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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mime Jr. #47/95
Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 15, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Mime Jr (Call of Legends)
Today’s card is the latest in a series of cards which
have seen no play whatsoever: the HGSS-on Baby Pokémon.
They can’t evolve, they have horrible HP, they fall
asleep after attacking and their only method of
protecting themselves is their flaky Sweet Sleeping Face
Body which prevents them from being damaged when asleep
(doesn’t protect them from being KO’d by
Crobat, damage counters, or
Status Conditions mind you).
Could Mime Jr be the card to
buck this trend? Well, it already has a semi-joke/false
hype deck built around it and the Lost World Stadium
card. The idea is to fix the opponent’s top card with
either Chatot G or
Slowking HGSS, and then use
the costless Sleepy Lost attack to send a Pokémon to the
Lost Zone. Once you have done this six times, you can
play Lost World and a winner is you.
Do we need to take this deck seriously? I don’t think
so. Despite lists running cards like
Snowpoint Temple and Expert
Belt (on a 30 HP Pokémon? Really?), it’s still an
easy KO, thanks to an HP so low that it makes Mew Prime
look like a tank. Even if it is still alive (and awake)
at the start of your turn, it can’t even be guaranteed
to do its job properly: Chatot
G and Slowking can be Power
Sprayed, and even if they
aren’t they still might fail to find a target.
I don’t even see it as an option for
Gengar Prime/Lost World
decks, which have more reliable methods of Lost Zoning,
and certainly don’t need to be giving up cheap Prizes.
Mime Jr might well have the
best attack of all the new Baby Pokémon, but it’s still
a bit rubbish. As Public
Enemy wisely said, don’t believe the hype.
Modified: 2 (Need to Lost Zone six cards before your
opponent takes six Prizes?
Then why are you using a Pokémon that gives up Prizes
for free?)
Limited: 3 (can stall, can
get lucky and Lost Zone something good)
Combos with . . .
Lost World
conical |
2/15/10: Mime, Jr.(Call of Legends)
Even now, no Baby Pokemon has seen play with the new
rules on Baby Pokemon, that in theory make them better.
That said, this is definitely one of the better ones.
Its single attack, Sleepy Lost, mills away the top card
of your opponent's deck and sends it to the Lost Zone.
Most basics do not get mill attacks, and when they do,
they generally have some sort of drawback, such as
Magmar TRI. However, Mime Jr. has no drawback to its
attack. In fact, using the attack gives it a 50% chance
of surviving, despite its meager 30 HP.
Of course, even with a few lucky flips with Mime Jr.,
you likely won't mill away anything too critical for
your opponent. But then again, there are ways to control
the top cards of your opponent's deck. Comboed with
Slowking HGSS/CL, you could check your opponent's top
cards, see what would hurt them the most, and send it to
the Lost Zone. Or, speaking of Lost Zone, how about
making it so that only Pokemon go into the Lost Zone,
then win the game instantly with Lost World? It's a
strategy best served without Dialga G Lv. X in the
format, but it's something to consider in future
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combos With: Slowking HGSS
Lost World |
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we are
reviewing one of the new Baby Pokemon in Call of
Legends, and this one saw a lot of play at my local
prerelease. Today's Card of the Day is Mime Jr.
Mime Jr. is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Psychics are
relatively common these days in Modified, with Gengar
being a strong presence as well as the omnipresence of
Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. 30 HP will not be winning any
defensive awards, but since Mime Jr. is a baby Pokemon,
this is to be expected. No Weakness is great, no
resistance is unfortunate, and no Retreat Cost is
Like all HGSS-era Baby Pokemon, Mime Jr. has the Sweet
Sleeping Face Poke-Body, and a single attack. Sweet
Sleeping Face is an evasive Poke-Body that prevents all
damage done by attacks to Mime Jr. while it is Asleep.
This can be a fairly useful stall tactic, although one
has to rely on the Asleep condition for it to be of any
real use. However, each of the Baby Pokemon's attacks
put the user to sleep, giving the Poke-Body and attack
good synergy. Sleepy Lost is Mime Jr.'s attack, and it
allows you to put the top card of your opponent's deck
into the Lost Zone for free. While removing cards of
this nature is probably not the best way to try to beat
your opponent, because so many decks run 1 or 2 copies
of support cards, there is a very good chance that you
could quite easily get rid of your opponent's Azelf,
Mesprit, or even some support SP techs like Bronzong G
or Toxicroak. It is in this way that Mime Jr. is most
effective. Mime Jr.'s attack can also be used with the
Lost World Stadium to hope that you remove Pokemon from
your opponent's deck, but Gengar Prime is generally a
much more reliable option for that sort of route. Even
still, Mime Jr. may make a decent tech in your area,
depending on what your metagame looks like. In Limited,
Mime Jr. has great stalling potential, and removing the
top card of your opponent's deck is probably a lot more
problematic for your opponent in this format, as most
Limited decks run very little search and usually only
have 1-1, 2-1, or even 2-1-1 lines of their main Pokemon,
and removing one crucial piece of an evolutionary line
can be devastating. Of course, removal of Energy and
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums is also good.
Modified: 2/5 Mime Jr. isn't bad, although it doesn't do
quite enough to warrant a deck slot in most cases. Low
HP certainly lets it down (it will be an easy bench
snipe target), but the ability to remove your opponent's
cards to the Lost Zone is very disruptive in any format.
Limited: 3/5 Free retreat, free disruptive attack, and
evasion makes Mime Jr. a decent choice here. Just look
out for bad sleep check flips and your opponent's
ability to snipe.

Otaku |
I’d love to tell you that I spent the
last few weeks really breaking in the
new set, but I don’t have the funds for
I did spend a lot of it working a
new job, so for me this set is still
mostly brand new!
So you are in for a review that
is mostly Theorymon.
Wait, don’t go!
It’s me, Otaku: it’ll either be
good, competent Theorymon or I’ll so
spectacularly misread the metagame that
this will be good for a laugh.
So today we look at
Mime Jr. from Call of Legends.
It is a Psychic Basic Pokémon,
with the Basic aspect granting a lot of
support and the Typing kicking in a
little extra.
This latest version appears to be
following the trend of other recent
“baby” Pokémon (Pokémon that Evolve into
something first released as a Basic
Pokémon), released under Wizards of the
So it has just 30 HP (horrible)
and completely empty bottom stats
resulting in the perfect Weakness
(none), the worst Resistance (none, but
that’s common), and the best Retreat
Cost (free).
This emulates the original “baby
Pokémon” released back in the Neo sets.
Those Pokémon had a text ruling
on the card that allowed you to play the
appropriate Basic Pokémon on top of them
as Evolutions, while later “baby”
Pokémon had a Poké-Power to allow
something similar.
These new “baby” Pokémon have no
such effect so unless they start
releasing the appropriate Basic Pokémon
with a built in effect allowing them to
Evolve from the appropriate cards, the
new “baby” Pokémon are pretty much on
their own.
The thing that really made the WotC era
Pokémon special was another text ruling
on them, called “The Baby Rule”, which
forced an opponent attacking such
Pokémon to flip a coin, and if they got
“Tails” that player’s turn ended without
an actual attack.
This new crop instead has a Poké-Body
that prevents all damage done to that
Pokémon (Mime
Jr. in this case) from being damaged
by attacks while it is Asleep.
This is coupled with an attack
that inflicts Sleep on the “baby”
Pokémon in question.
Lost requires no Energy and lets
you put the top card of your opponent’s
deck into the Lost Zone before putting
Mime Jr. down for a nap.
Unfortunately for
Mime Jr. I am not seeing a really
good use for it right now.
Decks built around
Lost World are apt to focus on more
reliable techniques, even if said
techniques require a higher Stage
Pokémon (and thus more slots).
Mime Jr. could theoretically work
Lost World with minimal support,
you’re placing your fate in the hands of
your opponent’s top decks (to hit
Pokémon) and a coin toss to keep
Mime Jr. alive.
In both cases, you must hope your
opponent doesn’t have anything to mess
with your strategy.
Cards that specialize in
top-decking aren’t staples, but cards
that can force your opponent to shed
Special Conditions are a bit more
common, even if it is simply using
Warp Point to change out Active
Plus the protection from the Poké-Body
only affects damage done by attacks.
Poké-Bodies and Poké-Powers are
completely unhindered, and attacks with
useful effects will still get through.
Unlike the Neo “baby” Pokémon,
you can’t sabotage your opponent’s
attempts at setting up with attacks,
plus things like damage counter
placement and inflicting Special
Conditions through attacks should
quickly take
Mime Jr. down if present in the
So it was a nice idea, but like all the
new “baby” Pokémon I can think of,
Mime Jr. is just too vulnerable to
stand alone (or even in a deck built
around it).
If you want to run it, I guess
its set mate (Slowking)
whose Poké-Power allows you to look at
and re-arrange the top three cards of
either player’s deck (your choice) once
per turn.
Back it up with
Vileplume from Undaunted to block
Trainers and of course
Lost World and you’ll have an
interesting deck, but probably not a
very potent one.
In Limited play, it’s a solid pick if
you can handle trusting “luck”.
If you are fortunate, you can
hide behind the Poké-Body or remove some
nice cards from your opponent’s deck; if
you are really lucky, you’ll do both!
Without any Energy invested.
It also helps that this set has
Lost World and
Slowking in it.
It is unlikely you’ll get both,
and but getting either is huge and turns
this into a must-run combo card still
useful on its own.