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New Book: A Planeswalker’s Guide to Alara

Wizards of the Coast is helping Magic: The Gathering fans get to know their inner planeswalker and understand the newest world of Magic with A Planeswalker’s Guide to Alara. This field guide to Wizard’s latest release, Shards of Alara, includes lavish, full-color illustrations from concept art to final cards and never before seen stories. The guide gave players access to Alara one month before the set released.

This book is great for new and old players who want to get the full flavor of Alara’s complex sub-planes.

This Book has a Retail Price of $16.95.  As I write this, Amazon.com is offering this book right now for $11.53. 

Pojo's Review: This book is not a strategy guide with tips to the Trading Card Game. 

The Book is 152 pages and basically a history of the storylines & characters in Alara.  The artwork is beautiful, and the book is printed on high quality paper. 

If you are into the story & art, you will probably like this book.  If you are looking for TCG tips, then you'll be disappointed. 

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