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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Important Cards Being Lost Set to Rotation:
Prism Energy, Blend Energy WFLM, Blend Energy GRPD
Date Reviewed:
Aug. 19 2014
& Reviews Summary
See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#4 Prism Energy, Blend Energy
WFLM, Blend Energy GRPD
We decided to throw all the rotated Special Energy into
one review, mainly so we don’t end up doing a virtual
cut and paste job for each of them (credit to Otaku for
that idea). Collectively, they made the fourth spot on
our list of rotated cards.
Special Energy which can provide all Types
of Energy has
always been a valuable resource in the Pokémon TCG,
right from the original Rainbow in the first Team Rocket
set, through the awesome Scramble and Double Rainbow,
right up to the cards we are looking at today. They are
great for deckbuilders as
they allow a more flexible approach to combining Types,
and this makes for more interesting, varied, and
effective decks.
Prism was easily the star of this group, and really
shone in the toolbox-style Plasma decks with their huge
range of attacking Pokémon (Kyurem,
Landorus . . . even
Deoxys EX when necessary).
Later on, it could be abused in
Aromatisse/Basics/Max Potion decks, as it counted
as Fairy Energy and so could be moved around at will.
The Blend Energies were more limited in what they could
provide, but WFLM did a job in Plasma decks as a
supplement to Prism; and in decks using Stage 2s such as
Garchomp DRX or
Empoleon DEX/Fighting
variants. Meanwhile, GRPD turned up in
Without these cards, toolbox decks have definitely taken
a hit (though they do still have Rainbow), and
diversifying Types becomes a little more problematic. If
Plasma decks have any traction in the
Extended format, then you can
expect these cards to find a home there.
Overall impact: 4.25
Extended: 3.75

aroramage |
Hello again, friends! Today we are in fact taking a
look at three - count em, THREE - Cards Being Lost to
Rotation!! Of course, that's because they're mostly the
same, but let's see what kind of impact the Blend
Energies and Prism Energy had on the format.
First, we'll start with the earliest, Prism Energy.
Imagine this: it's the ending of an era, and we are
about to lose Rainbow Energy to rotation again. We'd
received guys like Klinklang (BW) and Emboar (BW) to
accelerate energy and move stuff around in case we
needed a Max Potion. But without that Rainbow Energy,
things wouldn't be the same, would it? The utility, the
versatility - all in one card! Sure it gave us a damage
counter, but what's 10 damage compared to 80? 90? These
days, 140 or 150? Well, that's where Next Destinies gave
us the answer of Prism Energy.
Once Rainbow Energy rotated out, Prism Energy really
took off, although it was already pretty big with
anything running Big Basics like Reshiram (BW) and
Zekrom (BW) prior to the EX. The great thing about is
was that it could count as any kind of Energy, which
made it work for any deck that needed it! But there was
a catch; unlike the precious Rainbow Energy, this card
only counted as Rainbow as long as the Pokemon was a
Basic one.
That's right, this Energy was designed specifically to
accompany the great Pokemon-EX joining the game in this
set, though it does create a slight flaw in the plans of
those who might want to attach their Prism Energy to
Klinklang, heal the damage, and then move it back. So
now what? Well first, we'd have Darkrai-EX got
introduced, and we all know the impact he's made. Prism
Energy was putty in the hands of a Darkrai-EX/Klinklang
deck, which could move it around to any Basic Pokemon
that needed it and give them essentially free Retreat
And then Dragons Exalted came out with two new kinds of
Energy: Blend Energy GFPD and WLFM. Each provided up to
4 different kinds of Energy (but not all at once, mind
you!), Grass/Fire/Psychic/Dark and
Water/Lightning/Fighting/Metal respectively. While the
number of Energies went down, the number of possible
targets went up, as the Blend Energies could now be
attached to the likes of Hydreigon (DEX) and Klinklang
without having to convert them to neutral Energy!
Not only that, these Blend Energies also promoted more
variety; you could combine deck types that you wouldn't
think to before. Water/Lightning had massive
acceleration once Blastoise (BCR) came out, adding into
Eelektrik's (NVI) Dynamotor. Groudon-EX and Kyogre-EX
could be run together! Sableye's value just skyrocketed
as its more splashable than ever!
Now would one be able to run solely a single type,
throwing in Blend Energy and Prism Energy for those odd
techs, and be able to win consistently? Maybe, maybe
not, but these Energies are not be-all-end-all kinds of
special. Just cause, say, Reshiram can now fit in with
the Dark deck doesn't mean he makes it consistent.
Hopefully we'll see all kinds of wild and crazy
combinations in Expanded, but chances are we're going to
be seeing the same kinds of decks simply due to their
consistency. And possibly also for nostalgia.
Prism Energy and the Blend Energies changed the way we
think about stuff like Rainbow Energy. They gave a
certain value to multiple Energies that one might not
have thought of in a time where we couldn't just slap a
multi-Energy answer onto anything that needed it. It
should be no surprise either that Blend Energies came
out in the same set as the Dragons - after all, they
were flexible enough usually to pay one of the two odd
Energy types that got specified! Now the question
becomes this: in a format with Rainbow Energy available
to us, do we run these over it, or do we run these
alongside it?
Modified: N/A (don't worry, we've got Rainbow Energy
(XY) to tide us over)
Expanded: 4/5 (they have their uses, and while Rainbow
Energy is going to probably remain the popular choice,
they could all form together into a super Rainbow deck
of some kind!)
Prism Energy - 4/5 (in a set that introduced Big Basics,
this is a definite add-in to that +39 deck)
Blend Energies - 4/5 (similarly for a set that
introduced Dragons into the game)
Arora Notealus: I know Special Energies aren't notorious
for their artwork, but these guys do have really nice
artwork for Energies. Especially Prism! Just imagine a
foil version of that! That'd be pretty cool! Come to
think of it...*scours internet for a foil*
Next Time: Aren't we kinda cheating with another
two-in-one special? NOPE!!

Otaku |
Welcome readers to the fourth card cut by rotation that
we’ll miss most… except that’s not technically true.
Why? We’ll there are three cards that are so similar
that it seemed silly to divvy them up; if they all made
the final list then we’d end up with three near
identical reviews and if even one made it, it would be
difficult not to essentially review the other two
because of how similar they are. Of course as you
already know, today we are looking at Blend Energy
GRPD, Blend Energy WLFM and Prism Energy!
It also means that this isn’t really a Top 10 list, but
a Top 12… unless perhaps there is at least one more
multi-card review.
First let us get the b asics of these cards out of the
way. You can read the original review of Blend
Energy GRPD and Blend Energy WLFM
yes we combined them then as well. You can find the
original review of Prism Energy
All three are Special Energy cards that provide a
single unit of Energy, but when conditions are met
provide multiple Types of Energy (which for some can be
rather confusing). The basic rule of thumb is if the
amount of Energy matters e.g. attack costs you can only
count it once but if it is just an issue of Type such as
some older attacks that hit Pokémon of the same Type as
the attached Energy, then the multiple Energy Types all
count. All three cards can be thought of as variations
on the same principle; I jokingly suggested referring to
Prism Energy as “Blend Energy Basic” to help
justify including it in this review with the other two,
though Rainbow Energy is their TCG ancestor,
having been originally released all the way back in the
Team Rocket expansion (fifth set released if you
include Base Set 2). The two Blend Energy
just need to be attached to a Pokémon to get their
respective effect, but Prism Energy must be
attached to a Basic Pokémon in particular, which can be
significant to decks that can move Energy of a specific
Type around in play.
These three cards have been fairly important during
their tenure, though the Blend Energy have proven
a bit less important towards the end and themselves are
rarely exactly equal; as they cover different Energy
Types it is all about which Energy Types are currently
in demand, but the net result is that they are more or
less equals. Fairy Transfer and various Plasma builds
are probably hurt the most (especially the hybrid of the
two) by the loss; Fairy Transfer doesn’t care about
either Blend Energy of course, but Prism
Energy was worded in a manner that made it forwards
compatible with any new Energy Types introduced after
its release. Plasma decks, depending on the exact build
and fear of Enhanced Hammer, might go so far as
to run a full four of Blend Energy WLFM (I am
uncertain if any builds required Blend Energy GRPD),
Prism Energy and Rainbow Energy: losing
two of the three is likely to hit them especially hard.
Many decks/cards benefitted from being Blend Energy
“compliant” (having Energy costs that allowed them to
make use of two or more of the Energy Types on a
particular Blend Energy), in addition to counting
towards certain blanket effects like Dark Cloak (on
Darkrai-EX) and Verdant Wind (from Virizion-EX)
while often fueling attack requirements for a different
Energy Type. All Basic Pokémon have enjoyed their own
personal Rainbow Energy, especially as Prism
Energy was introduced during a gap in Rainbow
Energy being Modified legal.
If these had remained in the format, they would still
have remained important though not universally used.
Evolutions are a bigger presence now, so if it comes
down to running Rainbow Energy or Prism Energy,
Rainbow Energy wins even though that damage
counter it places when attached can prove problematic.
Either Blend Energy would remain niche, but when
you don’t need a Type they don’t cover and might need to
attach to an Evolution, they trump Prism Energy
and Rainbow Energy. They will see play, likely
at about their current level unless Expanded ends up
differing radically from expectations (regrettably I
still lack first or second hand information on how that
format is turning out). In the unlikely event you’re
able to use the correct packs in a Limited Event and
pull one of these, only skip them if you have absolutely
no need of them, which probably means you’re running a
deck built around a single, big Basic Pokémon with only
one Energy Type requirement other than [C]; Limited
decks rarely are mono-Typed.
(for all)
4/5 - Now that it is more and more likely your deck
needs at least one Evolution that can attack thanks to
Pyroar (XY: Flashfire 20/106) and its
Intimidating Mane, Prism Energy is really
starting to feel the restriction in its effect, so I’ll
risk scoring all three together. None are truly
“general” scores, because each has a specific use and
could be replaced by Rainbow Energy (assuming it
isn’t already being run as well), and at any one exact
moment in the metagame they’ll be different, fluctuating
by up to a quarter point one way or the other (leading
to a full half point of difference at the extremes).
Modified (BCR-On):
N/A - If they were legal, it would be the same as above,
possibly with a small (no more than a quarter-point)
bonus due to Enhanced Hammer rotating out… though
it is possible Enhanced Hammer will be reprinted,
based on Japan having gotten a recent (but still
pre-rotation) re-release.
Expanded (BW-On):
4/5 - I could be wrong as Expanded is still so new and
unknown, but unless it radically differs from
expectations, with respect to the usefulness of Blend
Energy GRPD, Blend Energy WLFM, and Prism
Energy I suspect things to be on par with NXD-On
4.99/5 - Take it unless you’re running the rare (but
still statistically significant) deck that just can’t
make use of it.
Blend Energy GRPD, Blend Energy WLFM and
Prism Energy have helped to shape the format,
though sometimes I wish they hadn’t helped certain cards
quite so much. They will be missed, but with the card
pool we have it is probably safer for them to “retire”
to Expanded.