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Ball Z - Episode Summaries Episode
227 - Learn
to Fuse!
English Episode #227
Learn to fuse
-The episode begins as Buu *literally* blows up
the now vacant city. Babadi then informs the
people of earth that if Goten, Trunks and Piccolo are
found, to tell him or he and Buu will destroy the earth
in 5 days. The owner of the World Martial Arts
Trournament informs Babadi of the names of the ones he
is searching for, but Babadi finds the information
useless and blows up his head. We are then taken
back to Kami's place where we find a very angry Piccolo
who has taken the news the world will be destroyed in 5
days hard, and offers to give himself in. He then
decides to stay and help Goku teach the boys the fusion.
Meanwhile, Trunks and Goten awaken and go off to
We are then back on the
Supreme Kai's planet where Gohan is revived. The
Supreme Kai tells Gohan that he was brought there to
pull out the legendary Z Sword, which has never been
done by anyone. The Supreme Kai explains the sword
makes its owner unbeatable. Kibito totally doubts that
Gohan can pull out the sword and thinks it was a mistake
bringing him to the planet in the first place. Back at
Kami's, Goten and Trunks are found by Goku who explains
to them about fusion and tells them about Gohan and
Vegeta, which they take extremely hard. Goku tells
them to suck it up and fight while the others wish them
good luck. On the Kai planet, Gohan is given new
clothes and waits to pull out the sword. The
episode ends :) Oy! Sorry this was so long ^_^ Ja
ne - ReN
Dragon Ball Z
English Dubbed
Learn To Fuse (Episode 227)
Previously: Babidi magically communicated with everyone
on Earth. Kibito and Supreme Kai found Gohan and took
him to their world.
Summary: Babidi looks on at the now deserted city. He
orders Buu to destroy whats left of it just to stretch
his point to everyone on Earth. Buu does so by sucking
in a wad of air and blowing it at the ghost town thus
destroying it. Babidi says that Piccolo, Trunks, and
Goten have five days to surrender before the planet is
exterminated. He tells the people if they wish to
contact him all they have to do is speak up and he can
hear. After little chaos the world is now in search for
the three super warriors. Back at the lookout the Z team
are unable to stand such horror. Not knowing where they
are Trunks and Goten awake and investigate. Elswhere
Kibito and friends arrive healing Gohan immediatly. Both
confused Supreme Kai explains the reason for Gohan being
here is to withdraw the Z Sword. Bursting with
complaints Kibito follows Supreme Kai's decision. Now
Trunks and Goten have found where the food is kept and
start eating. After a lesson in manners Mr. Popo comes
in. Thinking he is a "bad guy" they attack him
head on (actually he defends pretty well). As Supreme
Kai and Gohan fly Kibito changes Gohan's outfit to one
of theirs, including earrings. Landing Supreme Kai tells
Gohan that no one has ever pulled the Z Sword from it's
resting place and that this is his chance. We next see
Trunks and Goten crying for Vegeta and Gohan's death but
as we all know there is no time for tears and now they
stand chins up and confident. From here it is up to
Gohan, Trunks, and Goten to rid the world of Majin Buu
for good..
Next Time: Gohan withdraws the Z sword. Babidi turns a
city into chocolate and eats them. Hercule is asked to
defeat Buu.
-Legendary SSJ
DBZ- English
Dubbed- Learn To Fuse- 227
It starts with an overview of the empty city because of
what buu did. then babidi tell buu to destroy the city
he does so by sucking in a lot of air and blowing it out
destroying the city. Then babidi reminds everyone what
the 3 look like. Trunks and Goten have no idea what's
going on cuz they're still sleeping. Babidi then says
they have 5 days or else he'll destory everyone and
tells everyone how to contact him in his mind. Then it
shows some people who had plans that have now been
destroyed. A guy from the tournament then contacts
babidi and tells them they were in the tournament and
gives babidi names but he doesnt care about the names
then babidi makes the guy's head explode. Piccolo then
says he'll show himself but goku says it won't help
because it won't matter babidi will still try to destroy
the earth and plus goku needs someone to teach the kids
how to fuse and they can beat buu in those 5 days. then
finally piccolo is convinced to stay..
Cuts to trunks waking up and wondering where he is then
he tries to wake up goten shaking him and slapping him
but nothing helps so then he tells goten it's time to
eat and he wakes up instantly knocking trunks off the
bed saying 'what it's time to eat where's the food?'
trunks responds with the funny comment 'why do you even
have ears you hear much better with your stomach' then
goten asks where they are and it looks expensive and
it's nice.Then trunks snaps and asks where his dad is?
and it plays back when vegeta say strunks made him proud
and then knocked them unconscious. Then trunks suggest
to look around and see where they are. Then it shows mr
popo looking in the bedwhere he put the boys in.
Then cuts to Supreme kai, kibito and gohan in kibito's
arms in other world. Kibito then heals gohan and gohan
is convinced he's dead because he's in other world but
wonders why he has no halo like his dad but they tell
him he's still alive and he's the only mortal to ever be
on their ground but gohan keeps asking so many questions
like 'oh so im dead right? what am i doing here? etc'
kibito tells him he asks too many questions then asks
supreme kai why they brought gohan up to their world and
he says it's so he can pull out the Z Sword to defeat
majin buu and kibito freaks out because he thinks its
impossible because no one else could do it none of the
kai's and no teven supreme kai could so why does he
think gohan can do it? gohan is just puzzled and doesn't
seem to care much while kibito is just convinced gohan
can't pull it out
Then cuts to trunks and goten eating and goten start
stalking with his mouth full and trunks teaches him he
shouldn't talk while he's eats he's got bad manners and
he should never talk with his mouth full then mr popo
finds them and pulls trunks by his shirt and trunks just
complains if he wanted some food he should've been there
first and he asks goten for help but goten just says
'hold on trunks im eating you said it yourself it's bad
manners to talk when someone's eating' then trunks says
'manners ill show you bad manners' and becomes super
making him let go of trunks and says 'whoa not even goku
was that strong when he was little' (maybe it's a hint
of how stong these 2 really are huh?) then they both try
getting away but mr popo grabs them by their ankle and
then goten and trunks (while mr popo is holding on) drag
him out the door then they start flying off and mr popo
transports in front of them but they just punch after
victory was theirs goku arrives and trunks just figures
they're in trouble.
Then cuts to kibito and he tells gohan how shamefull it
is wearing his ripped up spandex so he does some sort of
thing and now gohan has clothes like supreme kai and
then they arrive at the sword and supreme kai tells him
if he pulls it out he'll be the first. Then cuts to
trunks crying saying 'WHAT? NO THAT CAN'T BE THAT COULD
crying saying 'MY BROTHER'S STILL ALIVE' then goku yells
SKILLS FAST YOU GOT IT!' they both then turn around
still crying but trying to swallow the pain then piccolo
suggests the hyperbolic time chamber but goku says no
since it can only be used twice in a lifetime then goku
tells piccolo he has to learn this too so he can teach
the boys while he's gone. Then he turns to the boys who
are still can't believe what happened they're just
speechless trying to suck in the pain then goku yells
Dragonball Z english dubbed episode 227 - “Learn to
by Chibi-Hikaru ^_^
Babidi and Buu are standing above a city (the population
of which Buu just ate) saying stuff like “Oh, darn.
There’s no one left to live here so we’ll just have to
destroy it.” So Buu blows it up... to the extreme dismay
and anger of the Z gang, because he’s basically just
rubbing it in their faces. Piccolo is especially
aggravated - he thinks that if he just turned himself in
he could avoid all the pain and suffering.
Babidi continues with his announcement in saying that if
“Him, him, and him” (he doesn’t know Piccolo, Trunks and
Goten’s names yet) don’t show themselves in five days he
will destroy the Earth - not to be taken lightly. He
also says that the people of Earth can contact him just
by speaking up and he will hear them. Then it shows
various people panicking and saying they’re gonna die
and to find those three before they are destroyed.
After a while one of the guys in charge of the World
Martial Arts Tournament says that he knows who they are:
Trunks, Goten and Majunior (Piccolo registered that as
his name in the competition). Babidi asks where they are
now and when the guy says he doesn’t know, Babidi is
really annoyed and says he’s useless, then destroys him
somehow through his mind.
At Dende’s lookout the Z guys (and girls... and
androids) can’t take it anymore but there’s nothing they
can do. They are all fiercely upset and angry about
Vegeta and Gohan but can’t figure out a way to stop
Babidi and Buu. Piccolo takes some convincing but
eventually decides to stay with them and help Goku teach
the Fusion Dance to Trunks and Goten.
Meanwhile Chibi-Trunks is just waking up in a big bed
with Goten beside him (in Dende’s lookout but he doesn’t
know that) and wonders where the HFIL he is. He tries to
wake Goten up but doesn’t succeed so he whispers very
softly “Hey, Goten. Time to eat!” and Goten suddenly
springs up, knocking Trunks off the bed, and looks
around excitedly. Trunks says something about hearing
better with his stomach then suddenly remembers: “What
happened to my dad!?” Then there’s this really touching
flashback where Vegeta is hugging Trunks and saying he’s
proud of him... *sniff, sniff*, and then they (or
rather, Trunks) decide that they should “check this
place out”. Hmm... I don’t like that evil glint in your
eye Trunks...
Switches to: Supreme Kai and Kibito just appearing on
their world with Gohan in their arms. Kibito revives
Gohan and he gets up and is really confused and starts
asking all these dumb questions. Gohan is looking around
and wonders why he doesn’t get a halo like his dad but
S-Kai tells him he’s not actually dead. Then S-Kai tells
Gohan he brought him here to get the Z Sword (!). Kibito
starts yelling at S-Kai saying “You can’t be serious,
Supreme Kai! How can a mere Earthling do what the Kai’s
themselves could not!? Don’t you remember!? None of the
Kai’s, not even you, Supreme Kai, were capable of
freeing the Z Sword!” Then, after another dumb question
from Gohan (“Ehh... what’s the Z Sword?” *sigh*), S-Kai
flies off with a confused Gohan and a sceptical Kibito
behind him.
Switches to: Goten and Trunks who are stuffing their
faces with an entire table full of food. Must be that
Saiyan appetite... Trunks is complaining about Goten
eating with his mouth full when Mr Popo enters, finally
having found them, and picks Trunks up by his collar.
But, of course, they don’t know who he is, do they? So
Trunks is getting really really pissed off and,
struggling to get free, asks Goten to help him but Goten
is still eating (now with perfect manners, I might add)
“Hold on Trunks, please be quiet while I finish eating
my food. You were the one who said it was bad manners to
talk while a person is eating, remember?” “If you wanna
see bad manners, then you got it!” So Trunks turns Super
Saiyan and blows everything away (man, what a waste of
food) then Goten goes Super, too, and they start beating
up on poor Mr Popo (never liked him anyway). Trunks is
really enjoying himself when they hear a voice behind
them - it’s Goku. Goten is suddenly happy and completely
adorable again.... and Trunks is doing his little pout.
Switches to: Gohan flying along. Kibito zaps some new
clothes for Gohan which look like his and S-Kai’s. Then
they arrive at the Z Sword which is on top of a really
tall plateau/mountain thingy. Turns out it’s an ancient
and “mystical” (hint, hint) sword that’s stuck in a
rock... sound familiar? No one but he who is pure of
heart and above all strength can pull it out - if Gohan
does he will be the first. Gohan says it’s weird but he
feels like he’s done it before. Freaky stuff, eh?
Switches to: Dende’s lookout. Trunks is now trying
desperately not to cry and yelling “What!? No! No,
that’s not possible! Not my dad, it can’t be! No! It’s
not true!” and Goten is just screaming and crying for
his brother it’s so sad it nearly made me cry. They’re
completely in denial. Mean ol’ Goku basically yells them
to shuddup and that they have to be tough to defeat
Majin Buu so they turn to face him but are still crying.
Finally they look up with fire in their eyes and the
tears are gone...
Voice guy: “The news that Gohan and Vegeta fell victim
to Majin Buu’s power hit Trunks and Goten hard. And now
they must put aside their pain and channel all of their
energy into learning the fusion technique. But little do
they know, Gohan is in the Other World preparing for a
challenge of his own. He must free the legendary Z Sword
from it’s resting place - a feat no one has ever been
able to accomplish before! Time is running out. In just
five days Majin Buu will destroy the planet. Can these
three warriors save the day? Find out on the next
Dragonball Z!”
Thanx for reading, by Chibi-Hikaru ^_^
Episode 227 - Learn to
AT THE CITY:Buu sends the city people in the air and
turns them into candy bits and eats them.Buu blows
agiant energy beam from his mouth that destroys
everything,but the tournament arena.Babidi is happy and
says to the city that they have 5 days until the Earth
is destroyed.
AT DENDE'S TOWER:Goten and Trunks wake up remembering
about Vegeta knocking them out and sneak to the kitchen
to eat the food.Trunks tells Goten not to talk while he
is eating.Mr.Popo grabs Trunks.Trunks thinks that
Mr.Popo is the enemy and screams for help.Goten says not
to talk when he is eating.Goku tells Goten and Trunks to
be brave and fuse quickly.Piccolo has a bad feeling.
AT THE TOURNAMENT ARENA:A new secret was revealed.The
tournament was a setup to awaken Buu.The judge was
working for Babadi.Babadi asked the judge for names.The
judge said Goten and Trunks were the last
survivors.Babidi destroys the judge.
AT SUPREME KAI'S PLANET:Gohan is awake and asks Supreme
Kai if he is dead or alive.Kibito give Gohan new
clothes.Gohan is about to pull the Z sword.