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Killer Deck Reports - May 2001

Jose Esquerra 
Mesa, AZ 
May 19, 2001 
26 Participants 
15+ age group 

This was my second trip going to a Qualifier, but the firsttime that I 
actually had a chance and new what to expect. My first time at theQT last 
year I won my flight but wasn’t aware about the point system. This timeI 
didn’t want to leave anything to chance with points. Well here is my 
reportabout the day’s events. We, meaning my team (Team Nomekop Type R) 
arrivedaround 8:30 on Saturday morning and awaited for registration to begin. 
After mybrother, cousin, and Daniel signed up for the 11-14 group me and Rigo 
waited tosign ups for 15+ to begin. Around 10:45 they announced sign ups. 
After signingup we went to see how the rest of the team was doing. All three 
where 2-0 andlooking good right as we started our tourney. It was 5 round 
Swiss style withthe top 8 moving to a single elimination round. Well here 
goes my deck and howI did. 


4 x Rocket’s Zapdos 
4 x Electabuzz 
1 x Scyther 

4 x Bill 
4 x Mary 
4 x Erika 
4 x Imposter Oak’s Revenge 
4 x Rocket’s Sneak Attack 
4 x The Rocket’s Trap 
4 x Plus Power 
3 x Cpu Search 
3 x Item Finder 
3 x Gold Berry 
2 x Professor Oak 
8 x Electric 
4 x Steel 

Round 1 
ElectroTrap vs Rigo ( my teammate ) 

This was the worst thing that could happen to us. Round 1 vseach other. Well 
Rigo was playing a Clefable/Hitmonchan/Chansey deck. He wentfirst and played 
2 Oaks and loaded his bench knowing what was coming next. Itrapped on my turn 
and attacked. He retreated and eeeeeeeked with Cleffa, Wentagain and knocked 
out cleffa. He went again and passed. On my turn I stilldidn’t pull another 
basic and attacked with Buzz. Rigo drew and smiled. He hadpulled a DCE and 
attached to Chansey and double edged for the game. This wasbad now it looked 
bad for me. I questioned myself about Playing this deck butoh well we’ll see 
what happens. 
0-1 0 points 

Round 2 
ElectroTrap vs G’s Machamp/gligar deck 

This time I went first and the trap was successful. He had alone Gligar to my 
Rocket’s Zapdos. I thought first turn kill with 2 plus powerin my hand. I 
searched and saw that one was in my prizes. I decided that Iwould wait a 
turn. To my luck he drew a G’s Machop. I took out the Gligar with2 plus power 
and ended my turn. He brought up his Machop and passed. I drew,played a steel 
w/gold berry and electoburned for the win. 
1-1 3 points 

Between rounds: I went to see how the rest of the team wasdoing and found out 
that Daniel was 4-0 and was on his way to winning hisfifth. I was excited 
about the chance to get to go to New Jersey for the STS ifDaniel won. 

Round 3 
ElectoTrap vs Slowking/Sneasel 

I also went first and got the trap going. He had a loneSneasel to my Rocket’s 
Zapdos. I thought to my self this could be game. Iplasma and then the worst 
that could happen to a Trap happened. He drew a billand drew a lass and an 
OAK! Noooooooo! I couldn’t believe the luck. He filledup his bench, played 
about 15 trainers and brought up a Cleffa. I managed tokill the Cleffa next 
turn and that’s when I heard that Daniel was playing hisfinal match to see if 
he would win the trip. I got a little anxious and wantedto go see his match 
so I conceded since I only had another Basic. And besidesthat I had already 
lost. I my mind I thought that only the players that wentundefeated would 
make it to that final 8. I would later find out how wrong Iwas. 

Between Rounds: I ran to see Daniel when I saw him puttinghis cards away. I 
asked him, “ Are we going to New Jersey” and he said I lostman. I couldn’t 
believe, I gave my match away and now wasn’t sure about thetrip. I couldn’t 
believe it. Now we would have to wait till the final standingswere up. 

Round 4 
ElectroTrap vs Psychic deck 

Once again I trapped him on my first turn. He had a abra onthe bench with an 
active. I played 3 plus power and took out the Gastly. Hedrew an energy and 
psyshocked. I played a gold berry and plasma. He played apotion and paralyzed 
me. I passed and he Psyshocked with no success. I drew,Steel energy and 
played it, electorburn for 60 took my 10, Gold berry went intoeffect and that 
was game. Rocket’s Zapdos with no damage. 

Between Rounds: I went to see what was up with Daniel. Theyannounced top 2. 
There was a tie for second and there was going to be a playoff.He called the 
names and Daniel wasn’t called. Daniel ran to the head judge tosee what had 
happened. The judge told him that since one of his victories wason time he 
only got particle points. He missed out by one point. We couldbelieve it. 
Around the same time they called the 15+ to go to play there fifthround. 

Round 5 
ElectroTrap vs Slowking/Sneasel deck 

When I was setting up I heard a kid saying “ some crazy kidis actually 
playing a trap deck” I heard him and called him over and asked himwhy he said 
that. He replied that with all the Cleffa’s running around that wascrazy. I 
told him to stick around and see my deck. I went first and trapped toa lone 
Cleffa. The kid(the one that was watching) laughed at me. I drew playeda plus 
power and rolled my dice. A 6 heads. That was game. I laughed in hisface and 
said “ I guess some are better than others.” 
3-2 9 points 

Well to my surprise I was called to the top 8. I was shockedthat going 3-2 I 
was in the final 8 which was a weird set up. To advance Iwould have to win 
and 2 other higher ranked players would have to lose since Iwas the 8th 
ranked player. I asked the judge how I made it and hetold me many ended up 
with a 3-2 record but since my loses were to the onlyplayers that were 
undefeated, I had a better op% rating. 

Round 6 
ElectrTrap vs Rocket’s Zapdos/Chansey(steel) 

This match was for 5th place and to see if Iwould advance to final 4. I 
went 2nd but still managed to getthe trap off. But in doing so I cycled 
through my deck fast. I started againsta Chansey and a Buzz. I started 
attacking his chansey to work up my Zapdos. 3turns later I trpped again, Gust 
his buzz and electroburned with a plus since Ihad a steel on Zapdos. He drew 
a Zapdos and scrunched. I gust his Zapdos andtook an other prize. Then 
everything changed. He drew a gust and gusted myElectabuzz with no energy. I 
looked at my deck and saw 4 cards left I passedthen he passed. I passed again 
as well as him. With my last card , I drew andsaw it was an energy. Played it 
and mary so that I could put 2 cards back intothe deck. As I was doing that I 
saw that I had a Steel in my hand. Ithundershocked and he drew another Buzz. 
I played the Steel, retreated andbrought out Zapdos powered up. Played Item 
Finder for gust and Brought out buzzand Koed him. He scrunched with cahnsey 
but no luck on the flip. Ielectroburned drawing my last card for the win. My 
opponent was shocked I hadpulled off the victory. He just sat there for about 
half an hour after I walkedaway. I kind of felt bad for him. 
4-2 12 points 

I went to see the other matches and saw that the people Ineeded to lose won. 
Oh well 5th at the STS QT isn’t bad at all. Idecided to see who was in the 
final and saw that it was Rigo, my teammate andthat other guy I conceded to. 
Team Nomekop Type R was in the finals. I wentover to see some of the other 
matches and saw Tyais from pokegym. I played himand won with my 
sneasel/Slowking deck and received a gold bordered Meowth. Ialso battle Chad 
Mills (Ranked 3rd in my state) and defeated himalso. I went back and saw how 
rigo was doing and saw that he won second Place.And Got a Neo Genesis booster 
box. Sweet. He gave me 12 boosters for finishing5th. 

Rigo for finishing 2nd (15+) 
Daniel for finishing 4th (11-14) 
Edgar for finishing 10th (11-14) 
Noel for staying home and winning the local tourney andbeating Josue 
Tyais for giving me the Meowth 
Hugo for doing good 
PikaBruce for giving our team half a booster box 

Booster box for only 8 good rares 
The guy talking smack 
The kick who cost Daniel and me the trip to the STS bycrying 
Josue for losing and talking smack about him winning 
Rigo for losing his wallet 

I hope you enjoyed reading this and getting ideas for your owndecks. For help 
or comments about decks feel free to e-mail me. 


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