Yu Yu Hakusho
- Jagan - Hiei's third eye
- Jaganshi - Name given to those who use the Jagan
- Katana - 36" bladed sword
- Ki - Energy, the essence of a person's life
- Kitsune - Shape shifting fox with over 7 tails
- Koorime - Ice maidens
- Ningen - Humans
- Ningenkai - Human World
- Makai - Demon World
- Rei - Spirit, soul
- Rei Gan - Spirit Gun
- Reihado - Spiritual Wave Motion
- Reikai - Spirit World
- Rei Ken - Spirit Sword
- Youkai - Demons, apparitions
- Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghost files, Poltergeist Report, Spirit White Paper,
Record of Yusuke's Journey