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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dodrio #11/90
HS Undaunted
Date Reviewed:
August 30, 2010
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Dodrio (Unleashed)
Hello, and welcome to a new week of Pojo’s CotD. This
week, we are looking at some more Undaunted rares.
First up is Dodrio . . . a card that can do infinite
damage and take out the tankiest (not a real word) of
Pokémon in a single hit! Yeah, you bet there’s a catch,
but we’ll come to that later.
For now, let’s look at Dodrio’s stats. It has 80 hp,
which is not impressive for a Stage 1, a Weakness to
Lightning, which is close to catastrophic in this Luxray-dominated
format, a handy Resistance to Fighting, and a Retreat
cost of one which is a bit excessive for a fast Bird
Pokémon in my opinion.
The main reason to take a look at this card is the
PokeBody, Retreat Aid. As long as Dodrio is on the
Bench it reduces the Retreat cost for your active
Pokémon by [C][C]. Obviously, this can be very useful,
effectively turning most playable Pokémon into free
retreaters and helping you to keep your Energy in play
while still being able to switch attackers and return
dragged out Pokémon to the Bench. What’s more, the Body
stacks, so if you have two Dodrio in play, you reduce
the Retreat cost by four! In theory, this would make
something like Heatran LV X more playable as you are no
longer relying on Level Max or switching Trainers to get
it back to the Bench after levelling up. In practice,
though, we are looking at more set up than is currently
viable in the format.
I can see Dodrio actually being tried with certain
cards. Trainer lock decks featuring Spiritomb AR and
Vileplume UD look like they will be popular and Dodrio
would be useful for those times where you can’t play
Switch or Warp Point on your high Retreat Pokemon. It
may even be a good play with Vileplume itself as a
counter to strategies which look to drag Vileplume
active and snipe the Bench. It can also combo with
Smeargle UD, allowing you to use its Portrait Power and
then Retreat for an attacker without wasting an Energy.
Oh yeah, there’s also that attack. Incessant Peck costs
[C][C] and does 20 damage. Then you flip a coin until
you get tails and do another 20 for each heads. With
some ridiculous luck, you could pull off a stunning KO
for the cost of a single Double Colourless Energy! It’s
not an attack you should ever be relying on (obviously),
but if you’re desperate . . .
Modified: 2.5 (some tech potential, but the Weakness
hurts and Dialga G LV X shuts it down completely)
Limited: 3.5 (keep retreating to deny your opponents
Prizes! It’s a great strategy in Limited)
Combos with . . .
Smeargle UD
Any high Retreat Pokémon that you don’t want active
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is a Colorless Pokemon from Undaunted that may be some
play as a bench-sitting support Pokemon. Today's Card of
the Day is Dodrio.
Dodrio is a Stage 1 Colorless Pokemon. This is good for
it because this means it can fit into many different
types of decks, regardless of energy requirements. 80 HP
is decent for a Stage 1, but it could have afforded to
be a bit higher. Weakness to Lightning is terrible with
the prevalence of Luxray, Resistance to Fighting is nice
for Donphan and Machamp, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
decent, even though it could have probably just been
Dodrio has a very useful Poke-Body and a single attack.
The Body, Retreat Aid, decreases your Active Pokemon's
Retreat Cost by 2 as long as Dodrio is sitting on the
Bench. This is super useful in any deck that has many
Pokemon with high retreat costs, or in decks that switch
around often. Dodrio will end up being especially useful
in Gengar variants that use Shadow Skip and Spiritomb,
as Dodrio will allow them to continue where Moonlight
Stadium left off when it rotates out.
The attack, Incessant Peck, has you flip a coin until
you get tails and does 20 damage plus 20 more damage for
each heads for [CC]. Has high damage potential, but most
of the time the attack will be unreliable, so it won't
be worth using. However, it is nice to note that the
attack does 20 damage to begin with, so even if you are
unlucky with flipping, it will still at least do
Modified: 2.75/5 Not for every deck, but most decks will
greatly benefit from having reduced Retreat Costs if
they have the bench space, even if your Retreat Costs
aren't very high to begin with. Definitely a support
Pokemon to try out.
Limited: 3/5 Colorless energy requirements, good body,
and decent attack make Dodrio quite useful here. Just
look out for Raichu Prime and Jolteon.
Combos with: Gengar AR (Shadow Skip)

Otaku |
HS – Undaunted 11/90 Rare
1 (Evolves from Doduo)
Lightning x 2
Fighting -20
Retreat Cost:
Retreat Aid
As long as Dodrio
is on your Bench, your Active Pokémon’s Retreat Cost is
(CC) less.
(CC) Incessant Peck [20+]
Flip a coin until you get tails.
This attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage
for each heads.
So the new Dodrio
is of course a Colorless Pokémon Stage 1 Pokémon.
With just 80 HP, Lightning Weakness, and a
Retreat Cost of one, it is in trouble: the Fighting
Resistance is nice but won’t offset such poor stats on a
Pokémon that can’t further Evolve.
The Poké-Body is a flashback to the original
Dodrio but
with modern wording/terminology.
While it can technically help in any deck where
the Pokémon lack a free Retreat Cost, it won’t be much
help unless the lowered (preferably eliminated) Retreat
Cost feeds into some sort of combo.
It is also important to note that it will not
work on itself!
It is worded so
Dodrio only
lowers the Retreat Cost of Pokémon while it is on the
The attack is alright since you can drop a
Double Colorless
Energy to power it up in a single turn.
You always have the chance to KO whatever you
Realistically, you’ll do a mere 20 points of damage half
the time.
On the flip side (pardon the pun) you’ll also do at
least 40 damage half the time, with no upper limit (just
diminishing odds).
You don’t want to rely on this attack, but
I can’t see much of a use for it in Modified, but I get
the feeling I am just missing its dance partners.
Simply put, anything that has an attack that
shifts it to the Bench or that has a Poké-Power that can
be abused by Retreating (and it doesn’t already have a
zero energy Retreat Cost) can make use of this card.
In Limited play, it becomes a good pick.
Obviously it can work into any deck, and
retreating to deny Prizes is a sound tactic.
Plus, the weaker attacks and slower pace will
give Incessant Peck a chance to “hit it big”.
Combos With:
I got nothing.
I am still selling quite a bit of my stuff on eBay.
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the years, so at various
times I’ll have comic books, manga, action figures, and
video games on the auction block. You can take a
look at what’s up for bids
here. I usually add new stuff on Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Just a reminder, Pojo is in no way
responsible for this and was merely kind enough to let
me mention the auctions here. ;)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Dodrio (HS Undaunted)
This is close to being a reprint of the Jungle version.
It probably won't see as much play though.
Dodrio is colourless with 80 HP (Garchomp says
"HEADSHOT"), lightning weakness (Luxray says "Ninja!"),
fighting resistance and a retreat cost of 1. The HP is
too low for a non-evolving Stage 1, and the retreat cost
is counter-productive when you consider the power, which
I will now discuss.
The attack is Incessant Peck, and is really quite nice
for a tech. The cost of CC will get you 20 base damage
while letting you flip-until-tails, dealing 20 bonus
damage for each heads. Ghosts will annoy you when you
can't hurt them, but otherwise it is good to know that
if you get into the kind of trouble where your tech has
to do the fighting, there is a slight chance you may
actually save yourself with a lucky KO (provided you
keep a DCE in reserve).
Now the pokebody. Retreat Aid does the exact same thing
as the original, lowering the retreat cost of your
active Pokemon by 2 provided Dodrio is on your Bench.
Sadly, this is nowhere near as useful as it used to be,
thanks to Luxray GL and Dialga G shutting down the
power and the heavy snipers we know and love in the
current metagame (Blastoise, Gengar, Garchomp, K&G
Legend, you get the picture). Also, we have a much
better option available in Flygon RR, since it gives
free retreat with better stats, useful attacks and a
decent Lv X upgrade option for the really lucky
*************** who manage to get one out of a booster.
The saving grace of Dodrio is that it will lower the
retreat costs of other colourless Pokemon, the one thing
Flygon doesn't do. A slight technicality means that
Dordrio is also better as a counter to your opponent if
they use attacks that raise the retreat cost of your
Pokemon. Flygon would give free retreat, then you add on
the extra cost caused by the opponent, while Dodrio
would simply cancel the effect out. Admittedly, neither
of these little boosts will save Dodrio, because there
are very few colourless Pokemon in use that don't
already have free retreat (or some way of easily
switching out like Poketurn) and noone at tournamnet
level settles for increasing the retreat cost,
preferring to KO you outright, drag the offending
Pokemon back to the active slot or just snipe away.
Dodrio might be a better choice when Flygon gets rotated
out or if a ridiculously powerful colourless attacker
gets printed, but until then the 3-headed chicken stays
in the binder with its Jungle cousin.
Modified: 2 (too easily shut down, and
heavily overshadowed by Flygon)
Limited: 4 (gives you lots of room to mess around, and
the above problems aren't present in Limited)
Combos with: nostalgia, or a time machine to go back to
Jungle set where this card would have been completely