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Pokemon Card of the Day
Copycat -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

This card is an amazing draw power, in certain situations of
In Unlimited, this might not be as good because your opponent
usually doesn't have a lot of cards in his/her hand due to Comp.
Search or Item Finder. This card doesn't work well with Lass as
In Modified, it's great! Usually both players will have a lot of
cards in their hand. You can simply use up stuff in your hand and
then replenish it with Copycat.
In Draft, you should learn by now that draw = good. Copycat can
also act as an Elm to prevent from decking, which might happen in
40-card decks...
Unlimited Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 3.8/5
Draft Rating: 5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Err... sota like an elm, a reverse
imposter oak and sabrinas gaze in one. =/ Its alright if your
opponet has a good healthy hand, which is not good in the first
place, or its good if your really desperate for drawing, which if
your decks are half decent you shouldn’t be.
Unlimited: Why on God’s green earth would you play this if you
have stuff like elm, oak and bill? Sheesh. 2/5
MMF: Geeze it isnt even good here. Its better in MMF than in
Unlimited, but then again, so would maintenance =/ Still cant beat
Bill and Elm as the main drawers. 2.5/5
Limited: Hooooaaa... here we go! THIS is where you wanna use
it. Always pick drawing, always. No no, dont argue, just do it.
What? You say there is a dark energy in the pack? Tough beans,
dude. drawing power. 4/5
dontknow09 |
Friday: Copycat
Here's another trainer card from expedition. Oh look, its Duplica.
CopyCat is something like a Sabrina's Gaze, except you shuffle
your hand and draw the number of cards in your opponents hand.
Sounds pretty good but lets see how it deals in the formats....
Unlimited- Not much use here. Why use this when you have Oak and
other drawing power. You could use this to mess around and play
your luck but other than that there are other methods of drawing
power. 2.5/5
MMF- CopyCat is just a little bit stronger here, since theres no
Oak. You do have Elm though, but it has its side effects. However,
using this card really depends on your opponents hands. Then
there's Bill and other Bills. O well, I guess it would be stronger
than Elm if your opponent Eeeeeeek'd last
turn. 2.75/5
Draft- CopyCat is much stronger here than the other two formats.
Pick this up, because your gonna need all the drawing power you
can get. Theres high chances that your opponent will have lots of
cards in their hands so CopyCat is gonna be very effective. 3.25/5
Thundachu |
Hey! Stop Copying me!
Unlimited: Me, I prefer Professor Oak but hey, thats just me.
Still I guess it could be good. Bill Computer Search and Oak are
what I would suggest using. 2/5
Modified: It is good in Modified... for a suporter. All in all it
would be a great card if it wasnt a suporter. 3/5
Draft: lol. Even as a suporter it is good. Draw power in draft is
always good. 4.5/5 |

Random |
Friday - Copycat
One word describes this. Broken.
I think simply, it's the best trainer to hit the scene since
Elm. May be EVEN BETTER. You will see nearly every deck containing
at least 2, maybe 3 or 4 of these. Definitely great against
Cleffa. Definitely great against ANYTHING. Especially since you
can practically "elm", and still play trainers. Just not
In unlimited, 5/5. In MMF, 5/5. In Draft... OHHH MAN this is the
card period. Your opponent usually
has BIG hands. 5/5.
~ RaNd0m |
TR Shadow |
OK, the art on this card is just weird. What's with that person in
the background with a Pikachu costume on?
Copycat is one of the better supporters. Possibly as good as Elm.
It's great in modified when your opponent has just Elmed or
Eeeeeeeked and has a 7-card hand. I personally love this card in
Modified. You should probably go 4-2 to 4-4 in Modified with Elms
and copycats in every deck. You can still play other Trainers the
same turn you copycated (as long as they're not Supporters =D), as
you can't with Elm. I think Copycat will be the second best
drawing card in Modified (Elm's first :P)
In unlimited, few players will use this. Most will max out on CPU
searches, Oaks, Elms, and Itemfinders. there just wont be room for
Copycats. I suggest keeping it that way.
In Limited, DRAFT IT!!! I said this on Wednesday and I'll say it
again; DRAFT ANY TRAINER YOU CAN GET!!! This thing kills in draft.
In fact, any drawing card kills in draft.
Unlimited 3/5
Standard 4/5
Modified 5/5
Limited 5/5
~TRS~ |
Pikafreak |
It's Friday!!!
This card is only as good as your
opponent. Well, like trainer like pokemon as I always say. For
those of you that don't know, Duplica, the person on the card,
was a ditto trainer on the TV show. Copycat allows you to
shufle your hand into your deck and draw as many cards as there
are in your opponents hand. So, it is only good against skilled
players(like me :) ) that are already probably beating
you. I think Copycat is a last resort card.
Unlimited:3/5(lots of card drawing
MMF: 2/5(Not really usefull)
Draft: 2.5/5(use it as a
proffesor oak's research if you have to)
Wizard |
Copycat: Before I say anything else
cards that allow me to draw cards from my deck are excellent. This
card can be played when I want to so it allows me to draw cards
according to the other players hand, if he has a lot I can draw a
I don't see Modified formats bothering the play of this card
unless it is excluded.
Unlimited: This card rocks! I can destroy my opponent with combos
like Erika, Rocket's Sneak attack, Lass, and Imposter Oak's
Revenge. Build them up some huge hands then draw my cards and tear
them down as low as I want. The options are endless so do I like
it, Oh yeah!
Draft: Again I have been to the draft and lost too many times
because I have trouble getting the cards I want out of the deck.
Getting to look at cards is always good.
The only reason I am not giving this a perfect is that nothing is
ever perfect.
Unlimited: 4.5/5
Modified: 4.5/5
Draft: 4.5/5 |
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