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Card of the Day
Kids, I want to win your games
first turn!"-Erika's Jigglypuff
somebody get my a freakin' Wigglytuff!"-Erika
I don't belong to Erika."-Blaine's Charmeleon
Sorry, I just thought I'd make my quotes more irrelevant and
weird today. Anyway, Erika's Jigglypuff, in my opinion, is gonna be
played in Hay variants and a lot of fast decks. It has the ability to
win games on the first turn with three PlusPowers to take out the
Mewtwo, Electabuzz, Hitmonchan, Magmar, two to take out Jigglypuff,
one to take out the fellow Erika's Jiggly and Squirtle.
They Dare Play One Basic
you're maxing out on PlusPowers and play Erika's Jigglypuff in your
deck, your opponent with one basic can be in deep trouble.
turn 1, they flip their Buzz, you got a Scyther. Get the Jiggly out!
(Bill, Comp Search, anything) Get a colorless on it, and just start
Oaking and Comping for the three PlusPowers. If you have a lot of card
drawing you should be able to do it. This Pulled Punch is a great
attack, and can really be useful in taking out a single basic to win
the game.
And Later Game?
game Jigglypuff can make the same surprising attack, but don't forget,
the Pok�mon has to be undamaged for it to become damaged with 4
damage counters. Otherwise, the Pulled Punch is two colorless for 10,
which, obviously, just isn't really useful. It is possible
to get three PlusPowers for a nice surprise middle game, but you don't
want to really Oak through your deck middlegame to get a single
knockout. You may have taken something good out, getting a prize, but
getting three PlusPowers can take more than one Oak. It's hard to just
draw them without Oaking and Comping. With one prize left, do what you
want. It
doesn't matter what you do, how you do it, when you do it, as long as
you get your last prize. Just like in chess, it
doesn't matter what piece you lose, if you can force an unstoppable
checkmate in any number of turns.
Kindness looks like a combo, right? Nah, not really. It's not worth
it. Just keep Jiggly as a defense against their fresh new Pok�mon. It
can still do a Pulled Bunch, then you can retreat for the knockout
with another Pok�mon. It's first attack may seem like a combo against
something like a Buzz that thunderpunched getting tails, since it
removes the damage, which is good for the second attack, but overall,
a 50HP basic really doesn't have time to do set up for it's second
attack, especially if it's not gonna be a knockout or something
significant in the game.
The Classic Hay That Hurts
classic Hay, I am referring to Electabuzz and Hitmonchan. This Jiggly,
like all Jigglys, is weak to fighting, and can be jabbed with a
PlusPower for a knockout, which can suck first turn. (the first turn
winner can be a first turn loser, too!) The Buzz has the ability to do
10 to itself, with Thunderpunch, but that's not a big deal, this
Jigglypuff isn't the best thing middlegame, when Thunderpunch is
normally used most.
Will it be Good at the STS?
would say no. No one wants to waste a lot of space on PlusPowers, and
despite weaker basics because of evolution, not many people will have
one basic left out for a first turn loss since decks seem to be
playing around 16 basic now. The ability to Oak constantly is harder
in the 15 Trainer format, also.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
The ability to take out all the good stuff turn one with the three
PlusPowers is amazing. Play one in your Hay variants if you play a lot
of PlusPowers and card drawing. Watch out for Chan with a PlusPower,
though. It's a nice card, and will really annoy your opponent! I think
it deserves an 7.5. It just isn't as
powerful later in the game.
me if you want a certain card evaluated!
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