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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


 Sacred Ash

- Flashfire

Date Reviewed:
June 2, 2014

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Standard: 3.5
Limited: 4.0 

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Sacred Ash 

Hello and welcome to a full week of reviews, here on Pojo’s CotD. We’re kicking off with a look at a Trainer-Item which might seem a bit superfluous at the moment, but is sure to get some play somewhere down the line. 

Sacred Ash’s effect is pretty simple: you shuffle five Pokémon from your discard pile into your deck. It doesn’t say ‘up to’ five, so if you have five or more Pokémon in there, that’s how many you must put back. Most of the time it won’t matter, but it can be a bit annoying being forced to get back unwanted Pokémon and risk drawing into them. Of course, if you have less than five discarded, you can still use Sacred Ash under the ‘do as much as you can’ principle. 

At the moment, we have Super Rod in the format, which doesn’t recover as many Pokémon, but has a higher utility as it enables you to get back Energy as well. I expect most decks that use recovery will prefer Super Rod for this reason, though decks which run a lot of Stage 2 Pokémon, or want a large Bench for something like Raichu XY or Empoleon DEX could consider Sacred Ash a viable alternative. 

However, this is the time of year where we must look ahead to the September rotation. As the most recent printing of Super Rod was back in the Dragon Vault mini set, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see it go. If it does, then Sacred Ash looks set to become the standard recovery card for decks that need that kind of thing. 


Modified: 3.5 (not the most exciting card, but the game always needs something like this)

Limited: 4 (you likely won’t have many good Pokémon, so being able to get them back is always nice)

Intro to
Unlimited 150

Sacred Ash.

Unlimited 150 review.
We begin this week of reviews with another Trainer card from Flashfire, Sacred Ash. We’ve had similar cards in the past such as Night Maintenance and the new version of Super Rod that shuffle 3 Pokémon and/or Energy back into your deck whereas Sacred Ash gets 5 Pokémon instead. Picking which ones to use will depend mostly on how much you need to recycle energy, decks that reuse Energy with cards like Dynamotor Eelektrik or Fire Starter Blaziken might prefer to use Sacred Ash. One of the downsides is that it’s not “up to 5”, meaning you might be forced to return Pokémon to your deck that you don’t want to be redrawing later, such as knocked out starter Pokémon like Dunsparce and Sableye.


Rating: 3 (A good recursion card, but Night Maintenance is more flexible.)

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