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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Rescue Stretcher
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
June 7, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.63
Expanded: 3.38
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Not really, but we have Rescue
Strecher anyway. This is a card that provides
*~OPTIONS~*, which is always nice for a card to have.
Considering most non-Pokemon cards usually only have 1
function - either in terms of an effect they do or the
Energy they provide - it's rare and worthwhile to
investigate those cards that provide choice. The last
card we had like that was Puzzle of Time, which needed
to at least have 2 copies played simultaneously to
access the second option.
Rescue Stretcher doesn't need 2
copies to have both effects, which is already a plus for
it in my opinion. Now it's just a matter of figuring the
utility of its effects. You get to choose between either
adding 1 Pokemon from your discard to your hand or up to
3 Pokemon from your discard to your deck. So it's all a
matter of figuring out what's more useful to you.
With adding a Pokemon from your
discard to your hand, you can get anything you need at
that moment - an attacker, a support Pokemon, a way to
get to KO your opponent's Pokemon, a way to switch
things around on your opponent, an evolution piece you
need, anything! With adding 3 Pokemon back to your
deck...well, you avoid decking out for a little bit.
Sure, it'll take time to get whatever you throw in the
deck, but if you're not in a super dire situation, you
could get away with it.
I dunno if Rescue Stretcher will be
great in every deck...I'm not even sure people will have
room for it in their current decks. It's useful, and it
has options, though most of the time I imagine people
wanting to go with option A over option B. Still, Rescue
Stretcher shouldn't be overlooked, so try and keep it in
mind when you're moving forward with your decks.
Standard: 3/5 (who knows? getting a
Pokemon back at the right time could be beneficial)
Expanded: 3/5 (and there may be
some use for getting multiples back into the deck)
Limited: 4/5 (who can really say?)
Arora Notealus: One thing I can say
about this is though is that there are some MAJOR
implications to it. I mean, why do we need a stretcher?
Did something happen to one of our Pokemon that badly?
What if it was just sent to the discard by Sycamore? In
fact, what kind of implications could THAT be?! WHAT'S
Next Time: Throwing ourselves back
to the past with a card that...was actually banned?!

21times |
Rescue Stretcher
(Guardians Rising, 130/145) hails from the
Guardians Rising expansion set.
This card blends the functions of
Revive (Evolutions,
85/108) Super Rod
(Breakthrough, 149/162), and
Revitalizer (Generations,
Rescue Stretcher gives you two options: you may either place any one
Pokemon in your discard pile directly into your hand or
you may shuffle any three Pokemon from your discard pile
back into your deck.
This card saw tremendous use
this past weekend in both regionals in Madison and
I have watched quite a few matches from both these
tournaments, and it seems like virtually every deck ran
at least one copy if not two (the first place
Drampa-GX (Guardians
Rising, 115/145)
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145) deck from Seattle ran two
Stretchers and
a Super Rod). It goes
without saying that the opportunity to bring any Pokemon
back immediately into your hand can immensely help you
continue your attacking strategy in evolution decks.
Like Revitalizer, it allows you to grab Stage 1 or 2 Pokemon and not just
basics (although unfortunately only one), so if an
evolution Pokemon is KO’d, you can reach into your
discard, grab the evolution stage you need, and
immediately evolve another Pokemon to continue
Even better than Revive, with Stretcher you
don’t have to put the Pokemon directly back onto your
bench, meaning that you can still use the abilities of
Tapu Lele GX (Guardians
Rising, 155/145)
or Shaymin EX
(Roaring Skies, 106/108) again.
Rescue Stretcher
hasn’t made Super
Rod completely obsolete, however.
Many successful decks run one of both as
won’t help you bring energy back from your discard, but
Stretcher has certainly found a place in many current top tier
Standard: 4 out of 5
I totally admit that I
completely missed it on this card.
Of the three of us, only Otaku saw the value of
Rescue Stretcher,
ranking it as his number ten overall card.
In hindsight, that’s about where I would put it
as well.
Clearly, its versatility gives you more options.
That’s actually what I took away from all the
hours of matches I’ve watched over the past few days –
top players build their decks to maximize their options.
Stretcher gives players options, including an
ability that all decks not Grass have not had since
rotation, and that’s what makes it such a valuable card.

Otaku |
So, continuing our
first week of runners-up from counting down the Top 15
cards of the latest expansion, we have Rescue
Stretcher (SM: Guardians Rising 130/145), our
18th place finisher. This is another Item, so for
better or worse, anything that applies to Item cards or
Trainers applies to it. It actually has two
effects from which you get to choose one: either add
a Pokémon from your discard pile to your hand or shuffle
three Pokémon from your discard pile into your deck.
It also isn’t entirely new. No, I don’t
mean that the two effects are similar to other existing
cards, but almost this exact card was released before,
under a new name. Pokémon Retriever (EX: Team
Rocket Returns 84/109) has different wording, but
the end result is the same, and is also a “Rocket’s
Secret Machine” card. The former made it hard
to locate; EX: Team Rocket Returns may be one
of, if not my actual, favorite expansion but it also
released nearly 13 years ago. After several failed
searches, I finally found a post by one “crystal_pidgeot”
of PokéBeach that helped me find the right card.
The latter would only really matter in Unlimited play,
where there are cards with effects that apply to
“Rocket’s Secret Machine” cards. You can check out
old review of Pokémon Retriever if you wish; I was part of the
review team at this time and you’ll even see a lot
of my trademark tendencies. Including some I’ve
abandoned because they are no longer needed, and I tend
to run long enough as is.
You also are fine
if you skipped looking back because I’ll be repeating
anything that needed repeating. While we already
have options like Super Rod shuffle three total
Pokémon and/or basic Energy cards from discard pile to
deck, or Buddy-Buddy Rescue to add a Pokémon
directly from discard pile to hand (while forcing your
opponent to do the same), Rescue Stretcher offers
the flexibility of reclaiming several Pokémon by
shuffling three into your deck or getting that one
Pokémon you need and adding it directly to your hand. Super
Rod isn’t as big a deal for reclaiming basic Energy
cards as it was while the second Buddy-Buddy Rescue
can too easily backfire upon yourself, so now the only
real question is do you need some Pokémon recycling, or
do you need so much you can justify something like
Karen? Based on most competitive decklists,
the answer is you’ll want Rescue Stretcher if
you’re going to use any Trainer-based options.
Between Pokémon like Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring
Skies 77/108, 106/108), useful TecH options, or
attackers you’re running heavily but still need to spam,
this is just a really good effect right now. The
main reasons not to run it are you need the space for
something vital to your deck, you’re really worried
about Item lock, or you’re really worried about
Garbodor (SM: Guardians Rising 51/145) and
your deck would benefit from lowering its Item count.
I hope I’m not
doing it again (see the Pokémon Retriever
review), but this is a good card. In any deck, the
worst it will be is a suboptimal play. Don’t get
me wrong, including something that is less than the best
choice for that particular deck can (and usually will)
cost you wins, but Rescue Stretcher should almost
always prove useful, except in situations where any Item
or any Pokémon recycling card is going to struggle.
That doesn’t justify the score, however, it merely sets
a baseline. What spikes it to where it is are
recent results and the decks that make excellent
use of both options. One copy is at least a loose
staple, some decks are even making good use of two.
Rescue Stretcher
earned 11 voting points, one below yesterday’s Mallow
and one above 19th place. I had it as my 10th
place pick and now wonder if I ought to have put it a
bit higher. With Item lock and possibly
Garbodor already brought under control (though still
relevant), my two of my three main reasons for not
doing so no longer apply. Given its recent
performance where it isn’t being overshadowed by the
options like Super Rod that preceded it, my third
main reason for ranking it only 10th place also
no longer applies.