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      Pokedex Information Submission Tips
We get at least 25 emails every day from faithful readers like you.  That's a lot of great Pokedex info to share.  Thanks a bunch!  Sometimes, we get so many emails we can't answer them all but we appreciate every word.  So thanks in advance.  The following are a few tips to help get your information (and your name!) in our Pokedex.  

Sending Card Scans and Images
Be sure to send any images, card scans, etc... as FILE ATTACHMENTs.  Some internet services do not like sending big files in the text of the email.
If you're sending pictures that you've copied from somebody else's website, don't bother.  We wouldn't want to 'borrow' their hard work without permission.  How do you know if you are sending something from somebody else's site?  Images on websites usually have an icon, symbol, or signature from the site they're on.
We often get 2 or 3 of the same card scans from several different people.  Don't feel bad if yours doesn't get shown.  We try to post the one with the best quality overall.
If you have a picture you want to send, check to see if we've already posted it.  If not, send it in!  If you send us an email asking 'do you want me to send in my pictures?' it just gives somebody else time to get their pictures in instead of yours.

Sending Pokemon Translations
Everybody likes to be the first person to translate Pokemon data from Japanese into English.  However, we can't post every translation.  Mainly because we don't speak Japanese and can't be sure that your translation is accurate.  Secondly, all of the Pokemon information will appear in its English form when Nintendo (or Wizards of the Coast, etc...) is good and ready.  We'll definitely post the information then.  Lastly, we do have a TCG Spoilers section on the site already, where you can find the translations of all Japanese cards to date.
As for emails that tell us we've spelled a Pokemon's name incorrectly, we're glad to read your suggestions but translations are never perfect.  If we've made a gross error we're glad to correct it.
Along those same lines, we're doing our best to list the meanings of Pokemon names but until Nintendo releases the English version, nobody knows what the true translated name will be.  Take Marril for instance.  Before he was officially released (Pokemon: The First Movie), everybody thought his name was going to be Pikablu.  That's also why we've listed Pokemon such as Hapinasu in our Pokedex.  We know that this means 'Happy Nurse' but we're pretty sure Nintendo will come up with some other name for this Pokemon.

Who's That Pokemon?!
If you're sending general information about a Pokemon (flavor text, episode appearances, etc...) PLEASE tell us which Pokemon you're talking about.  We get a lot of emails with great data but we don't know which Pokemon it goes with unless you tell us.

Missing Pokemon
Many people send us information about Pokemon that don't appear in our Pokedex.  For instance;

  • Missing No.

  • Venustoise and Crystal Onix

  • Charcolt and Rainer

  • etc...

We hate to ruin the fun but these aren't official Pokemon.  Missing No. means Missing Number and is a glitch in the programming of the GameBoy cartridges.  Charcolt and Rainer are completely false rumours.  To date, no Pokemon has any form beyond Stage 2.  It's fun to make up your own Pokemon but don't get confused with Nintendo's official 251.
Venustoise and the Crystal Onix (along with other Pokemon), are a slightly different story.  These Pokemon exist ONLY in the television series and will never make their way into the GameBoy paks or Trading Card Game.  Therefore, they aren't quite official.  They're loose interpretations of Nintendo's official 251 Pokemon, put into the shows in order to keep the stories interesting.  We're not saying that we won't add a section for them someday but for now we want to devote ourselves to the 251 known species.



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