Trading Card Game
Set Lists & Price Guides

Pokemon Trading Card Game
English Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2017 PoJo -- http://www.pojo.com
U.S. "EX Dragon"

Updated April 2017
Full Card List Notes
EX Dragon was not issued with
"1st Edition" cards. Only "Unlimited" print run cards were
"PSA Graded 10 Gem Mint" Charizards #100/97 are selling for
over $250 on eBay.
TV Reporter Reverse Holo Version
accidentally had a very limited print run in this set and is
very collectible.
We are NOT selling cards. These
are compiled for clarification of relative values and what
you might expect to pay at a game store or collectible
dealer for these cards.
Unlimited |
Rev. Holo |
Card # |
Rarity |
Card Name |
$3 |
$5 |
1/97 |
H |
Absol |
$2 |
$4 |
2/97 |
H |
Altaria |
$2 |
$3 |
3/97 |
H |
Crawdaunt |
$3 |
$4 |
4/97 |
H |
Flygon |
$2 |
$3 |
5/97 |
H |
Golem |
$2 |
$3 |
6/97 |
H |
Grumpig |
$5 |
$6 |
7/97 |
H |
Minun |
$5 |
$6 |
8/97 |
H |
Pulse |
$2 |
$3 |
9/97 |
H |
Roselia |
$3 |
$4 |
10/97 |
H |
Salamence |
$2 |
$3 |
11/97 |
H |
Shedinja |
$3 |
$4 |
12/97 |
H |
Torkoal |
$.50 |
$3 |
13/97 |
R |
Crawdaunt |
$.50 |
$3 |
14/97 |
R |
Dragonair |
$.75 |
$3 |
15/97 |
R |
Flygon |
$.50 |
$3 |
16/97 |
R |
Girafarig |
$1.00 |
$3 |
17/97 |
R |
Magneton |
$.50 |
$3 |
18/97 |
R |
Ninjask |
$.75 |
$3 |
19/97 |
R |
Salamence |
$.50 |
$3 |
20/97 |
R |
Shelgon |
$.50 |
$3 |
21/97 |
R |
Skarmory |
$.50 |
$3 |
22/97 |
R |
Vibrava |
$.25 |
$.75 |
23/97 |
U |
Bagon |
$.25 |
$.75 |
24/97 |
U |
Camerupt |
$.25 |
$.75 |
25/97 |
U |
Combusken |
$.25 |
$.75 |
26/97 |
U |
Dratini |
$.25 |
$.75 |
27/97 |
U |
Flaaffy |
$.25 |
$.75 |
28/97 |
U |
Forretress |
$.25 |
$.75 |
29/97 |
U |
Graveler |
$.25 |
$.75 |
30/97 |
U |
Graveler |
$.25 |
$.75 |
31/97 |
U |
Grovyle |
$.50 |
$1.00 |
32/97 |
U |
Gyarados |
$.25 |
$.75 |
33/97 |
U |
Horsea |
$.25 |
$.75 |
34/97 |
U |
Houndoom |
$.25 |
$.75 |
35/97 |
U |
Magneton |
$.25 |
$.75 |
36/97 |
U |
Marshtomp |
$.25 |
$.75 |
37/97 |
U |
Meditite |
$.25 |
$.75 |
38/97 |
U |
Ninjask |
$.25 |
$.75 |
39/97 |
U |
Seadra |
$.25 |
$.75 |
40/97 |
U |
Seadra |
$.25 |
$.75 |
41/97 |
U |
Shelgon |
$.25 |
$.75 |
42/97 |
U |
Shelgon |
$.25 |
$.75 |
43/97 |
U |
Shuppet |
$.25 |
$.75 |
44/97 |
U |
Snorunt |
$.25 |
$.75 |
45/97 |
U |
Swellow |
$.25 |
$.75 |
46/97 |
U |
Vibrava |
$.25 |
$.75 |
47/97 |
U |
Vibrava |
$.25 |
$.75 |
48/97 |
U |
Whiscash |
$.10 |
$.50 |
49/97 |
C |
Bagon |
$.10 |
$.50 |
50/97 |
C |
Bagon |
$.10 |
$.50 |
51/97 |
C |
Barboach |
$.10 |
$.50 |
52/97 |
C |
Corphish |
$.10 |
$.50 |
53/97 |
C |
Corphish |
$.10 |
$.50 |
54/97 |
C |
Corphish |
$.10 |
$.50 |
55/97 |
C |
Geodude |
$.10 |
$.50 |
56/97 |
C |
Geodude |
$.10 |
$.50 |
57/97 |
C |
Grimer |
$.10 |
$.50 |
58/97 |
C |
Horsea |
$.10 |
$.50 |
59/97 |
C |
Houndour |
$.10 |
$.50 |
60/97 |
C |
Magikarp |
$.10 |
$.50 |
61/97 |
C |
Magnemite |
$.10 |
$.50 |
62/97 |
C |
Magnemite |
$.10 |
$.50 |
63/97 |
C |
Magnemite |
$.10 |
$.50 |
64/97 |
C |
Mareep |
$.10 |
$.50 |
65/97 |
C |
Mudkip |
$.10 |
$.50 |
66/97 |
C |
Nincada |
$.10 |
$.50 |
67/97 |
C |
Nincada |
$.10 |
$.50 |
68/97 |
C |
Nincada |
$.10 |
$.50 |
69/97 |
C |
Numel |
$.10 |
$.50 |
70/97 |
C |
Numel |
$.10 |
$.50 |
71/97 |
C |
Pineco |
$.10 |
$.50 |
72/97 |
C |
Slugma |
$.10 |
$.50 |
73/97 |
C |
Spoink |
$.10 |
$.50 |
74/97 |
C |
Spoink |
$.10 |
$.50 |
75/97 |
C |
Swablu |
$.10 |
$.50 |
76/97 |
C |
Taillow |
$.10 |
$.50 |
77/97 |
C |
Torchic |
$.10 |
$.50 |
78/97 |
C |
Trapinch |
$.10 |
$.50 |
79/97 |
C |
Trapinch |
$.10 |
$.50 |
80/97 |
C |
Treecko |
$.10 |
$.50 |
81/97 |
C |
Wurmple |
$.50 |
$1.50 |
82/97 |
U |
Balloon Berry |
$.75 |
$2.00 |
83/97 |
U |
Buffer Piece |
$.75 |
$2.00 |
84/97 |
U |
Energy Recycle System |
$.75 |
$2.00 |
85/97 |
U |
High Pressure System |
$.75 |
$2.00 |
86/97 |
U |
Low Pressure System |
$1.00 |
$3.00 |
87/97 |
U |
Mr. Briney’s
Compassion |
$2.00 |
$80 |
88/97 |
U |
TV Reporter |
$8 |
N/A |
89/97 |
EX |
Ampharos Ex |
$15 |
N/A |
90/97 |
EX |
Dragonite Ex |
$8 |
N/A |
91/97 |
EX |
Golem Ex |
$8 |
N/A |
92/97 |
EX |
Kingdra Ex |
$11 |
N/A |
93/97 |
EX |
Latias Ex |
$7 |
N/A |
94/97 |
EX |
Latios Ex |
$6 |
N/A |
95/97 |
EX |
Magcargo Ex |
$5 |
N/A |
96/97 |
EX |
Muk Ex |
$15 |
N/A |
97/97 |
EX |
Rayquaza Ex |
$14 |
N/A |
98/97 |
Charmander |
$15 |
N/A |
99/97 |
Charmeleon |
$100.00 |
N/A |
100/97 |
Charizard |
Release date: November
Distributed by Nintendo
Based on the Pocket Monsters Card Game published by "Media
Factory" (Japan)
Available in :
"Booster" Packs
(Expert Level Play)
$3.29 U.S.
11 random cards :
1 Rare Card
3 Uncommon Cards
6 Common Cards
1 Reverse Holo Card
(1 in 3 chance of rare
card being replaced with ultra-rare "holographic" card)
Set Size : 188 Total
By Rarity:
12 Holographic (Foil)
9 Rare Holographic ex
87 Reverse Holographic
1 Ultra Rare Reverse Holographic (TV Reporter)
3 Secret Rare
10 Rare (non-foil)
33 Uncommon
33 Common
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