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Japanese Dragon Ball  - Episode Summaries

Episode 223 -  Son Goku at Full Power.  Take that Yaken!!!

Japanese Dragonball Summary
Episode #223. Son Goku At full power. Take that Yaken!!!

    The majin energy meter is almost halfway full.  The scene then cuts to an ugly looking Majin Yaken.  The Supreme Kaioh Sama recognizes the mighty Majin Yaken and urges the whole Z team to take on Majin Yaken at the same time.  Goku gets ready to fight, and after some maneuvers, Majin Yaken got a scratch on Goku.  Majin Yaken reveals that this was done on purpose, and warns Goku that he is about to fight for real.

    Babi-dee congratulates Majin Yaken and magically changes the environment of the room.  The room changes, and they are magically transported to Majin Yaken's home planet... where it is completely dark. 
Upon arrival, Goku hits himself on a rock, since it is completely dark. 
Majin Yaken hangs on the celiing and reveals that he can easily see what Goku is doing.  Majin Yaken attacks Goku, but Goku dodges the attack.  Goku then sneaks from behind and smacks the monster on its back.  Majin Yaken moves around, only to get kicked and smacked around by Goku a couple of times.  Majin Yaken cant understand how can Goku see him in the dark.  Goku then explains the various methods for which he can see Majin Yaken... including the expulsion of light by becoming a super saiyan.  Goku turns into a super saiyan.  Babi-dee checks his power level reader and is shocked to see how much ki Goku has.  We are not given a regular power reading, but comparing Majin Yaken's reading v. Goku's regular SSJ reading, Majin Yaken should be stronger than Freezer and about as strong as Number 18.

   Back at the fighting tournament, we see a disgruntled crowd that is just waiting around for the next fight to occur.  Trunks and Goten take their time and go to a restaurant to eat.  However, they realize that they forgot that they dont have the money to pay for the food.  They try to sneak out of the restaurant, but they only get caught.  They run into Chi Chi and her father.  Chi Chi is very much relieved, but the kids just keep on running.

   Majin Yaken should be scared, however, instead, he laughs and he begins to suck the air out of the room.  Goku's saiyan glow seems to be getting sucked by Majin Yaken's breath.  Finally, Majin Yaken swallows Goku's glow completely and Goku turns back into a regular person.  Goku realizes that Majin Yaken is a kind of beast that eats all sorts of glowing energy.  Goku decides to give Yaken a 'banquet,' so he turns into a Super Saiyan again. 
Majin Yaken starts to suck out the air again.  This time around, though, the suction action seems to have increased.  However, Goku is actually trying to hold on and not have his energy sucked out too.  Majin Yaken begins to swell and Goku powers up.  The extra energy is enough to make Majin Yaken explode.  With Majin Yaken defeated, the door to the next level opens up and the Z team goes down.  The next room, again, looks exactly like the one before.

   With nobody else stronger than Majin Yaken to send out, Doubler decides to go out to fight.  It's Gohan's turn to fight... but we won't see that in this episode.


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