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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost to Set Rotation
#3 - Shaymin EX
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
August 9, 2017
& Reviews Summary
See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Having Ability-based draw is pretty
good stuff! And so is Shaymin-EX.
As the quintessential draw Pokemon,
Shaymin-EX became a staple one-of in many decks with his
Set-Up Ability. But on top of that, he also had Sky
Return, which for 2-for-30 bounced him and any cards
attached to him back to the hand to reuse his Ability
all over again! It's just a bunch of synergy thrown
together, and it's made a powerful ally in this little
And I totally forgot to put him on
my list.
Standard: N/A (...I'm pretty bad at
this list thing sometimes)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (like wow did I
drop the ball on this guy)
Limited: 5/5 (he's only a staple,
man, he should be on the list by default)
Arora Notealus: Lysandre I nailed,
but noooooooo, forgot the Shaymin-EX I did. And the Hex
Maniac...and like a couple other guys...yeesh...

21times |
Shaymin EX
(Roaring Skies, 77/108) needs no introduction.
For almost
the entire time that I’ve been playing this game,
Shaymin EX has been the most valuable card in the meta.
It has been the most coveted and desired card,
with a single regular art copy costing about $60 or $70
USD … and some decks would run four of them.
Players would save all of their coins on PTCGO
and spend them on massive 100 pack openings of entirely
Roaring Skies packs.
Earlier this year, TPCi even gave Roaring
Skies an additional print run
almost two years
after the set’s initial release.
According to Pokebeach, “this is the first time a
set has had a major print run this far after its initial
release,” (Pokebeach,
We all know what
Shaymin does. Like
Trainer’s Mail
(Roaring Skies, 92/108) yesterday,
Shaymin gives
you the opportunity to accelerate your development.
It lets you put cards in your hand that you
otherwise wouldn’t have had.
It gives
you more options.
And the more options you have, the more choices
you have, the more opportunity you have to accomplish
what you want to accomplish, which naturally puts you in
a superior position to win the match.
helps you win… but it also helps you lose.
One of my most memorable
matches was a game in which I was running Rainbow Road
Xerneas (Breakthrough,
107/162). I
don’t even remember exactly what deck I was up against,
but I remember I used two
Galvantula (Steam
Siege, 42/114) in the last two turns to take four
prize cards and win a game I 100% should have lost.
I had no business winning this match, but,
because my opponent had benched two
Shaymin EXs, I was able to do sixty damage to both of them on the
last two turns of the game and steal a match I should
have lost.
Shaymin EX
was a HUGE liability.
Many Pokemon have no problem doing 110 damage.
So while
Shaymin EX can give you a boost of an extra few
cards, it then sits on your bench doing nothing but
holding up a big bullseye saying, “KO ME!
I’m worth two prize cards!”
Standard: 3 out of 5
Once the most highly regarded
cards in the game, it has fallen to a position much
lower than that.
It still sees some usage, but, overall, the
combination of
Tapu Lele GX (Guardians Rising, 60/145) and
its low HP vulnerability has caused
Shaymin EX to
virtually disappear from the meta.

Otaku |
(XY: Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108) is the third
place finisher for our countdown of the top 10 cards
we’ll miss in Standard play after losing them to the
September 1st rotation. Shaymin-EX is a
Colorless, Basic Pokémon-EX with 110 HP, Lighting
Weakness, Fighting Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], the
Ability “Set Up”, and the attack “Sky Return”. Set
Up triggers when you Bench Shaymin-EX from hand
during your turn and allows you to draw until you have
six cards in hand. Sky Return costs [CC] and does
30 damage, then bounces Shaymin-EX and all cards
attached to it to your hand (or whatever Pokémon is
using the attack, in the case of attack copying). This
Shaymin-EX has been reviewed twice before,
debuting here as our
first place pick from XY: Roaring Skies and then returning to claim
the same spot
on our Top 10 Cards of 2015 list. Don’t mistake it
for the original Shaymin-EX (BW: Next
Destinies 5/99, 94/99; BW: Legendary Treasures
RC21/RC25); much less impressive, it still managed to
10th place
for our BW: Next Destinies Top 10 (plus a
There’s even a third version available -
Shaymin-EX (XY: Black Star Promos XY148) -
which we reviewed
they can’t really compete with today’s version, I
won’t be detailing their effects or usage, but
I at least wanted to acknowledge their existence.
Unless you’re quite
new to the game, I shouldn’t need to explain why today’s
Shaymin-EX became a major part of the
competitive metagame; since its release, it has been
rare that I’d write a CotD without needing to mention
it. While 110 HP is dangerously low, making
this an easy OHKO since the day it released and into the
foreseeable future, non-Supporter-based draw power is a
premium. By that, I don’t mean every
example is worth it, but that when it works it tends to
work really well. In this case, Shaymin-EX
has an effect that originally appeared on the Supporter
Professor Birch and later on the Supporter
Bianca. Neither Supporter was ever great and
we now have Lillie (a better Bianca
that doesn’t see much competitive play), so what makes
Shaymin-EX so much better? As the Ability
on a Basic Pokémon-EX, it was often easy to use in
multiples (assuming you had multiples), even within a
single turn and in addition to your Supporter for
the turn. This allowed explosive opening
combos, and could free up your Supporter usage for the
turn; important whether you need to use Archie’s Ace
in the Hole, Lysandre, Maxie’s Hidden Ball
Trick, Hex Maniac, Wally, etc. Ultra
Ball made it easy to fetch Shaymin-EX from
your deck and helped thin your hand in
preparation for Set Up while Hoopa-EX could fetch
it alongside two other Pokémon-EX you needed for your
side of the field (provided you could spare the Bench
space). All of this also made Shaymin-EX a
method of recovering from N shrinking your hand.
Bounce effects like
AZ, Scoop Up Cyclone, and Super Scoop
Up allow you to get Shaymin-EX out of harm’s
way after using it or to reuse Set Up. Shaymin-EX
with Super Scoop Up enabled Seismitoad-EX
decks to rip through themselves before using the (now
banned) Lysandre’s Trump Card to toss the discard
pile back into the deck. Sky Return also provided
a way of bouncing Shaymin-EX back into hand; 30
damage for two Energy isn’t great, but it could often be
surprisingly handy, and as everything attached to it
returned to the hand alongside Shaymin-EX, you
could freely use Double Colorless Energy and
Muscle Band to make the hit a little better.
When using multiple Shaymin-EX in a single turn,
this was sometimes an important trick to thin your hand
without a valuable Tool and/or Energy card. Ninja
Boy also combos nicely with Shaymin-EX.
All these wonderful tricks meant that, even though
Shaymin-EX offered such an easy two Prizes, it was
an obvious two count in most decks, with some running
three or even the full four. Note the past
tense; now Shaymin-EX has finally fallen
out of “staple” status, with more decks opting for one
or none. What happened?
Tapu Lele-GX
provides another way for Ultra Ball and similar
Pokémon search to bail you out of a dead hand, without
the Achilles’ Heel of a large hand diminishing (or
denying the help - a real risk with Shaymin-EX
and its Set Up Ability. Of course, this does
not lend itself to as explosive of an opening;
Tapu Lele-GX can fetch a draw Supporter, while
Shaymin-EX could be used alongside a draw Supporter.
Tapu Lele-GX is less vulnerable on the Bench (it
has no Weakness and 60 more HP) and can deal a decent
bit of damage when used as an attacker. Octillery
(XY: BREAKthrough 33/162) and its “Abyssal Hand”
Ability has often been thought of as the budget version
of Shaymin-EX, allowing you to draw until you
have five cards in hand (once each turn) without
requiring a fragile Pokémon-EX (though as a Stage 1 and
not a Basic). Oranguru is another still recent
rival; its “Instruct” Ability only allows you to draw
until you have three cards in hand but not only
is this another “Once per turn…” effect, it is a Basic
with 120 HP and worth only a single Prize and a still
decent attack. The other big shift for the
metagame has been how Item usage is becoming more
subdued due to a somewhat hostile metagame. Tapu
Lele-GX can still bail you out of a jam against Item
lock, while Garbodor (SM: Guardians Rising
51/145) discourages decks from running the Items that
were easy to spam from your hand… together, this makes
lowering your hand size to capitalize upon Set Up more
difficult (sometimes impossible).
has not vanished from the competitive scene, but
it was really shocking for me when I actually looked at
things like the Top 8 decks from Masters Division of the
North American International Championship and realized
five of the eight decks were not running
Shaymin-EX, and even those that did had it alongside
one or more of the alternatives. So, even if we
got a surprise reprint - as opposed to the Alternate Art
printing that won’t change the card’s legality -
Shaymin-EX just isn’t what it once was, and probably
never will be again. At the same time, it isn’t
useless; until the powers-that-be disappoint me by
releasing a superior replacement (hopefully years
from now), it should remain a useful card in Expanded
play, just no longer a staple. As with the rest of
this countdown, you aren’t likely to get a chance to use
this in a Limited Format event, but should it happen, it
will be a valuable pull but possibly not quite how you’d
expect. Thinning your hand tends to be difficult
here, but Sky Return is a more valuable attack
and the smaller deck size/lack of other draw power
should make the smaller draws from Set Up still potent.
Just skip Shaymin-EX if you pull a big, Basic
Pokémon-EX worth running solo.
3.75/5 (Soon to be N/A)
is still a wonderful source of additional draw
power, but the shifting metagame has finally made it
dangerous to run heavily, as we have been since
almost its release. I may have lowballed its
contemporary Standard Format score; embarrassing, but it
is hard to judge a card that has fallen a little from a
great height, as opposed to having never been so
significant or having fallen much further.
The Expanded Format only faces some of the same
concerns as Standard play; I think Shaymin-EX
will fare better here in the long run, but still as a
one-of loose staple that is occasionally a two-of.
earned its third place finish with 29 voting points,
awarded across four lists. This is three above
Hex Maniac and five below tomorrow’s second place
finisher. Shaymin-EX was my number two pick
but I think I favored its past performance a bit
much; for what it is worth, if I were rewriting my list,
Shaymin-EX might only clock in at fourth place
now. Which means third place is still about right.

Vince |
We are almost done of this list, but we still have three cards left
to review! Our 3rd place pick is
Shaymin-EX! Even if players don’t know what this
card does has been the subject of being the number one
card of both countdowns of the top 10 cards in XY
Roaring Skies and the top 10 cards of 2015.
So…………………..why did Shaymin-EX made the pinnacle of these
lists? That’s because Shaymin-EX has features that
nearly every player would want in their decks:
Non-supporter, Ability based draw and a way to bounce
this Pokemon from play. When there are situations
where you cannot decide whether to play a draw supporter
or other supporters of different effects, Shaymin-EX
gives you an escape from one of these traits. It’s
like “Hey, I’ll draw you some cards and you play a
non-draw Supporter!”.
Its ability Set Up, a familiar name originating from Uxie (DP
Legends Awakened), lets you draw cards until you have 6
cards in your hand. If you can constantly reduce
your hand size, then the payoff will reach its highest
potential. Sky Return costs CC and does 30 damage
with the effect being that you put Shaymin-EX and all
cards attached to it to your hand. An ideal setup
is having Shaymin-EX, Double Colorless Energy, and a
Fighting Fury Belt or Choice Band so that not only
you’ll improve the damage output of Sky Return, but also
deny your opponent the KO by putting a damaged Shaymin-EX
back to your hand. Unfortunately, the new active
Pokemon would have to take the brunt of assaults in
place of Shaymin-EX. If you are forced to start
with Shaymin-EX in the beginning of the match, then
Ninja Boy can swap a basic Pokemon with another Basic
from your deck.
Although there are benefits to using Shaymin-EX, there are also
very few shortcomings. After the moment you put
down Shaymin-EX, it is being susceptible to being
dragged active and be OHKOed if you didn’t bounce.
Even bench snipes can be troublesome as well, since 110
HP means 2 Giant Water Shurikens or 6 Feather Arrows can
KO it. It’s also worth two prizes, giving the
opponent one-third of their game.
With Shaymin-EX gone, we have other Pokemon that also provide
ability based draw such as Octillery’s Abyssal Hand
which lets you draw cards until you have 5 cards in your
hand and Oranguru’s Instruct which lets you draw until
you have three cards in your hand. These two
provides multiple uses of ability based draw, unlike
Shaymin-EX whose ability are one-time use. It will
continue to see play in Expanded, where players can’t
deny the speed of drawing cards when you badly needed it
despite these shortcomings. I recall they run no
more than two copies due to deck space and/or fear of
starting the game with it. In Limited, this is the
worst Pokemon in a +39 deck, since if you used Sky Return, you just
lost the game due to no other Pokemon in play! So
better have more than one Pokemon. Even if you do
have another Pokemon, cards in your hand tend to clog up
rather than reducing it, limiting Set Up’s
effectiveness. An ideal deck would be two Shaymin-EX
and 38 energies (a pretty tall order for 4 packs).
The goal in Limited is to have two Shaymin-EX in play;
one on the bench waiting to replace Shaymin-EX that just
used Sky Return. It’s a matter of time until the
opponent finally does 110 damage in one turn.
Standard: 5/5 (It’s not often that I’d be giving perfect scores.)
Expanded: 5/5 (But Shaymin-EX does extraordinary stuff!)
Limited: 5/5 (It’s alright in Limited, just use two Shaymins and
you’ll be fine!)
Notes: Ability based draw is something we value in every deck,
hence why I chose this card to be in my 1st
place pick. Seeing it at number three surprised me
a little, I guess the other two cards are even more
impactful than Shaymin-EX.