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Episode 9: The Search Begins

Episode 9: The Search Begins
Now that Yusuke's had a little while to rest, it's back to work for the Spirit Detective!
His next mission is to participate in the Genkai Tournament.  The old psychic Genkai wishes to pass her powers to a pupil, and the demon Rando is interested.  Yusuke must defeat Rando and get Genkai's powers.  He, and a hundred other hopefuls show up.  Kuwabara oddly enough, is there as well. He is sensitive to spirit energy, after all.
Genkai greets them all, and announces the first test: Pick an envelope from an urn.  If it's red, go inside.  If it's white, go home.  As it turns out, your spirit energy will make the paper red for you.  Of course, this makes some fighters angry, though Genkai deals with them pretty effectively.
Inside is a variety of games that test your Spirit Energy.  The candidates are a little confused, but try it anyway.  Afterwards, they meet in the woods, where they have to get through in the shortest possible time. 
Kuwabara, amazingly, is the first to arrive.  The others show up, and wait for Yusuke, whose facing a bat demon.  He easily defeats him, and finished over his time limit.  Genkai is impressed Yusuke could defeat the bat demon, and makes an exception. 
Now comes the real part of the Tournament.  Genkai matches everyone up, and they prepare to enter the fighting ring.
- Gecko


Without Victory, there is no survival...


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