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Circular Saw, Kiriel
- #BT06/001EN
Date Reviewed:
May 1, 2013
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a face up «Angel Feather» from your damage zone, call it to (RC), and put the top card of your deck face down into your damage zone.
Rating: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
David NavyCherub Lynn |
Circular Saw, Kiriel
Kiriel is a pretty decent card. She gets you exactly
what you pay for - one card for two counterblast, the
most standard cost to reward ratio in the game. That
said, it's really only a wash, since she requires you to
ride her to use this effect. That isn't necessarily a
bad thing on your first ride, since riding is important
so it is a wash of a minus that you would have incurred
anyway. However, this somewhat limits her usefulness,
since re-riding her doesn't actually gain you any
advantage. It could give you indirect advantage - riding
her and superior calling a grade 2 where you would
normally have put your extra copy of Kiriel, gaining 5k
more shield than you would otherwise have, for example.
The usefulness of her ability is hindered quite a bit by
her lack of choices, though; the best time to use her
effect is when you ride to grade 3 the first time, and
you want to take as little damage as possible early
game, but ironically Kiriel's usefulness is directly
related to how much damage you've taken. Her limit break
is also pretty standard; a power boost of one stage for
every attack he does late game. This is nice, as usual,
because you don't even really need that extra power
until late game anyway, so the limit break stipulation
is not even really an issue. So, overall, Kiriel is an
example of a good but average card with more limitation
than is necessary.
2/5 |

Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What's up, you guys?! It's that middle part of the
week for Power Break Week, so today, we review...
Circular Saw, Kiriel
Power: 10000
Grade 3
Clan: Angel Feather
Race: Angel
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you
have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a
vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on
(VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose a face up
«Angel Feather» from your damage zone, call it to (RC),
and put the top card of your deck face down into your
damage zone.
When this card first came out, everyone at my locals
was pretty much going crazy over Angel Feathers, and I
never had a chance to make them myself, so I took the
opportunity to take what others weren't caring for at
that moment: Gold Paladins. Almost a year later, and my
deck has increased in price, and I sold/traded the parts
I had and profited like a boss. xD
With that said, what happened to all of the Angel
Feather players? Well, they are a bit salty now seeing
how they didn't think that Angel Feathers were as good
as they thought they were when really, it should be
played as a high defense deck...but that's just me, and
that's where this card sort of falters. Kiriel is made
to be an offense style kind of card which is alright to
an extent, but with Shamsiel being overwhelming superior
as she fits the clan's theme easier, it kind of puts
this to shame. Don't get me wrong though: Kiriel is
still good. The Power Break allows her to swing in at
15000 by herself, and if there's a Bethnael or Clutch
Rifle Angel behind her, then it all but promises either
15000 worth of shield or a Sentinel.
As for her unique skill, you Counterblast 1 to call
any face-up unit in your damage zone to the rear-guard
which is pretty excellent as it allows you to call any
of the Pegasus units, Bethnael, Barbiel, Calamity Flame
or even Sunny Smile Angel to recycle your Heal Triggers
easier. Namely, you'd want to get either of the Pegasus
cards or Calamity Flame because of her drawback; you
have to take the top card of your deck and put it in the
damage zone face-down. This essentially makes her skill
a Counterblast 2...much like the rest of the cards on
this list, but since a card would be placed in the
damage zone, the Pegasus cards and Calamity Flame would
already be coming in at +2000.
Overall, Kiriel is a decent enough card, but Shamsiel
does her job in a much better way.
Rating: 2/5
Next Time: The wolves are howling...
Go Rogue...Go Pro!!!!
Heroic |
Circular Saw, Kiriel
Continuing our
week of +5k vanguards, we have Circular Saw, Kiriel.
Outside of the limit break, Kiriel has a skill that,
much like the other cards reviewed this week,
demonstrates with simplicity what the Angel Feather clan
aims to do. Counterblast 1 when you ride Kiriel, call an
Angel Feather from among your face up Angel Feather
units in your damage zone, then place the top card of
your deck in the damage zone face down. So, ultimately
you get a unit to the field and 2 face down cards in
your damage zone. Calling cards from damage is extremely
limited, since there are only ever, at most, five to
choose from, and your options for putting cards into
damage to call later are equally as limited. Still,
there are some good points to mention. Losing a good
unit to damage is disappointing to any player, so the
ability to use it again is helpful. In addition, moving
the extra card from the top of the deck thins it
slightly, which, in terms of statistics, is beneficial.
Also, adding another card to the damage zone lets you
retrieve it later with cards like Battle Cupid Nociel.
Kiriel lets you
use the properties of Angel Feather, while setting up
those same properties to be used later on. She also hits
harder than Shamsiel on a regular basis.
Rating: 5/5 –
Potentially the most reliable Angel Feather vanguard.