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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Guardians Rising
- #GRI 16
Date Reviewed:
July 7, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.45
Expanded: 2.67
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
So to wrap up our quick weak, we've
got Salazzle, giving us the Red to our White
and...Purplish...bluish...dangit, so close.
Salazzle's got an interesting
Ability in the form of Hot Poison, and since
Flamethrower is pretty much the 3-for-90 discard a Fire
Energy attack that you already know everything you need
to know about, let's talk HOT POISON!! Once Salazzle
evolves from a Salandit, she'll hit the opponent's
Active Pokemon with an unhealthy dose of Burn and Poison
simultaneously - that's a guaranteed 30 damage after
your attack, with at least 10 damage from Poison between
turns beyond that (maybe even 30 if your opponent keeps
the Burn).
So what does that all mean? Well if
30 damage every turn is a mysterious magical number that
makes Rough Seas viable for healing, then being able to
dish out 30 additional damage each turn is probably even
better! It stacks on top of things like Choice Band,
which can make those high numbers much easier to get to!
But keep in mind that that 30 damage only is as good as
that first turn, and the longer it lasts, the less
likely it'll be 30 damage and instead 10 damage. It's
still good, but let's also consider that the longer it
lasts, the more likely your opponent will counteract the
Status Condition or have their Pokemon KO'd, and then
Salazzle just ends up sitting on the Bench for a while.
And we know you ain't using
Standard: 2.5/5 (Salazzle herself
has a particular use that I imagine will be capitalized
Expanded: 3/5 (and if you can take
advantage of it, Salazzle can really aid in a fight)
Limited: 3.5/5 (but outside of her
Ability, I don't see a lot of use for Salazzle)
Arora Notealus: Ain't it curious
that female Salandits are rarer and the only ones who
can evolve into Salazzle? I mean that seems rather odd,
but then it's like, what if it's cause they're bandits,
and the men are the tough grunts, and the mob boss
masters are usually women cause they're tougher and
stuff? Like a Honchkrow/Murkrow thing but with females
on top. I dunno, just speculating mostly.
Weekend Thought: For those who
celebrate, hope you enjoyed the 4th of July! And how
were this week's cards for you? Expecting great things
from stuff like Salazzle? Missed out on all the crazy
things that happened when Broken Space-Time was around?
Did APCA confuse you too? It's okay, it got a lot of us.

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 16/145) burned its way into
the meta from the Guardians Rising expansion set.
A 110 HP, Stage 1 Fire Pokemon, it raised the
eyebrows of many of us when we initially saw its
Hot Poison, when played from your hand to evolve
Salandit (Guardians
Rising, 15/145), puts a Poison and a Burn counter on
your opponent’s active Pokemon.
Therefore, you automatically do at least thirty
damage by playing this card, and it’s not unreasonable
to assume that it will frequently do more than that.
As a reminder, Poison does ten
damage after each player’s turn.
Burn initially does twenty damage immediately
after your turn, and then does twenty damage after each
successive turn unless your opponent flips heads, in
which case the Burn counter is removed.
A number of Pokemon might pair
nicely with
Sceptile EX
(Ancient Origins, 7/98)
(Steam Siege, 59/114)
Alolan Muk GX
However, I chose to try it with
Incineroar GX
(Sun & Moon, 27/149).
In twelve matches, I went an even six wins and
six losses with it.
It’s about what you would expect: Grass and Metal
decks are easy wins, Water decks are pretty much
Against non-weakness opponents, it pretty much beat the
non-top tier decks and lost to the best decks in the
format. I
did, however, have two nice wins against a couple of
Tapu Bulu GX (SM32)
Vikavolt (Sun
& Moon, 52/149) decks.
I made
Incineroar GX’s Hustling Strike the focus of the deck, and this was
the attack that I used the vast majority of the time.
I hit for more than 100 damage most of the time,
using Sky Field
(Roaring Skies, 89/108) to broaden my bench and
Oricorio (Guardians
Rising, 14/145) to help get
Salandit and Litten (Sun
& Moon, 24/149) out.
I did use
Burning Slam GX a few times – with
Salazzle it’s
guaranteed to do at least 230 damage, and if you get
lucky it might even KO 250 HP Pokemon.
That, however, isn’t too much of a problem
because most of the 240 and 250 HP Pokemon that you’ll
commonly see (Decidueye
GX (Sun & Moon, 12/149) and
Metagross GX (Guardians
Rising, 85/145)) are weak to you anyway.
I did use
Tiger Swing a couple of times when
Sky Field got
bumped, and I’d probably sub out one of the
Oricorio in
favor of a Victini
(Guardians Rising, 10/145) in the future to help
with that, but Tiger Swing was definitely the least used of the three attacks.
did help boost damage output on a number of occasions,
but one problem I noticed was that there were a couple
of times when I played down
Salazzle and either had another one in my hand or successively drew
into one and then had to discard or reshuffle the second
Salazzle because it does no good to play another
Salazzle in
the same turn or if your opponent’s Pokemon is still
affected by the special conditions – it doesn’t allow
you to put multiple burn or poison counters on the
active Pokemon.
Howver, there were also a couple of times when I
offered up a
Salazzle for my opponent to KO, and then I promptly
pulled it out of the discard with
Rescue Stretcher
(Guardians Rising, 130/145) and used it to evolve
another Salandit
that was already sitting on the bench.
I actually added
Rescue Stretchers
and took out
Max Potions (Guardians Rising, 128/145) after
five matches because I just couldn’t draw into the
Potions when I
really needed them.
Here’s the list I used.
Like I said, it’s not going to win worlds, but if
you’ve got a Fire Daily Challenge on PTCGO, I’d highly
recommend giving it a whirl:
****** Pokémon Trading Card
Game Deck List ******
* 3 Litten SUM 24
* 1 Litten PR-SM SM02
* 4 Torracat SUM 25
* 4 Incineroar-GX SUM 27
* 4 Oricorio GRI 14
* 4 Salandit GRI 15
* 4 Salazzle GRI 16
* 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 3 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 2 Timer Ball SUM 134
* 2 Rare Candy SUM 129
* 1 Super Rod BKT 149
* 4 Random Receiver FAC 109
* 4 N NVI 92
* 3 Level Ball AOR 76
* 1 Max Potion GRI 164
* 4 Sky Field ROS 89
* 8 Fire Energy XYEnergy 4
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
I had a lot of fun with this
deck, and Salazzle
frequently gave
attacks the little bump needed to turn a 2 shot KO into
an OHKO. I
don’t know how many other decks it might help with, but
certainly served as a valuable tech in to this deck, and
it helped win a number of matches.
I’m 100% certain I would have won less than six
matches without

Otaku |
One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight. Schlemiel! Salazzle!
Hasenpfeffer Incorporated. We're gonna do it!
If you actually get
that joke, don’t worry; I think it is proof there is
something wrong with me. We end this short week of
reviews with Salazzle (SM: Guardians Rising
16/145), a Fire-Type Stage 1 with 110 HP, Water
Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], an Ability,
and a single attack. The Ability is “Hot Poison”,
which triggers when you Evolve one of your in play
Pokémon into this Salazzle from hand; you may
then Burn and Poison the opponent’s Active. For
[RCC], Salazzle can use “Flamethrower” to do 90
damage, but she also has to discard an Energy from
herself. For now, I expect the Typing to mostly
just matter should you find yourself attacking with
Salazzle, and I don’t expect to attack with her all
that often. Being a Stage 1 isn’t as good as being
a Basic, but it is better than being any other Stage.
110 HP isn’t going to last long - probably not even one
hit while Active - but it is enough that it isn’t an
overly easy OHKO. No Weakness is the only good
Weakness, and the metagame has been jumping around
enough I’m not sure if it belongs in the “bad” or “less
bad” category. Lack of Resistance is typical, and
we’re in a hurry, so we’ll move onto the Retreat Cost of
[C]. This is low enough you’ll be able to afford
it, but even a single Energy starts feeling costly if
you have to pay it over and over again.
Hot Poison is
usually good for three extra damage counters between
turns, possibly more if your opponent doesn’t shake
Special Conditions and Burn doesn’t go away on its own.
It is enough to have a decent chance of shifting KO
counts. Flamethrower does a solid 90-for-three,
and can even make use of off-Type Energy acceleration
like Double Colorless Energy. It isn’t
enough to make you want to attack with it,
though. There is only one Salazzle and one
Salandit; the latter is SM: Guardians Rising
15/145. It is a Basic, Fire-Type Pokémon with 70
HP, Water Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], and
two attacks. “Scratch” costs [R] and simply does 10
damage, while “Venoshock” costs [CC] and does 20 damage,
plus another 40 if the opponent’s Active is Poisoned.
Not the worst starting point, but not very good, either.
So, is Salazzle worth using? Not unless
you’ve got a deck that needs an extra 30 damage where
Choice Band and/or Professor Kukui isn’t
enough. The good news is that, as a Stage 1, so
adding a Salazzle line to a deck as something
like a 2-2 line is plausible. I just don’t know of
any deck that will really capitalize on it, plus
the Fire-Type is really Basic focused right now, thanks
to Volcanion-EX. I think this card has
potential, even more in Expanded as there are cards like
Ninetales (BW: Dragons Exalted 19/124; BW: Black
Star Promos BW66) that might better combo with
Salazzle, plus Virbank City Gym so that it’s
an effective five damage counter bonus. Wonderful
for Limited play, where you can make great use of it as
an attacker and a supporting Ability. I haven’t
tried the “Hidden Moon” Theme Deck, but I am guessing it
works similar to Limited play, maybe better since it is
a Theme Deck and not the best you can do with your

Vince |
Today’s card of the day is Salazzle! Fire and
Poison is a unique type combination; I don’t recall
other Pokemon with the same dual typing. But this
is the TCG, and Salazzle is assigned to be the fire
type. So, what can it do to prove itself worthwile?
Well, there’s Flamethrower that costs RCC for 90 damage
with the forced energy discard clause. Not too
bad, since that’s enough damage for Basic EX/GX Pokemon
with fire weakness to get OHKOed. Hot Poison is a
coming-into-play ability in which it inflicts Poison and
Burn Special Condition. And both special
conditions place damage counters between each player’s
turn! That’s a guaranteed 30 damage between turns
(10 for poison and 20 for burn); Poison stays there
while Burn may get a 50/50 chance to get removed.
Virbank City Gym makes poison tack on two more damage
counters, so that’s 50 damage we’re talking about (30
for poison, 20 for burn).
There are issues to using this kind of strategy of
“whittling down until the Pokemon’s done for”.
Special Conditions can be removed by
retreating/switching (yes, they can still retreat even
if burned and poisoned) and other healing related items
such as Full Heal and Pokemon Center Lady. Then
there’s Pokemon and items that flat out blocks all
special conditions such as Sparkling Robe, Virizion-EX’s
Verdant Wind, Slurpuff’s Sweet Veil, and Comfey’s Flower
Shield. And with some source to constantly switch
their Pokemon such as Float Stone Keldeo or Zoroark and
Ultra Road Solgaleo, it is inevitable that you’re going
to take the extra effort to perform the same trick.
You have to use a viable attacker that does lots of
damage, enough to bring the range where the residual
damage of burn and poison knocks out the Pokemon.
By that, it would be 160+30 for Basic EXs sans Wailord-EX,
180+30 for Basic GXs and stage 1 GXs (Wishiwashi GX has
210 HP, some stage 1 GXs has 210 HP), and 220+30 for
Interesting ability, but not practical these days.
Standard: 2/5 (It has some things going for it)
Expanded: 2/5 (But when there are other factors and
counters, that may affect the viability of this card)
Limited: 3.75 (Hot Poison and Flamethrower are great
Notes: I think maybe someone will make great use of
Salazzle, and worrying that I lowballed it when it comes
to scoring cards.
Coming up: I actually don’t know what’s next at the
moment, but enjoy your weekend! |