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Girls' Rock, Rio
- #EB02/006
Date Reviewed:
April 17, 2013
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is returned to your hand from (RC), if you have a «Bermuda Triangle» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (1), and draw a card.
Rating: 3.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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"Gale" Gaylord |
Rio is an example some of the better artwork in the game, regardless of
her rarity. She's one of the better units in her clan,
too, rewarding and perpetuating Bermuda Triangle's
central gimmick.
With a single counterblast, Rio lets you soul charge 1 and draw 1 when
she returns to the hand. This is usually done by way of
units that soul blast, so there's a fair amount
of synergy about the exchange. She does need to
be fielded, however, and that's where many players,
especially newer ones, fall into some traps.
Rio only has 8000 power. This more or less requires Sedna's 8000
support (don't settle for less against anything but 10K
vanguards!) to effectively score hits, and it also makes
her easy attack bait. One should not spend more
than 5000 shield defending her on any given turn, as it
would outweigh what she draws close to 100% of the time.
She also should never be in the back row, except
during instances where there is no available booster for
the column in question. It's not worth bogging down the
power of your formation for a single draw. There's a
small risk of deck-out as well should her ability be
used too often, but only in longer games with many
Once you get past all this, there are some really awesome combos and
pressure plays involving Rio. Lena is one of the easier
bouncing methods, where Perla and Flores offer a more
aggressive outlet for profit that won't require Rio to
survive a turn or more on the field. Feeling lucky?
Raindear is an option too.
Be on the lookout for more Bermuda Triangle this July! Rio's got some
new friends on the way. 3/5
David NavyCherub Lynn |
Girls' Rock, Rio
This is the type of card that does something very
specific and well, but not as efficiently as you might
think just looking at the card. If you take it at face
value, Rio's ability is a +1 and soul charge for only
the cost of a single counterblast, which is naturally
amazing. However, she is part of a bigger ecosystem that
is your deck, since she requires herself to be bounced
back to your hand to use this ability. There aren't a
ton of consistent ways to do this, which is a problem.
The only consistent way that is around now is Weddell,
one of the starting vanguards, who can pay one and stick
herself in your soul to bounce a mermaid. The issue here
is that, because you use Weddell, this ability combined
with Rio's is really a +0 wash that only really exists
to replace your starting vanguard with a better card
when you have a booster to replace her with, and it
costs 2 counterblast total. 2 counterblast for a wash
that gets you a random card is significantly worse than
the options other clans have, especially compared with
cards like Conroe and Mecha Trainer.
That leaves us with three other options. One is Perla,
who can bounce Rio for free but needs to hit the
vanguard for this to happen. This is already a pretty
difficult condition to fulfill, but it gets worse. Perla
has to attack last because her effect will bounce Rio,
which would cause you to miss a chance to attack that
turn if you bounced Rio before she got to swing, leaving
her attack potentially even easier to guard than it
would have been originally because of damage triggers.
Perla also has no way to force more than 10k guard
without triggers and is a big target for attacks and
removal being in the front of the field. The next option
is Tyrrhenia, a puny 5000 booster with essentially the
same issues as Perla, minus the easy picking off with
attacks. The last one is also the best one - Raindear's
ability is essentially costless and allows Rio to reach
her true potential as one of the cheapest +1s in the
game. Rio herself, though, also falls into the same pits
as Perla but is even more difficult to boost for good
numbers, so no matter what she requires some sort of
setup, but in the end it is worth it for the advantage
she can generate.

Go Rogue,
Go Pro
Page |
What’s up, you guys?! As we enter the middle of
the week, we decide to look at something that’s a bit
easier on the eyes in…
Girls’ Rock, Rio
Power: 8000
Grade 2
Clan: Bermuda Triangle
Race: Mermaid
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is returned to
your hand from (RC), if you have a «Bermuda
Triangle» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do,
Soul Charge (1), and draw a card.
This one is a pretty
interesting unit and fits with the theme of the entire
Bermuda Triangle clan which allows you to send your
rear-guards back to your hand to reassemble a new attack
formation. With Rio here, this benefits you
anytime you do what the singing mermaids do best!
When Rio goes back to your hand, you Counterblast 1,
Soulcharge 1 and draw 1. With the right combo
setup, you can obtain a huge card advantage very early
on in the game. Unfortunately, in a late game
scenario, her mediocre 8,000 power will be easy for your
opponent to retire and hard for you to get a hit in with
her. With that being said, the fact is that while
Rio’s power is pretty subpar, her skill definitely makes
up for it as it helps you with getting more units to
either make better formations with or have more in hand
with to guard future turns.
In conclusion, Rio definitely
rocks and is an excellent addition to any Bermuda
Triangle deck.
Rating: 3/5
Next time: Hawaii is in the Pacifica Ocean…okay that one
is pretty damn hard, so you can’t blame me TOO much!
Go Rogue, Go Pro! |
Girls Rock Rio
Girls Rock Rio
sports one of my personal favorite SP alternate artworks
released thus far. Rio is key to the Bermuda Triangle’s
bounce-then-draw mechanic, able to draw you an extra
card each time she returns to your hand for a
counterblast of 1 and a soul charge of 1. Her 8k power
is a bit low for a grade 2, but, properly boosted, is
able to hit some of those magic numbers out there, or at
least make the opponent drop a guard or lose a rear
guard before she gets bounced. The problem is that, once
you ride to grade 3, you are able to play another unit
with a 10k body with the same skill, effectively making
Rio obsolete. That’s okay though, because she is still a
5k shield that can intercept.
Girls Rock Rio
is basically your earliest chance to get the bounce-draw
mechanic started, and as such is worth a couple slots in
a Bermuda Triangle deck.
Rating: 3/5 –
Can become much less useful after you’ve ridden to grade