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Killer Deck Reports - May 2001


Sneaking Lock
Daniel Stringham
STS Qualifier Utah, University of Utah
May 12, 01(Saturday)
57 participants (14 and under division)

This was my first DCI tourney and my friend and me had high hopes. I have been playing for around 2 years now and had missed the last years Qualifier so I was really looking forward to this. My friends from NHC(or Nethead Cards) where all there but the store had closed last month, we started a new team Team NHC so if you see us on message boards that’s us. But before we start I would Like to thank my firend Tareq he spent over a mouth working on this deck I did change it some but, he must take all the credit for this deck. 

Sneaking Lock:

17 Pokemon

4 Slowpoke
4 Slowking
3 Sneasel
2 Cleffa
2 Chansy
2 Ditto

28 Trainers 

4 Oak
4 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Gold Berry
3 ER
2 Gust
2 Lass
2 Sprout Tower

15 Energy 

4 Dark
4 Recycle
3 Rainbow

The deck is pretty simple you get Sneasel out and start the Beat Down then Slowking shuts down the game as well the engry denial factor comes in as well. With support like Chansy for stalling or Ditto with is ability to attack with in seconds with the power of DCE. Cleffa well it just helps an time.

The tourney is a series of Swiss style play for 6 rounds then you go to the playoffs. Scoring goes as follows a win is 3 points a lose is 1 and ties well be checked by judge’s and they will award the right amount of points.

Round 1
Zach-with a Brocks Ninetalis Deck 
This kid had not played a lot of games. 
All I had at first was a slowpoke the hardest thing to over come in this deck. As usual he goes first plays a energy and passes. I play a Rainbow energy and water gun. He plays a energy and passes I get a Oak and Oak yes I got a Sneasel I play it and water gun he playes an energy and attacks for 20 Damge. I play a Recycle on Sneasel and water gun he evolves in to Blain’s Arcaine and kills me. I send up Sneseal and draw a slowpoke, So I attack getting only one heads he plays on the bench and attacks for 30. I draw and then attack for 2 heads. He lays an energy and attacks and kills me.
After I soon get a Sneasel with 2 Dark and get a Slowking on the bench it’s over after awhile.
I Win he takes 3 prizes and I took 6
I have 3 points 1/0
I was playing with white cases but you can see throw them and I am playing with Japanese cards so I had to change to Blue.

Round 2
???- with a Haymaker
I start a quick beat down with ditto and a DCE. I drop 2 Electrbuzz and get out slowking soon Sneasel is paving the way to victroy. Anther quick win.
I Win he takes 0 prizes and I took 6
I have 6 points 2/0

Round 3 
???- with a Wiggly Sneasel
Same story I got out Slowking and shut down all trainer’s. Soon after Sneasel is destroying what is left.
I Win he takes 1 prize and I took 6
I have 9 points 3/0

Round 4
???- with a Dark Rachiu
I had a Slowpoke out this is bad, but here comes anther slowpoke and Slowking. Soon after Sneasel is destroying him like no other.
I Win he takes 1 prizes and I took 4
I have 12 points 4/0

At this point I am ranked 3rd and my friend is 4th. There is only 4 undefeated people. 

Round 5 
Jacob-with a well Sneasel
First turn I have a ditto and he has a Sneasel. I go first I Oak play DCE and Oak play bench and Oak I Computer Search and play bench and Oak I bench some more and Beat Up. I don’t get the three talis but he draws no basic and I RSA his hand away there is nothing left for him to do my turn he dies and I Win.
I Win he takes 0 prizes I take 1 prizes.
I have 15 points 5/0

Round 6
Tyler- with nearly same deck(member of NHC)
You see him and me are 1st and 2nd so we think we may draw, but we decide to just play. As usual I get a quick Slowking and Sneasel and it’s a quick kill.
I Win he takes 2 prizes I take 6 prizes.
I have 18 points 6/0

The tourney is over I took first we sit around well they hand out prizes for the top 9-16 players. Now the top 8 play for the trips to New Jersey.

Now they real1y check your deck they check cases and all cards.

Round 7
Some kid as round 4
He only has 59 cards in his deck so he is kicked out for that.
There is only 4 kids left.

Round 8 
Some girl with a Promo Mewtwo deck
Sneasel with a quick beat down.
I win 
There is just me and my friend Kel
We figure we both got the trips an way so we draw 

Daniel Stringham and Kel Smith Co Champions of Utah 

This is great we won where going to New Jersey well see all of you there,

Thanks to Tareq and Sami Falah for judging and letting us barrow some cards.

To all the people I beat you all did good
my friends dad for taking us 
my dad for picking us up
and all the other people that I can’t remember

Slops to the kid that stool all of Kel’s cards I mean come on
Also sorry for the long report.

Thanks for reading see you at the ECSTS 

Daniel Stringham

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