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Building the Gauntlet – Dimension Fusion Turbo

Dimension Fusion Turbo is a powerful deck that has made waves in modern Goat Format. It takes theory and strategy honed by over a decade of experience and translates it into a fast, powerful deck that can put overwhelming damage on board in a single turn. It takes inspiration from the Bazoo and Chaos Return decks featured in 2006 and adapts them for Goat Format, and it does so very well.

Dimension Fusion is a card that can generate an absolute amazing amount of advantage in a single turn. It can turn an empty board into a full board at the cost of 2000 LP, which in Goat Format is a serious swing in both advantage and initiative. The deck wants to deliver a crushing OTK along with Giant Trunade, but the OTK is not a boom-or-bust proposition. Even if playing Dimension Fusion doesn’t lead to an outright win, it will put so much pressure on your opponent that they will have to put forth a Herculean effort to overcome it. So not only does the deck have the ability to OTK, but in a simplified game state it can be impossible for an opponent to overcome the advantage generated by a single Dimension Fusion play, even with cards like Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Snatch Steal or Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning.

Let’s take a look at a standard Dimension Fusion Turbo build:

Monsters – 19
3x Bazoo the Soul-Eater
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Cyber Jar
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
3x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
1x Morphing Jar
3x Mystic Tomato
1x Sangan
3x Thunder Dragon
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus

Spells – 21
2x Brain Control
1x Card Destruction
3x Dimension Fusion
2x Giant Trunade
1x Graceful Charity
1x Heavy Storm
1x Lightning Vortex
3x Limiter Removal
2x Metamorphosis
2x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Pot of Greed
1x Premature Burial
1x Snatch Steal

Note: Decklist taken from Format Library

A Return deck at heart, DFT relies on several cards to fuel its banish pile, with its three chaos monsters and three copies of Bazoo the Soul-Eater as its go-to banishers. These are aided by cards such as Thunder Dragon, Mystic Tomato, Card Destruction, Cyber Jar and Morphing Jar. All of those put monsters into the Graveyard or benefit by going to the Graveyard, which DFT loves. Bazoo and the Chaos monsters can control the field while you wait to assemble pieces for a big push to end the game while also feeding cards into your banish pile, making them the most formidable and versatile monsters in the deck.

Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive is another cornerstone of the deck. Typically, DFT wants all three copies of Dekoichi banished, and the easiest way to do this is to get an opponent to do it via Nobleman of Crossout. But even if they don’t take the bait, Dekoichi will gain the DFT player a card upon death and also provide fodder for both Bazoo and the Chaos monsters. This gives Dekoichi a high amount of utility. It also begs for abuse once they hit the board via Dimension Fusion. This is why Limiter Removal is played at three in the deck – three double-ATK Dekoichis against an open board is literally game damage (2800+2800+2800=8400).

What the deck does best is provide options for the person playing it. The deck can maintain field presence via Mystic Tomato and Bazoo and puts pressure on the opponent via its high-ATK monsters that also help fuel its main win condition. It can shift focus from OTK to multi-turn control thanks to the power of Dimension Fusion and slowly crush your opponent to death if it can’t strike a killing blow in one battle phase. In the right hands, the deck is almost unstoppable, requiring precision play and good reads to outmaneuver it.

But the deck is far from perfect. Notably, it is prone to brick hands. Opening Graceful Charity, Card Destruction and Thunder Dragon is amazing, but it’s rare to see a hand like that. Thunder Dragon is expected to fill the grave and thin the deck, and it does this well. Being a LIGHT also synergizes with the Chaos monsters. But it lacks any other form of utility, notably in terms of battle stats. It’s also not a card you really want to return back with Dimension Fusion if you can help it.

Dekoichi is a great card in the deck, but without the combo of Dimension Fusion and Limiter Removal it can be a waste of a draw. This is especially true if you’re facing down a big board with nothing in grave to fuel Bazoo or the Chaos monsters. And while the deck doesn’t mind if Dekoichi is hit by Nobleman of Crossout, a skilled opponent can use that to widen the advantage gap and keep the deck from going off. The deck requires a skilled player to keep their discipline against big threats.

In the early game, many of its momentum-generating plays are easily played around. The deck has to be conscious of its LP even more than most other Goat Format decks, as it need 2000 LP to pay for Dimension Fusion. As the deck runs all of zero traps, stopping cards like Exarion Universe from dealing damage can be problematic. If the deck opens particularly weak, it can quickly lose the advantage battle and begin hemorrhaging cards in an attempt to keep afloat.

In my testing I’ve found that if DFT opens even marginally suboptimally it has a hard time maintaining both advantage and board presence. With a lack of serious beaters outside Bazoo, the deck is almost forced to play defensively until it can set itself up. But without Trap cards, the deck has to rely on Dekoichi and Mystic Tomato to prevent mass amounts of damage. If an opponent can sniff those out and prevent them from generating advantage or floating, DFT has a hard time overcoming the loss of those advantage generators.

However, the deck’s explosiveness and ability to generate massive amounts of advantage at once make it a formidable addition to the format. It is powerful yet fragile, a boom-or-bust deck that can turn into a control deck on a dime. It is a counter-intuitive deck that takes modern thinking and applies it well to a vintage format, and it’s definitely worth a look.

That’s it for this time. As always you can contact me any time at Don’t forget to stop by the official Pojo Goat Format Thread and check out the Goat Format Discord server as well to continue the Goat Format discussion.

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