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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Sun & Moon:
Guardians Rising
#14 - Victini
- Sun & Moon: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
May 16, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.37
Expanded: 3.50
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Yep, the Noble Victories legendary
version of Victini has been reborn in Guardians Rising,
marking a return for one of the best cards for anything
coin-reliant...well, at least for attacks. Victini
famously gets his nickname from his Ability, Victory
Star, which allows you to redo a coin toss for any
attacks you may have. Basically, if you use an attack
that requires a coin flip and get a result you're not
happy with, you can reflip the coin using this Ability.
...oh, and V-Flame is 2-for-50
vanilla, who cares-
SO!! What does this mean? Well you
know all those attacks that have "Flip a coin, if heads
do this?" And you know how heads is usually what you
want? And it's a 50/50 chance of getting it? Well on the
REflip, you get ANOTHER 50/50 chance to land it! And by
the general rule of calculating two coin flips, it means
that 75% of the time, you're going to land heads one of
those times. Sure, you're probably going to keep the
result if you flip Heads first - unless you REALLY want
the tails effect - but overall the chances are much
improved for your end result to be Heads, which is good!
And that's not even including those multi-flip attacks.
Of course, that's where Fliptini's
usefulness lies, so he won't see play in decks that
aren't reliant on coin flips. All the more though, he'll
see play in decks that have AMAZING coin flips. That is
to say, decks like Vanilluxe (NVI) that could flip a
coin, do damage, and as long as there was 1 of 2 heads,
PARALYZE the opponent. I don't know off the top of my
head if such a specifically powerful combination is
around in this format, but it'll be interesting to see
where Fliptini goes in the Sun/Moon era.
Standard: 3.5/5 (it's certainly
nice to have the ability to reflip coins)
Expanded: 4/5 (of course, coin
flips aren't going to be the most reliable thing ever
Limited: 3.5/5 (but at least the
better results will show up more often)
Arora Notealus: I actually remember
the old Fliptini cause I ran him in one of my first
decks when I came back into the game during BW. Guess
what? It was Vanilluxe! Yeah, shame there was no Wally
back then, and that Water decks had no Forest of Giant
Plants. But still! Maybe that's why I like Rare Candy so
Next Time: When the moon shines
bright, this wolf goes out on the prowl...

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 10/145) makes a triumphant
return to the game in the Guardians Rising
expansion set.
Although this card has a different attack than
prior incarnations, the ability
Victory Star
remains the same: if you have an attack that uses a coin
flip and that coin flip doesn’t turn up the way you want
it to, you can flip that coin again.
This opens a world of possibilities of combos with
We reviewed
Torkoal (Sun
& Moon, 23/149) last Friday,
and I shared the success that I experienced with that
Discount Pokemon Decks has the only video for a
Victini deck
that I’ve seen so far, featuring
Doublade (Primal
Clash, 99/160) and
Spinda (Primal
Clash, 115/160).
Other cards that would benefit from teching in
Toxapex GX
(Guardians Rising, 57/145)
Incineroar GX
(Sun & Moon, 27/149)
(Sun & Moon, 99/149)
(Roaring Skies, 36/108)
(Guardians Rising, 104/145)
(Sun & Moon, 6/149)
(Roaring Skies, 17/108)
Alolan Golem
(Guardians Rising, 42/145)
(Fates Collide, 37/124)
I’m sure there are a number of other Pokemon with coin
flips built into their attacks as well, this is just the
list I’ve come up with that I think have potential.
One Pokemon in particular that I was disappointed
to realize that would not benefit from
Victini is
Darkrai (XY
Promo 114).
Because the card specifically states that the opponent
flips two coins,
Victory Star does not apply to
Also, please be aware that
Victory Star
does not stack – if you have two or more
Victini on
your bench, you still only get to reflip once.
Standard: 3.5 out of 5
My rule of thumb is this: if a card has a nickname or a
catch phrase, it’s got to be good.
I’m sure there’s a deck out there that
Fliptini will
significantly elevate.
I’ve already shown how it makes
Torkoal quite
Good luck finding the combo that works for you!

Otaku |
Welcome to our Top 15 Countdown for SM: Guardians
Rising! If you’re new, how we compile our list
is each current Card of the Day reviewer submits his or
her own top 10 list; each card receives “voting points”
based on its ranking on each list, and these voting
points are tallied at the end to create the site’s
official list. Sometimes we have contributors
beyond the usual CotD crew, and sometimes reviewers
submit a list that is a little longer or shorter than 10
cards. This time, everyone submitted at least a
top 15 list, so we decided to countdown from 15 instead
of 10. After all, we often end up doing a
runners-up week anyway, which is just a Top 15 presented
out of order. Another important thing to know is
that under normal circumstances, reprints aren’t
allowed. Pokémon is pretty good about
reprinting key cards, but that makes for some boring
countdowns when we all know first hand that a card like
Decidueye-GX, Double Colorless Energy,
Enhanced Hammer, and Max Potion are quite
good. We may make exceptions if a card has been
absent Standard and/or Expanded play for some time, and
it does have to be an actual reprint; if it
wouldn’t be considered the same card in terms of deck
building, it was a potential pick for these lists.
Finally, I’ll add that we sometimes bundle cards
together. This can happen because you need
to use the cards together, or because they occupy a
similar niche in deck building, or probably something I
can’t think of right now.
So with that explanation out of the way, we begin this
review of Victini (SM: Guardians Rising
10/145). Once again, I’m pressed for time and
never got around to testing this card on the PTCGO (or
even acquiring it there), so I’ve got to rely on
Theorymon. Victini is a Basic, almost always a
good thing. Being a Fire Type Basic is something
I’m going to come back to for reasons that I hope will
become apparent. 70 HP has one benefit - being a legal
Level Ball target - but is mostly a matter of
being an easy OHKO while active and being four steps
removes from being super fragile on the Bench as well.
Water Weakness is less likely to matter with the HP:
attacks that do 30 or less damage still fail to score a
OHKO while those doing 70+ still score a OHKO.
Lack of Resistance is common and its presence isn’t
usually a big deal (again, especially with the HP)
but it also is still the worst a card can have (or
not have?). A single Energy Retreat Cost is the
second best a card can have and is easy to pay and
recover from having paid much of the time.
“Victory Star” is a recycled Ability that originated
with Victini (BW: Noble Victories 14/101;
98/101; BW: Black Star Promos BW32; BW:
Legendary Treasures 23/113). It allows you to
re-flip coins but under very specific
Part of an attack
All or none
During your turn
Once per turn (even if you have multiple
You must use the new result
Even with these restrictions, Victory Star is still a
nice trick when you’ve got an attack with a relevant
component decided by a coin flip. We also need to
rewind back to this card’s Stage; while being a Basic
makes it much easier to access this effect (in
terms of resource management), it also makes it much
easier for the opponent to counter, due to Alolan Muk
and Silent Lab. The other thing Victini
brings is its own attack, which lacks a coin
flip. For [RC] “V-Flame” does 50 damage. For
two Energy, that’s an adequate return, especially on a
Fire Type due to various forms of Energy acceleration
and the “Steam Up” Ability of Volcanion-EX.
So what is going against this card? Victory Star
doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the desired result on the
flip, and there are enough factors you can’t control
that building a deck around another one is undesirable.
Its predecessor has 10 less HP and lower damage output
from a similarly priced attack but said attack
moves all attached Energy to your Benched Pokémon;
pretty handy in your typical Volcanion-EX.
You also compete with all other versions of Victini,
but either they have a clearly different niche
like Victini (BW: Noble Victories 15/101)
or something that combos with Victory Star, like
Victini (BW: Noble Victories 43/101).
The big problem, though, is that I just don’t
have a killer attack to combo with it. The
original Victory Star Victini had the same
problem; there were decks that required “Fliptini”
but they mostly for fun, or at least not competitive
enough. At the same time, though, they add up, and
so it is nice that they have access to this effect once
again in Standard, and in a new way for Expanded play.
This card should really be a star in Limited play;
you’re more likely to have an attacker with a coin-flip
affected attack.
Victory Star can be a nice Ability to have, helping a
lot of decks, but not ones I expect to see in the top
cut of your typical tournament. I scored it the
same in Expanded, even though there is more competition
there because there are more opportunities to utilize
the effect as well.
is our 14th place finisher, just barely beating out our
15th and 16th place cards by one voting point.
While it caught my eye, it didn’t make my personal top
15 or even top 20. I’ve been toying with ordering
the rest of the set, as I rate and then re-rate all the
cards to come up with my own top 10 list, but the
best Victini could hope for is 26th place right
now (though it probably will end up there).