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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 New Cards of 2014
#8 - Pyroar - Flashfire
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 17, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.67
Expanded: 3.75
Limited: 4.57
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#8 Pyroar FLF
journey through the format has been a strange one. In a
time where Basic attackers absolutely dominate, a card
with an Ability that makes it invulnerable to
said Basic attackers should
be incredibly powerful, yet many players are convinced
that Pyroar decks are a poor
choice for tournament play because of fundamental
There may be some truth in that, but the fact is that
Pyroar remains a pain in the
rear end that just won’t go away. Deck building and deck
choices would be so much easier if everyone just agreed
not to play it, but that isn’t going to happen.
Pyroar decks may not be the
biggest feature in the metagame,
but they are still winning tournaments and (let’s not
forget) claimed the runner-up spot at US Nationals.
Anyone who wants to play Vrizion/Genesect,
Bronzong, or Plasma decks is
pretty much praying that they
can avoid the Pyroar match
With an adequate attack, decent support from
Blackmith (now enhanced by
VS Seeker), and an interesting tech option with
Pyroar PHF, I expect
Pyroar to stick around for
at least a while, making life awkward for those who
think it’s a bad card and therefore don’t include ways
of dealing with it in their deck. The biggest threat to
Pyroar’s playability in
future comes from the Mega Evolutions and their Spirit
Links . . . once those take hold of the game, it may be
the end of the road for the Royal Pokémon.
3.5 (not as good as we thought it might be, nor as bad
as some people say it is)
Expanded: 3 (a few more options for evolution decks
weaken its power slightly)

aroramage |
Speaking of Intimidating Mane, Pyroar's is amazing!
Not long after his premiere in Flashfire - heck, even
with the mounting anticipation from sneak previews of
the set - Pyroar started headlining his own archetype
and paved the way for a new breed of deck to take on the
Pokemon-EX! See the thing about Pyroar is that his
Intimidating Mane can just halt Basic Pokemon, which
most Pokemon-EX are (with the exception of those Megas).
So naturally, he got to see a lot of play since his
With Intimidating Mane halting those Pokemon-EX (and
with most of the Megas not seeing much play due to their
own mechanics), Pyroar pounced down on them with his
Scorching Fang, an attack only aided by support like
Blacksmith! In fact, he's probably a big reason Garbodor
(LTR) has seen a lot of play; granted, Garbodor should
see a lot of play anyway over things like Bronzong and
Virizion-EX, but Pyroar was undoubtedly the force of
nature that demanded that if you were running EX, you
ran Garbodor. A lot of the decks at Nationals ran
Garbodor as a means of countering Pyroar, and even then
Pyroar decks still showed up in the Top 8!
Pyroar's pretty tough to counter otherwise, and while
Lysandre can swap him around to grab at another more
vulnerable Pokemon, it only delays the inevitable stall
wall. Although come to think of it, maybe Target Whistle
can grab a little Litleo and have that Lysandre'd for an
easy Prize in an otherwise stalwart match-up. And once
Primal Clash comes out in English - which let's be
honest, you know you've been looking at the spoilers for
that - we're bound to see an influx of aquatic Pokemon
on the rampage, and not just Basics! Something to keep
in mind for Pyroar decks of the future!
Pyroar is going to continue leading the way for non-EX
to fight back, and with the presence of powerhouses like
Lucario-EX, Dialga-EX, and most undeniably Seismitoad-EX,
he's going to continue seeing a lot of use and a lot of
play. Expect to see decks either running Pyroar himself
or running Garbodors to counter him.
Standard: 4.5/5 (his biggest counters are Garbodor and
evolved Pokemon, only one of which is more prominent
than the other)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (even more Basic Pokemon and Pokemon-EX
means more need for Pyroars and Garbodors)
Limited: 4/5 (still powerful and has a lot of support,
but there's less Big Basics in this format; don't get
tripped up by those evolutions here)
Arora Notealus: Hopefully we'll see some of the female
variants to Pyroar showing up in the TCG too. Don't get
me wrong, the mane is the best part about Pyroar, but
it'd be cool to have a little variation in our looks,
and the female ponytail look ain't half-bad! It's only
right for the only Fire/Normal Pokemon we know of!

Otaku |
Welcome as we hit the middle of the first week of the Top 10 Cards
Of 2014 Countdown! The lists were collected and
averaged out from the CotD to create the master list for
reviewing. As with our Top 10 lists for individual
sets, reprints are excluded: without this rule cards
like Double Colorless Energy place (possibly take
it) most years. For my own list, my main guideline was
card impact. I evaluated the card according to breadth
of impact (how widespread its usage/response to its
usage was), depth of impact (how deeply it affected the
decks that used it/needed to counter it) and time of
impact (how long did it affect how we played).
Our third review this week - counting them out like that will make
more sense when towards the end it gets wonky due to
scheduling around the holidays - is of course our eighth
place finisher, Pyroar (XY: Flashfire
20/106). Intimidating Mane can be quite insane in a
format that is so dominated by Basic Pokémon usage,
enough to compensate for the shortcomings of its
Scorching Fang attack. You can read our original review
of it
So what’s its place in the format like right now? It
still sees competitive play, but its not the force it
was shortly after release, even though its actually got
a few new tricks to help it, like Pyroar (XY:
Phantom Forces 12/119) which we reviewed
or how Battle Compressor and VS Seeker
make Blacksmith easier to use.
Breadth: Pyroar is just barely able to sneak into decks outside of
its own, though I’m not sure if it really has seen
noteworthy success when it does. In a deck at least
partially built around it, its actually kind of junk
unless your opponent lacks any good, Evolved attackers
and Basic Pokémon that can attack through or around
protective effects and either doesn’t run Garbodor
(BW: Dragons Exalted
54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW:
Legendary Treasures 68/113) or at least can’t keep
Garbotoxin working long enough to easily win the game.
That sounds like a tall order, but pre-Pyroar it
was actually pretty common. Once you’re at least
forcing less efficient attackers or reliance upon
Hypnotoxic Laser, its going (try to) to slowly smack
down all your big, Basic Pokémon and take the win. What
really boosts the performance of Pyroar in this
area is that while the card itself isn’t being splashed
in everywhere, especially when Pyroar was
popular, other decks had to adjust to it. If you didn’t
have a Pyroar counter, you knew your deck was in
trouble. Note the tense: since then Pyroar seems
to have dialed back: it still has a presence, but if the
recent City Championship results are an indicator, its
not what it once was.
This is a really hard area to score; Pyroar
shifted the metagame as decks went to adjust for it, but
it wasn’t that large of a shift. First it was
“everything needs a Pyroar counter” but it turned
out that most of the Pyroar counters were either
already seeing some play (just making them a little more
important) or ended up being good for more and more
things as time went on. Though the format is still
dominated by big, Basic attackers there are enough
Evolutions in the mix that Pyroar is vulnerable
at least as often to them as due to Garbotoxin. Unless
the last chunk of City Champion results is significantly
different, Donphan (BW: Plasma Storm
72/135) is making a huge showing (the largest if you
don’t lump the various “big, Basic attacker” decks
together). So while it seemed like a serious shift
before… now even if Pyroar vanished, things would
proceed quite similarly.
Even this category is not straightforward. Pyroar
has a decent amount of time for us to feel its impact
this year - XY: Flashfire was the second
expansion released in 2014 (well, outside of Japan),
early enough to be legal for the 2014 World
Championships - but this category isn’t just
about how long its been out, but how long its been
having a noticeable impact. This is bleeding over into
the other categories a bit but while Pyroar had a
good deal of time time, it burned a lot hotter at first,
then started to flicker and now as the year closes, it
had a solid but not mindblowing showing at the City
Championships, far behind Donphan decks,
Yveltal-EX decks, and VirGen decks.
Pyroar was hot stuff at first and can still burn
you bad if you’re running the wrong deck, but by the
close of the year, its a solid deck that feels at least
a little different from typical beatdown decks because
it is more defensive in its approach… then again so is
Donphan so I guess it isn’t really that different
after all. Pyroar actually clocked in at exactly
eighth place in my own list as well, and going through
it again, that does seem pretty apt; it makes the list
but its not going to define it. The only reason it
seems a bit oddly placed for me is likely because I had
different 9th and 10th place finishers.