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DBZ CCG Card of the Day


Breakthrough Drill

Trunks Saga


Reviewed July 28, 2002


Standard Rating: 4.60 (based on 2 reviews)
Tuff Enuff: 4.05 (based on 2 reviews)

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy
Talk about disruption 101, this card can tear your opponent's deck apart turn one if you know what the main purpose of the deck is... besides taking out your opponent's Trunks Energy Sphere is alwayz good too.


Imagin going up against a Dragonball deck and being able to remove their Blue Betrayal or their Gohan Maditates, how about a anger deck and removing their Red Eye Lassers or their Capt. Ginyu's Energy Attack.
That's just plai n wrong isn't it? The cool thing about this card is that you can alwayz name a key card even if you don't know what deck your opponent is using, just think of the basics.... Spheres, Confrontation/A-18 Stare Down and such. 

Rating 4.4

Tuff Enuff

If you combine this card with Black Searching Tech you'll have the ability to just tear your opponent's deck card by card and not have to worry about them ever hiting you with somethign unexpected. In Tuff Enuff you can alwayz just start picking off your opponent's blocks and watch him cry when you just start charging him w/ everything you have. This card is just plain nasty and can be the game breaker if you know what to name, the cool thing about it is that you don't even have to declare a Taco Waza ;-p to use it.


I can't think of a better card for Black.  This is the be-all end to the 3 deadly threats of DBZ: Cosmic Backlash, Dragon's Victory, and Goku's Dragon Ball Quest.  Even if you find your opponent has none, it's worth naming them just in case.  You should've been able to see what your opponent's deck type is before you get to play it, so you only need to name one before you get to take out your opponent's backup stuff.  Sure, it only gets those 3 types, but those 3 types usually have more effect than most of the others.

S&TE: 5

now, my favorite card in the game, black scout maneuver.. man i love this card, against those namekian decks with the people running 8 of the one defense, ouch, thats 8 life there buddy ^_^.  But yes, dear god, this is by far one of the best black cards in the game, rivaled only by black body destrustion, and Black Searching Technique.  Any Colorless or black deck needs atleast 2 of these.

Reg - 4/5
Te - 4/5

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