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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Lucario EX
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
July 23, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.44
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
EX (Furious Fists)
Yesterday I wrote about how Furious Fists has a ton of
Fighting support, and today we take a look at the card
that seems best placed to make use of it. As you would
expect, this is getting a huge amount of hype right now.
EX comes with the big 180 HP and
attacks – something we haven’t seen for a long time,
usually on a Tyranitar. All
of them have their uses: Missile Jab is a cheap
early-game attack that does 30 and by-passes Resistance
(which may be useful against things like non-EX
Yveltal); Corkscrew Smash
does 60 for just two Energy and can also function as the
deck’s draw engine with its built-in Bianca effect
allowing you to draw until you have six cards;
Somersault Kick is the biggest thing on offer here,
though a vanilla 100-for-three may seem a little below
What you have to consider with all these attacks,
however, is that the damage can be easily ramped up in
scary ways. With Strong Energy, Fighting Stadium, and a
Muscle Band, you are adding 60+
damage per turn, and that’s without even
considering Hypnotoxic Laser
or the Machamp we saw yesterday. What does this mean?
Well, Missile Jab can take out any evolving Basic plus a
lot of Fighting-Weak stuff like
Miltank FLF. Corkscrew Punch will now draw you
cards while two-hit KOing
just about anything. Meanwhile Somersault Kick can be
made into something which will get you the magic OHKO on
the vast majority of EX Pokémon.
EX is a card that will probably justify the vast
majority of its hype. It’s not invincible:
Mewtwo EX is a serious
threat and Yveltal and
Lugia will at least force a
heavy resource investment due to their Resistance.
Nevertheless, expect Lucario
to see a massive amount of play come September, and be
prepared to deal with the huge threat it poses.
Modified: 4.75 (the new big archetype of the set)
Limited: 5 (Even better than the standard ‘1 EX + 39
Energy’ if you pull a few Strong Energy and Fighting

aroramage |
Welcome back to our preview of the upcoming Furious
Fists set! Today we're going to look at the big Fighting
Pokemon EX of the set, Lucario-EX! Chances are that with
all the Fighting-type support coming in, Lucario-EX here
will see some play, so we might as well check him out to
see what's up!
First thing of note is that, unlike most Pokemon,
Lucario-EX has 3 attacks. We've seen this sort of thing
a couple of times before, but it's always interesting to
see something like this come out of nowhere. So now we
get to look at all three of these attacks and how they
work with each other!
First is the 1-Energy Missile Jab, which only does 30
damage but isn't affected by Resistance. Now remember in
Machamp's review how I was mentioning how nice it'd be
if that damage went up to 70-90? Throw in the fact that
there's no reduction for this attack by Pokemon like
Yveltal-EX (XY), and you can imagine just how
devastating this attack can be! And that's the cheapest
Corkscrew Smash adds another Energy and deals 60 damage,
but the best part about this attack is the effect: you
get to draw until you've got 6 cards in hand. That's
non-Supporter draw on par with Delphox (XY) - and it
does damage! Again, 60 doesn't look that great, but
combining Lucario-EX with support like Machamp and the
Energy can bring this up to 100-120 damage - all for
just 2 Energy!
And then there's the vanilla Somersault Kick. Yeah I
know it's not fantastic without an effect, but 100 is
still a lot of damage, and again you're ideally adding
up more damage from support to make it 140-160 damage!
Looks like it's short of Pokemon-EX territory? Don't
forget you can tack on Muscle Band or Hypnotoxic Laser
to add even more damage! Never mind that you're going to
be quickly punching your way up into this attack with
the other two attacks, though those two combined already
dealing anywhere between 90-210 damage (the latter
number being a potential combination of attacks and
So does this make Lucario-EX a good Pokemon-EX?
Certainly! He's not exactly a lead giving the new rules
about going first, but he's able to bring a balance of
offense and support to the Fighting deck that makes it
consistent. Is he a great Pokemon-EX? We'll have to see
about it, but with the support he's got going for him,
I'm willing to bet he's going to bring about a whole new
revolution of hyper-offense to the game!
Modified: 4/5 (with little energy acceleration, the
Fighting-types aren't #1 here, but Lucario-EX likes
setting up for the big KO anyway, and given what he'll
be able to do, he's gonna bring it on home!)
Limited: 5/5 (undeniably one of - if not THE best card
to grab in this format, especially with the new support)
Arora Notealus: Funny enough, Lucario-EX doesn't have
any "aura" attacks even though he's clearly charging one
up in his regular print. His full art doesn't, from what
I've seen~
Next time: What? Lucario-EX is evolving!!

Otaku |
This week we are reviewing five cards from the
not-yet-released XY: Furious Fists. These cards
won’t be tournament legal until September 3rd, if I
counted right (August 13th release date plus 21 days),
and outside of Pre-Releases and apparently a
Charizard-EX Gift Box that went on sale in (some)
European locations, you won’t have English language
cards of it until the Pre-Releases at the earliest. I
don’t know about the other reviewers, but since I waited
until the last minute to do the review, at least now we
do know that the 2015 Modified Format will be BW:
Boundaries Crossed and later sets, plus BW Promo
BW55 and later (and of course all XY Promo series
cards). Though the 2015 season has apparently already
started (July 14th), the rotation will not happen until
September 3rd… which is the exact date that XY:
Furious Fists becomes tournament legal!
Today we look at one of the “Poster ‘mons” for the set,
Lucario-EX (XY: Furious Fists 54/111,
107/111). The Fighting Weakness and Resistance are both
frequent appearances, though the latter is relative to
the actual scarcity of Resistance; head to head
Resistance shows up a lot less than Resistance, and
unsurprisingly, the insane damage doubling of Weakness
is significantly more important than simple -20 Fighting
Resistance provides. Fighting-Type support is
established this set, making it one of the best
supported Types now; possibly the best supported.
You’ll find true, only-applies-to-Fighting-Type Pokémon
support in the form of Pokémon, Trainers, and even a
Special Energy now.
Being a Basic is still great; the pacing of the game
hasn’t slowed that much since last year (remember when
you could attack first turn and Pokémon Catcher
didn’t require a coin flip?): you just have to worry
about Pyroar (XY: Flashfire
20/106) and its Intimidating Mane.
Being a Pokémon-EX is technically all draw back if you
ignore how they tend to be allowed significantly higher
HP and (at least on the good ones) better Abilities and
or attacks; there are some beneficial card effects that
won’t work for Pokémon-EX and some negative card effects
that specifically target them. One such thing is having
180 HP, 20 higher than anything printed on a Stage 2 and
50 higher than a non-Pokémon-EX Basic. With this much,
you’ll usually be able to survive a hit.
Not always, though, and one of the exceptions will be
Weakness: Psychic Weakness allows a couple of different
cards to bring the hurt, but the two most likely to be
encountered are Mewtwo-EX and Deoxys-EX.
The latter is less scary, due to it usually being run
as just a Bench-sitter in Team Plasma decks, though most
such decks to have the capacity to power them up and
attack with them. Mewtwo-EX and its X-Ball are
the real scary ones, as they can be worked into most
decks and even if you don’t have any Energy on
Lucario-EX yet, it may be possible for a deck to
just load up Mewtwo-EX itself; four Energy
between the two of them plus a Muscle Band means
a OHKO. No Resistance is disappointing but how it is
for most cards, so its not something I count against the
card. The two Energy Retreat Cost is also fairly
standard, and while it is neither easy nor especially
difficult to pay, most decks can’t spare two Energy just
to retreat. Fortunately most decks also will be packing
something to lower or bypass said cost.
shakes things up by being the first modern card with
three attacks, and they conveniently follow a one, two,
three Energy scheme using all Fighting-Type Energy
requirements. For [F] Lucario-EX can use Missile
Jab for a quick 30 points of damage that ignores
Resistance. For [FF] it can use Corkscrew Smash for 60
points of damage (a respectable amount) plus you get to
draw until you have six cards in hand. The big attack
for [FFF] does a straight 100 points of damage.
Separately these are all solid attacks, but not
something to build a deck around; having them all on the
same card, when that card is Lucario-EX, is a
different matter.
has one other trick as well; it can Mega Evolve into
M-Lucario-EX. Like all Mega Evolutions, Evolving
ends your turn instantly. The trade off is 220 HP and
losing your three attacks in exchange for one new one
that costs [FFF]; Rising Fist scores a clean 140 points
of damage (easy enough for Fighting-Types to bump to
180) and if whatever you hit survives, you get to
discard an Energy attached to it. I doubt this will be
overly useful as Lucario-EX strikes me as being
suited for a speedy assault that won’t appreciate
skipping an attack to Mega Evolve, but if you need to
you get a solid Pokémon out of the deal, and you won’t
even need any extra Energy (unless you were relying on
just Missle Jab and/or Corkscrew Smash).
So how might this card be used? Missile Jab allows for
a speedy assault beginning whatever turn you’re first
allowed to attack; thanks to the myriad of damage
bonuses XY: Furious Fists and some older tricks
provide, it is feasible (though it does require a little
effort) to get Missile Jab into OHKO/2HKO range range.
If you can quickly power-up Corkscrew Blow, you should
easily get it into 2HKO range and possibly even OHKO.
Just remember that you’re out of luck if an N or
Red Card or similar effect messes with your hand
before you get to access your new draw, or if your hand
becomes cluttered so you just can’t draw that many
cards. With the high aggression style of play, you can
fill the deck mostly with cards you can quickly play out
and/or a few that discard to thin your hand down before
the next “fill-up”. Even without that, this could
become to Fighting-Type decks what Yveltal-EX is
to Darkness-Type… though probably not as effective (in
fact, Yveltal-EX won’t be as effective by this
point; it loses Dark Patch).
In Limited, if you pull this, you run a deck built
around it, probably with 39 non-Basic Pokémon; odds are
low that your opponent will be able to overwhelm your 80
HP before you’ve taken four Prizes, though it is a
(BCR-On): 4.5/5 - Like Seismitoad-EX this
card has a lot of potential, though its expressed a lot
differently with Lucario-EX, which would require
a specific Energy consideration to splash into off-Type
decks, and isn’t meant as disruption but for a fast
offense, possibly with bonus draw.
5/5 - Its a big, Basic Pokémon-EX with a single Energy
with three great attacks. One of the attacks even
provides draw power!
Lucario-EX is very impressive, though I don’t
expect it to be Yveltal-EX, Darkrai-EX, or
Mewtwo-EX level spectacular (referencing each of
those cards when they were introduced, not necessarily
as they are now). Three good attacks plus great HP and
Typing make for a winning combination, though not
something to arbitrarily add into just any deck. If its
second attack doesn’t prove worthwhile, I’ve probably
greatly oversold it as we’ll still have Landorus-EX
to combine with all the new support.

Chicago, IL |
How's it going everyone? Today we have one of the
most hyped cards to come out of "Furious Fists", Lucario
EX! With all the fighting type support in this set, this
card is destined to be one of the major players
throughout the next format! Speaking of which, the
modified format rotation will be Boundaries Crossed-on!
This card will definitely be one of a kind since this
card has 3 attacks, one of the very few pokemon to ever
have it!
Let's first start out with its stats. All of them are to
be expected for an EX. 180 HP so it can take a little
bit of punishment. It's weakness to psychic is going to
force some players to run counters to this card seeing
as this will be one of the most popular cards to play. A
simple solution most players are going to see to stop
this card is running 1-3 Mewtwo EX's with some Double
Colorless Energies or running Pyroar with the
Intimidating Roar ability. A 2 retreat cost isn't that
I'll go through all three of the attacks pretty quick
since they are all straight forward. The first attack,
Missle Jab, does 30 damage for one fighting and it
bypasses resistance. It's a decent attack just to get
some damage in no matter what the opposition is. The
second attack, Corkscrew Smash, does 60 damage for 2
fighting energy, and then allows you to draw until you
have 6 cards! This attack is what I think makes this
card so good. Corkscrew Smash allows you to play very
aggressive while still netting cards from your deck,
making a deck around this card so consistent. The third
attack, Somersault Kick, is a basic attack that does 100
damage for 3 fighting energy. With all the damage
increasing cards (Strong Energy, Fighting Stadium,
Muscle Band, Machamp, etc.) in the Furious Fists set,
Somersault Kick can take out most threats in one
Given all the hype going for this card, this card IMO
will change the game. Expect players to be playing
Lucario EX along side Landorus EX or Machamp FF, I know
I will be with Landorus EX. A deck focused around this
card and with all the fighting type support in this set
could prove too much for your opponent to handle if they
can't find answers to it asap.
Modified - 4.5/5 (Would give it a straight 5/5 but there
are still some threats to this card that can take care
of this card.)
Limited - 5/5 (Nothing much else I could explain, it is
completely broken here.)
Expanded - 4.5/5 (Same reasoning as the Modified