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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Phantom Forces
Top 10
#6 - M Manectric EX
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 7, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.93
Expanded: 3.83
Limited: 4.38
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 M Manectric
Ridiculous HP, hugely powerful attacks,
and a nice way to deal with
Pyroar, but
pretty much screwed over by their own
mechanic which causes you to end your
turn as soon as you get one into play.
Going a turn without attacking is
seriously bad in a fast, hard-hitting
format, and that explains why only M
has really been playable so far. But
those Pokémon TCG designers were never
going to let their flagship ultra
rares go
unused forever, which explains why
Phantom Forces sees the introduction of
Spirit Link Tools which nullify the
turn-ending effect of Mega Evolution.
The first beneficiaries are
Gengar, and
today’s card: M
Manectric EX.
Like the other
Megas, M
Manectric doesn’t take long to
review: he’s all about the artwork, HP,
and a single attack (the card layout
seriously restricts how interesting
these cards can be). Luckily, that
attack is very good:
for just two Energy, Turbo Bolt
does 110 damage
and allows you to attach two Basic
Energy (no Type restrictions) from your
discard pile to a Benched Pokémon. The
damage is . . . only ok. Basically you
are looking at two-hit KOs on EX Pokémon
and strong Evolutions like
Donphan PLF
(Muscle Band not being an option if you
attached Spirit Link). It is good enough
to deal with any
Eeveelutions and Bench-dwelling
Pokémon like
Garbodor or Mr Mime though.
Thanks to Weakness, it will also run
through Yveltal
EX and Lugia
EX, which is a pretty good
recommendation in itself. As for the
Energy acceleration,
this combos very well with the
Yveltal EX and
Mewtwo EX,
which love to stack Energy to boost
their attack. You could also run this
card in Virizion
EX-based decks to recycle the Energy
discard by G Booster and power up
another Genesect EX.
Decent cheap damage, great effect, hits
a key Weakness . . . is there anything
not to like about M
Manectric? Well, yeah, there is
his own
Weakness. Taking double damage from
Fighting Pokémon is not good in a format
where Strong Energy, Fighting Stadium,
and Muscle Band exist (three cards which
would give Hawlucha
FFI a single Energy OHKO on M
Donphan PLF
in particular eats this card for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so he is
going to need the right supporting cast
if he is to avoid some serious
That said,
Manectric is
good enough to make the effort
Modified: 3.75 (has a lot to offer, but
Weakness is a big worry)
Expanded: 3.75 (same deal here)
Limited: 4.5 (you need super lucky pulls
to use it, but if you do, you will most
likely win)

aroramage |
When Mega Manectric was first revealed, I'm sure I
had the same reaction as most people: "What is THAT
supposed to be?!" It honestly looks like Mega Manectric
was conceived to give the original a spikier hairier
beastlier version of itself, and that was about it. In
the context of the video games, it has been useful as an
Intimidator, and while early on it was outclassed by
things like the Mega Charizards, Mega Gengar, and even
Mega Pinsir, it's become an OU threat worthy of its
The TCG version of it is the honest-to-Arceus absolute
best Mega evolution. Period.
Welcome back guys, today we're taking a look at the M
Manectric-EX card, a super-simple card with one attack
that outclasses all the other Mega-evo cards and even a
majority of the regular EXs! Turbo Bolt only does 110
damage, but it has three separate attributes that
contribute to making M Manectric-EX a very potential
First off, the attack only costs 2. Yes, that's one
Electric energy and one Colorless energy, and that is
one of the cheapest attacks for one of the most
beneficial strikes in the game. Comparing that to other
Pokemon-EX, at 2 Energy you've got Seismitoad-EX's
Item-Locking Quaking Punch, Lucario-EX's Corkscrew
"6-Draw" Punch, Mewtwo-EX's "X = Energy" Ball and
Yveltal's "Evil = Energy +20" Ball, and even Manetric-EX's
own Tool-Assisted Assault Laser. Obviously some of the
better attacks in the history of the game have come at
2, so this is a very VERY big consideration to take into
account with M Manectric-EX.
Second of all, this attack doesn't just deal 110 damage
- it also charges up your Bench. How much? 2 Energy to
any 1 Benched Pokemon using ANY Basic Energies in your
discard pile. Again, we've seen the potency of cards
like this with Eeletrik and Landorus, the former's being
a power and the latter's being an attack, but the idea
that not only can you wipe out your opponent's
Yveltal-EX while simultaneously charging up one of your
Bench-sitters - probably one ready for the offense - is
amazing. And since the cost only requires 1 Electric
Energy, M Manectric-EX is actually partially splashable
with Rainbow Energy; obviously you're going to run him
more so in Electric decks, and he's not as widespread
as, say, Seismitoad-EX, but adding in a charger element
into potential any deck - one that KO AND supercharge
someone on the Bench - that's game-changing!
Okay, you're probably still looking at me like, "Well,
that all sounds pretty cool, but he's still a Mega Evo.
Doesn't that mean my turn ends when I play him?" And
most of the time, you'd be right. However, if you've
seen any of those special packs out there with a Gengar
Spirit Link card hanging around, then you're probably
aware of the existence of a card that can override the
turn-ending effect. And if you've been digging around
Phantom Forces enough already, you've probably
discovered that there's also a Manectric Spirit Link
card around too. That means you've got a Tool that can
be attached to Manectric-EX, and that the moment you get
M Manectric-EX, you no longer have to say, "Darn, this
isn't a great time to Mega Evo."
Granted, that does assume you run the deck with the
Spirit Link card to begin with, and deck space has
always been a precious commodity with these sorts of
cards. M Manectric-EX will love having Spirit Link, but
even putting that aside, his attack is just too good to
ignore. Aside from the disadvantage of being a Mega, he
also retains the classic Electric weakness to Fighting,
a bad Type to be weak against right now. Unfortunately,
that's just the historical impact of the last set - the
rise of the Fighting type, and that alone may be what
overshadows what is probably the best Mega Evo so far.
If you can and are willing though, you're gonna run him.
And you won't regret it lest you face a Landorus-EX with
Strong Energy.
Standard: 4/5 (a super-powered super-charging move that
comes cheap is enough to turn heads, even considering
the Mega Evo status which can be cancelled)
Expanded: 4/5 (generally the same here, but I can
imagine he might even see play in Rayquaza-EX decks as a
faster Eelektrik)
Limited: 4.5/5 (if you also get the Spirit Link card,
this guy's a solid 5/5; his attack is cheap and
powerful, and anything that can charge up your next
attacker is going to be solid here!)
Arora Notealus: Considering Manectric's Pokedex entries,
it's actually a very dangerous Pokemon even before the
Mega Evolution. I mean, it can summon lightning bolts
and frequently discharges electricity from its mane -
kinda dangerous, don't you think?!
Next Time: What's the best way I can tease the next guy
without saying anything sword-related......dangit!
Weekend Thought: Do you agree with our picks so far?
Hoping for a card to be in the Top 5 next week?
We wrap up the first week of our Top 10 Promising Cards of XY:
Phantom Forces with our sixth place pick! As a
reminder, reprint cards were not eligible for the Top 10
list, which was created via each member of the review
crew each submitting their own Top 10 card list to Pojo,
who then averages them out to produce the master Top 10
list we use for the review order. The official release
date for this set in the U.S. was November 5th, so
XY: Phantom Forces cards aren’t tournament legal
until November 21st; however we’ll be scoring them as if
they were indeed legal.
We finally get to one of the bigguns this set: M Manectric-EX
(XY: Phantom Forces 24/119, 120/119)! While we
all know what Pokémon Tool I’ll you should run with this
and what it does, for the sake of review, let us prepare
that Manectric Spirit Link (XY: Phantom Forces
100/119) doesn’t exist until we get to the “how to play
it” section. So being a Mega Evolution is… complicated.
Though it looks like a Stage 1, it isn’t though it does
still count as an Evolved Pokémon. When you Evolve into
a Mega Evolution, your turn ends as per the rule’s text
on the card. It includes being a Pokémon-EX, so when it
is KOed you give up an extra Prize, you’re not able to
use certain pieces of support and you’re vulnerable to
all the Pokémon-EX specific counter-effects. You do get
the benefit of HP beyond the maximum printed amount seen
on anything but other Mega Evolutions: in this case 210
HP. This is the lowest we’ve seen on a Mega Evolution
released so far, but it is still enough to be a very
hard OHKO most of the time, and sometimes to even last
two turns.
M Manectric-EX is a
Lightning-Type; right now they don’t have any noteworthy
Type direct or indirect Type support in Standard, though
in Expanded they’ve got Eelektrik (BW: Noble
Victories 40/101). It does enjoy hitting some nice
targets for double damage, like Yveltal-EX.
Speaking of Weakness, its own is quite painful:
Fighting. Once a Fighting-Type gets a solid set-up, its
going to score a OHKO. Before that, you’ll have them
scoring OHKOs in an inconvenient manner, like a
Landorus-EX hitting it for 30 damage on the Bench
before or after doing 180 to it while Active. In short,
this is a very dangerous Weakness and thanks to the
set-up potential of your typical Fighting-Type decks
even in dire circumstances, you aren’t really ever going
to be safe. It does enjoy some Resistance, and it is
even a useful one: Metal. Thanks to this set bolstering
Metal-Types its now handy to soak 20 damage from their
attacks, though its only going to make a difference a
small amount of the time. What really amazes me is that
this card gets a perfect free Retreat Cost! It is
unusual when something Evolves for its Retreat Cost to
go down (Manectric-EX has a Retreat Cost of one).
M Manectric-EX has only one
attack so it had better be good. For [LC] it can use
Turbo Volt for 110 damage plus attach two Basic
Energy cards from your discard pile to one of your
Benched Pokémon. That is a great deal; you’re 20 points
into the easily competitive damage range, setting up
just about anything you don’t OHKO for a 2HKO the
following turn. Its even worse for Lightning Weak
Pokémon; in terms of raw HP scores none can survive a
hit. You unleash this much damage while attaching just
enough basic Energy cards from the discard pile to
set-up your next Manectric-EX or M
Manectric-EX or the original poster-mon for
Pokémon-EX, Mewtwo-EX. If you are willing to
complicate things slightly, instead of punishing
Yveltal-EX this becomes a new partner for it: the
Type of Basic Energy is not restricted so you could
run some off-Type Energy.
None of this would be quite good enough, I think, if we had to wait
that turn due to Mega Evolving; Fighting-Type decks
would have the time to prep something to score a OHKO,
possibly while taking a Prize or two against whatever
you’ve got up front buying time. So now we get to the
Manectric Spirit Link Pokémon Tool; sure it means
you can’t use a Hard Charm or Muscle Band
or whatever other Item you’d want to include (at least
without running something like Tool Retriever,
which might not be a bad idea anyway). Manectric-EX
itself being a solid attacker is also important, since
you might have to lead with one and no matter what,
you’re going to have to keep one intact and in play a
turn to Mega Evolve it; if you need a refresher,
is a link to Monday’s CotD covering it. So what happens
when you can attempt to get this into play and swinging
by your second turn (especially Turn 2)? A deck able to
not only overcome its Weakness, but make this ol’ otaku
eat some very humble pie. I confess, I missed the
potential this card had completely. I don’t know if I
was just being stubborn, just being thick or if the
people trying to convince me just did a bad job of it;
while reviewing this card a bunch of combos popped into
my head that I don’t remember “them” ever saying. Was I
not paying attention or did they keep things
intentionally vague? Well me being me, I’ll definitely
spell it out.
Turbo Bolt is many things, but it is not a OHKO machine
(barring Weakness). Even tacking on Hypnotoxic Laser,
Virbank City Gym and a Muscle Band you
would only score an effective 170 points of damage.
Okay, that is good enough for a OHKO, but you’ll either
be Mega Evolving the old way, counting on your opponent
to burn a Startling Megaphone (and not follow up
with a Pokémon Tool F) or running your own Tool
Retriever to make way for said Muscle Band.
Plus blocking Special Conditions is not a new thing and
while you can run counters for each option… this combo
that will still just miss on Pokémon with 180 HP or more
and of course, this isn’t working against Seismitoad-EX
if it already got off a Quaking Punch. So instead, I
would embrace the 2HKO aspect as you can do that while
building up your next attacker… one that might have OHKO
potential or simply replaces your M Manectric-EX
that probably just took a big hit after using Turbo
Volt. The free Retreat Cost on M Manectric-EX,
coupled with attaching two Basic Energy from the discard
pile means it can Retreat, ditch all the damage via
Max Potion while a second copy or prepped secondary
attacker takes its place. Battle Charger,
Energy Retrieval, Professor’s Letter and
Ultra Ball give you a lot of flexibility in what you
use to back up M Manectric-EX; you can shoot for
Type-matching as needed… which is good because you’ll
probably need it.
It might just be me, but between slamming into Safeguard Pokémon
and Item blocking tactics as well as getting slammed by
Fighting-Type decks, I am not worried about this deck
being overpowered, at least anymore than what already
exists. You can deal with just about every counter
someone uses against a Manectric-EX deck, but
that takes space which detracts from your other options.
Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted
54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW:
Legendary Treasures 68/113) can help deal with
Safeguard or deny other useful Abilities to opposing
decks but this might be a case where running a
non-Pokémon-EX attacker is a better solution. You might
use Shadow Circle and run a few basic Darkness
Energy cards to try and mitigate your Weakness (I am
aware of the Abilities available to do that but to be
frank, they are very bad) but Stadiums are becoming a
common play so even if it isn’t your “main” Stadium
you’d need three others (whatever Stadium they end up
being) to make sure Shadow Circle is the last one
to remain in play: otherwise most Fighting decks will
drop a Fighting Stadium or Virbank City Gym
to shoot for the OHKO even against Manectric-EX.
I’ve got the least answers for Item locking tactics;
pretty much all the potent tricks I would like to use
alongside M Manectric-EX are Item based, and even
though there are Supporter or Ability based alternatives
those are slower and/or take more space.
4/5 - This is and yet is not a glass cannon; a deck
unprepared for it stands a good chance of getting
wrecked. 210 HP with one (and not two) turns of
building thanks to Manectric Spirit Link that
scores 110 damage while prepping a replacement on the
Bench and has a free Retreat so it can run away as
needed? If it didn’t have one of if not the worst
Weakness in the game at the moment as well as being
quite vulnerable to Item lock and anti-Pokémon-EX
effects, I’d be incredibly worried about it taking over
the format and driving everything but specific counter
decks out of business. As is, several prominent decks
are already halfway or all the way towards being counter
decks and it still has a shot at that title.
3.8/5 - Yes, I’m docking it a fifth of a point. Why?
Remember that part of the competitive metagame is not
just what decks should be played but will be played. Eelektrik
doesn’t help M Manectric-EX; instead it helps
back up an additional problem it doesn’t usually have to
worry about sans Weakness: being OHKOed. It won’t be
easy, but a Rayquaza-EX that can discard four
Lightning Energy will OHKO M Manectric-EX
while three are enough to deal with regular Manectric-EX.
There may be some more obscure counters that prove
useful here, even if they were already present in
4/5 - First, yes I am docking it because of rarity; this
is a real issue for Limited and just as I give a bonus
when a card (or its needed combo pieces) are easier than
normal to pull, the inverse applies for when it is
difficult. The good news is that the pace is slow
enough that manually Mega Evolving isn’t quite as
painful. The bad news is that most of what makes this
card awesome? Isn’t doing anything in a +39 deck.
You’ll have to wait for it as a lucky draw no matter
how you run it unless I missed a search effect (and you
then still have to pull, run, draw, set-up and use that
search effect). 110 damage for two is nice and should
win you the game quick, but it has to get out there
first… and the 2 Prize penalty is a factor if you are
running it in a fleshed out deck as if M Manectric-EX
goes down, you’re halfway to losing (only four Prizes to
start with in this format, not six).
M Manectric-EX may be the most competitive
Pokémon-EX we have yet received; a lot of the releases
I’ve questioned over the last few sets start to make
some sense if this is the new power-level we’ll be
dealing as they may have been counters released ahead of
time. Of course, I’d rather they not jack up the power
and pacing of the game at all and instead smooth things
out. I actually had it in sixth place on my personal
list. I’d have likely listed it higher had I better
understood how to use it, though I’m not sure if it
would have been much higher; it isn’t something you can
run in just any deck.