costing the opponent at least two cards; either the
cards he was attacking, or the ones the opponent was
guarding with. Many players, including myself, would
often go for the conservative option and not guard,
which, barring a double crit, would place you in the
best position for a recovery next turn. But with the
Blood, you can’t just take it, unless you are only at
one or two damage, since a single critical would mean
three damage and potentially the game. This means the
opponent will have to lose as many as four or even five
cards just to ensure survival. That’s a big deal.
The Blood is a
tremendous step up from Vermillion, and will definitely
be a factor in the upcoming metagame.
Rating: 5/5 –
The added critical makes all the difference.

R |
Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD"
Stupidly popular (for god knows why, I've seen it
more often than I've seen The End) we have Dragonic
Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD" (Look at those CAPITAL
LETTERS). On 5 damage, you get to CB3, and he attacks
the opponent's front row, gains 5k, and a Critical.
5k...pretty negligible since power gaining isn't
really a big deal when Perfect Guards are a thing.
Critical...yeah, so this is the bit where I tell people
Critical at a point where the opponent has to guard the
Vanguard anyway never works.
Counterblast 3...that's exactly the same cost as the
original Vermillion? So what makes him different in the
grand scheme of things? Both involve dropping a PG to
protect the Vanguard as your front row gets blown
up...oh, THE BLOOD has to wait on 5 damage. That makes
things WORSE. You can't really argue that the extra
Critical can recover you if you get sacked because
that's only relevant on 4 damage while they're on 3. In
this case, the opponent will be on 4 most of the time
while you're on 5. So they'd STILL have to guard the
Vanguard normally because Critical Triggers are a thing.
I've actually fought this deck many times, and most
of the time, as long as I'm running a deck with
finishers that are actually GOOD (like, oh I don't know,
THE END MAYBE) I've hardly ever lost. Partially because
I can manage 5 damage easier than 4 (although I should
point out the longer you attack rear-guards to delay
him, the more advantage THE BLOOD user will gain owing
to not needing to guard as heavily Late Game and due to
the saturation of attackers in a given deck), but also
mostly because users tend to Crossride him before they
use the original Vermillion's skill first. So I have
more time to wrack up my own advantage and brace myself
for the explosion. Even if I use THE BLOOD myself, I
can't justify adding damage exploders just because the
original Vermillion exists.
Use him for the 13k defense, but his skill's a dud.
He's proof you should always look at a card in context
before you use it.
However, because he has the support and vanilla
framework necessary to be as deadly as his BT06 days,
he's okay if you have a vendetta against MLB or The End
for some reason. But as I can't recommend him while the
End is a thing, I give him...